Wednesday, July 16, 2014

July blog challenge Day 15

Last good deeds.

The last good deed I did for someone else is relatively small. I donated what was left on my starbucks giftcard to the person behind me in the drive thru.  I try to do good deeds all the time and I prefer the ones where no one knows it was me. Sometimes it's unavoidable like when I let someone I had just met but was homeless come stay with us for awhile. I know most people thought I was probably crazy for doing that.  But I couldn't deny that the Holy Spirit was leading me to do it. And it worked out well. She now has her own place and is doing great. I can't imagine what might have happened to her if I had not been obedient and I would have felt awful.

The last good deed someone did for me was a good friend GAVE, not lent, me money to pay a bill that I had NO IDEA how I would pay. I was very grateful and try to pay it forward as often as I can.

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