Monday, July 14, 2014


Last night I finished another fabulous book by Dave and Neta Jackson. I have absolutely LOVED Neta's Yada Yada Prayer group books and this was yet another spinoff story about a homeless woman, 80 years old and what led her to the streets. I've always tried not to judge people for being homeless and it really irks me when others do and say stupid things like, "just get a job". You have NO IDEA what some of these people's stories are or what they are dealing with. Lucy's story, while fictional, was heartbreaking but I've no doubt true for some out there. If you have not read the Yada Yada books, the spinoff House of Hope series or Lucy Come Home, you are missing out on some huge lessons and blessings!

So now I just finished the intro and first chapter of Stormie Omartian's "The Power of Praying for Your Adult Children" and let me just say--wow! It is so hard sometimes for me to wrap my mind around the fact that God loves my kids even more than I do and it's even harder for me to completely trust Him with them (confession there). But I can only do so much. He has to meet me where my efforts fail and I know He will. Not only do we need to pray for our children's health and well-being, spiritually, physically, emotionally, mentally, etc. But what struck me today is that we need to pray that the Holy Spirit be poured out on our adult children. "We must recognize that already a spirit is being poured out on them right now--a spirit of darkness, death, perversion, lies, destruction, evil--and only an outpouring of the Holy Spirit can negate that in their lives before it harms or destroys them. Only an outpouring of the Holy Spirit can connect them to the power of God." I stand daily on God's promise to reap a harvest from the seeds planted in them when they were little and to redeem areas where I (or their father) have made mistakes in raising them. I have to claim this!

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