Sunday, July 13, 2014

July blog challenge Day 10

Write about someone who inspires you:

I had to postpone this writing assignment because I couldn't think of just ONE person that inspires me the MOST. I'm inspired by many people for different reasons.

My mom because she is the very first strong woman I ever met and taught me a lot about independence.

My dad because he raised a child he didn't have to and taught me a lot about sacrificial love.

My Maw Maw who has passed on because she was so humble and giving.

My friend, Dede for sharing her wisdom.

My friend, Rhonda for lighting fire under my butt to work out.

My friends Donna, Teresa and Shay for being wonderful examples of Christian women who have prayed for me endlessly.

My children for inspiring me to want to make our lives the best it can be.

My Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, for without His work on the cross AND our relationship, I would be nowhere.

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