Birthmarks, scars, tattoos and piercings
Only my ears are pierced right now. But they are both double pierced. They used to be triple pierced but I let the third ones grow up a long time ago. One day I hope to have flat enough abs to get a belly button ring but I don't want anything else pierced. My sister has scars on her eyebrows from piercing those and everything else just looks gross to me.
I have one tattoo. I supposed you could count them as three. But they are all close together in the same place. I got it in 1999 for my three kids. There is a baseball in the middle for Dylan. On one side there is a ladybug for Kaytibug and on the other side there is a bumblebee for my Brookabee. I love it and have not once ever regretted it. I do need to get the colors touched up. I have contemplated getting more but my body will never be used as a canvas for art. Again, moderation.
I have three birthmarks. One is a "beauty mark" on my face, the other is a brown spot on my inner left knee and the other is a small patch on my back that is lighter pigmentation than the rest of my skin. I also have a mole under my right breast that when I was a baby my mom thought was a third nipple! lol
I have lots of scars. I have a scar from my tubal ligation, four tiny scars from gall bladder surgery, two scars on my right knee and three on the left all from knee surgeries, I have a wasp sting scar on my right hand, a scar from a tiny cut on the right hand, a burn mark scar on the right wrist and another scar from a tiny cut on the left wrist.
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