Sunday, October 20, 2013

The Single Woman's 30 Day Blog Challenge Day 11

My worst/funniest/most embarrassing date.

I didn't date much in High School. I was SO in love with my ex husband. My lack of dating/experience ultimately is what led to some major issues in our marriage and our eventual divorce. So for the last three years, I felt I had a lot of time to make up for and whether or not that was a mistake is still something I'm debating within my own head and heart.

Nonetheless, it happened and oh the stories I can tell! But I definitely have to say my worst "date" was earlier this year when I met someone from the plenty of fish website at a local coffee shop. I have to put the word "date" in quotes because apparently what constitutes a "date" is a matter of opinion. He even told me as much after we arrived that he "liked to meet women and just talk first before spending any money on them for a date". So he didn't even offer to buy me a cup of coffee. 

I admit that the lines are somewhat blurred with women being more independent these days. But as a general rule, I think the one that initiates the "date", either needs to be prepared to pay or at least discuss the terms before hand (dutch treat, etc.)

Nonetheless, it was just a "getting acquainted" type thing. And acquainted we did get! The man would not shut up! He told me every intimate detail of his life--way more than I need to know for a first "date".  And when I did get a chance to talk it quickly became obvious that we not only had NO CHEMISTRY (very important to me) and NOTHING IN COMMON. What was worse is that he was downing the very things I am passionate about--my church and my football team! Talk about your dealbreakers!

I quickly wrapped up the date and left. When I got home about 20 minutes later, I had an email from him asking if he could see me again! He said, "we'll have to just agree to disagree on some things". Um, no!

I just politely declined. I said that while I enjoyed our conversation (little white lie, didn't hurt anybody, right?) that I didn't feel a connection and that my church involvement and my football team were two very big things in my life and that whoever I end up with would have to be somebody that could share in those in some way.

Now, I AM open-minded and have dated fans of other teams. But they at least have to be willing to go tailgating with me and not obnoxious when I'm watching! I didn't see that happening here.

One thing struck me during our conversation. He said he didn't get a lot of second dates. Gee, wonder why? 

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