"Why are you still single?"
I always answer honestly but how much detail I go into usually depends on the person. With some people, I simply respond, "we got married too young and though we worked really hard for 21 years, it just didn't work out." For closer friends or those I might want to get closer to, I still share the truth. "We got married too young and though we overcame MANY obstacles, we did not have a godly marriage. I was searching for something more. Now I know that I wanted a spiritual partner, someone who would pray with me and for me. But at the time, I thought I wanted to experience physical intimacy with someone else and so I let Satan trick me into an affair." Two and a half years later, I am single because I want to fix what was broken in me before I attempt to be anyone else's wife again. I am trusting God to either restore my marriage (I'm doubtful but I know with God, all things are possible. I don't know that it's what *I* even want but I am completely open to what God wants), bring me a truly amazing and godly man or serve Him being single for the rest of my life. Whatever He decides. I'm open to it.
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