Tuesday, July 22, 2014

July blog challenge Day 20

Write about the worst and/or best date you ever had.

I have to write about the worst because I was married for 21 years until I screwed it up so we had many "best" dates, including a cruise! We have managed to remain friends and have even been on some great friend dates since our divorce. But this is just one of those times I couldn't pick out a "best".

So let's go with the worst!

Oh how I LOATHE dating! Most women are demanding, I get that. So I try not to be and in truth, I really AM low maintenance. So I feel justified in making this generalization about men: Most are pigs. Some are big vietnamese pot-bellied pigs, some are piglets. I actually can deal with pigs. I love bacon.

What I cannot deal with, however, are the ones who are TOTALLY clueless.

I met a guy on the popular dating website, plentyoffish.com. I could tell he was a few extra pounds but overall, he looked attractive and that's not what's most important to me anyway (don't get me wrong, I appreciate a nice-looking man as much as the next woman!).

He also seemed nice enough in his messages and so I agreed to meet him for coffee. The date was set for a few days from the time we chatted and I already knew I'd made a mistake when he started pressuring me to meet him sooner. When I explained that I couldn't because I had other obligations, he then starting sending the ever-so-seductive "please don't back out" messages. Desperate much?

So I arrived at Starbucks, spotted him and sat down. He immediately started talking and DID NOT SHUT UP FOR THE NEXT TWO HOURS! He did not even offer to buy me a cup of coffee. He even made a point to tell me about how he had been out on other "first meetings" he called them, and how these "crazy" women expected him to pay for their dinner! How dare them.

The few questions he did ask me about myself, I barely got to answer before he started explaining how "wrong" I was (my church and my allegiance to the Crimson Tide).

And then he tells me he just doesn't understand why he doesn't get any second dates!

I explained I had to go visit my mom and as soon as I got back to my car, I already had an email from him wanting to know if we could try a "date". I politely declined explaining that my church and my football team were very important to me (and they are) and I just couldn't see myself in a relationship with anyone that I couldn't share those two things with.

I believe in being truthful but I don't believe in being mean and I could not think of a nice way to tell him that he was a douchebag!

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