Monday, July 7, 2014

July blog challenge Day 2

If I could offer a newborn child one piece of advice what would it be.

Always remember that your parents love you. They may make mistakes. They won't always do everything perfectly. But nothing else in this world measures up to their love for you. They will always be in your corner. They will always have your back. They'll get stressed out. Cut them a little slack because believe me, they're gonna end up cutting you a LOT of slack! Cherish whatever time you can get with them. Don't be so demanding. Listen to them. They are wise even if it doesn't feel like they are. Enjoy your time with them because one day you will be grown up, they'll grow old and one day wont be there for you and you will wish you had it all back. They will wish they had it all back, too. So gently remind them not to rush the good stuff! Tell them not to always be looking forward to the next thing in your life but to stop before they miss the last things.

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