Wednesday, October 9, 2013

The Single Woman's 30 Day Blog Challenge--Day 2

Describe a moment or a day when being single really sucked.

I can only pick just one? Haha

Most moments I am pretty happy. But having been married and had the joy of three kids living at home at one point in my life, the last few years have definitely been years of multiple adjustments. I've had to adjust to not only the divorce, living on my own and all the challenges that brings but my oldest child and only son graduated high school and moved off to college as well. I had to move a lot during the first year and all the getting adjusted kind of kept my busy and my mind off the realization that "I am now single", even though I did date and do single woman things.

So I guess it first hit me the first New Year's Eve 2011 when my ex picked up the kids and I was all alone in my new apartment. I had no car at the time and all my other friends had plans so I tried to make the best of it. But I have never felt more alone in my life than I did at that moment. What did I do? In my infinite wisdom (not!) I called an old boyfriend. That turned out to be a HUGE mistake! lol

I have since learned to try and embrace being alone. My TO DO list seems to be never ending and that's a good thing for me because it isn't just filled with the "have to's" it also has some craft projects, books I want to read, the bucket list, improvements and decorating ideas for the apartment, goals and dreams, etc. etc. 

More and more lately, I've turned to God's Word for comfort. In fact, the topic in my DivorceCare group this week was 'Loneliness' and we read about when Jesus was betrayed by Judas, denied by Peter and ultimately God the Father turned His back on His own Son in order to save the world. As a Christian, I knew these things. But I'd never thought about them in the context of how lonely Jesus must have felt during that time. Wow! To realize that my Savior knows and understands what I'm going through is such a great comfort to me.


  1. Sorry to hear about the divorce. Hang in there. Great things are ahead of you. God bless you.
