Tuesday, October 15, 2013

The Single Woman's 30 Day Blog Challenge Day 9

My favorite “weird/funny single behavior”
"I don’t know if you ever saw the episode of Sex & the City where the girls are talking about their “secret single behaviors” (Carrie would eat jam on Saltine crackers standing at her kitchen counter, Charlotte would stare at her pores in the mirror, etc.) – but it always makes me laugh when I rewatch it, because it’s such a great example of the uniqueness of the single journey. We simply experience life in a different way than our married counterparts and that’s just the way it is."
I, for one, am just glad there is another Christian woman in the "public" eye out there that will admit to not only watching but LOVING Sex & the City! This is an answer to a prayer for me because I have never felt "convicted" about it. After all, it's more about the friendship of four single women and their relationships--and shoes--more than anything else. But I've never felt comfortable admitting that to too many other Christians simply because of the title.
Anyway, that is one of my favorite episodes but I'm probably going to be one of those annoying people Miss Mandy Hale is annoyed by because I honestly can't think of any secret single behavior that I have! Maybe it's because I moved straight from my parents' house into an apartment with my husband and we were married for 21 years. But I'll try and come up with a few, though they aren't very "scandalous"!
1) Since I've been divorced, my son has moved away to college and it's just me and the girls, I will say that I DO walk around the house naked more. And it does freak my daughters out, especially my youngest. But as far from perfect as my body is, I'm comfortable in it. And it makes laundry MUCH easier when I can just undress downstairs by the washer/dryer and go ahead and put the items in the wash.
2) Because the girls are busy with activities and I'm working full-time, involved in church/ministry activities, in graduate school and have a very busy social life myself, I find I don't have time to cook as much as I'd like to so I'm quite satisfied to come home after a long day and simply eat cereal for dinner!
3) I can watch SATC reruns for HOURS on end without someone complaining! I can leave the TV on ALL NIGHT LONG and I can stay online or up reading without someone bugging me to come to bed! I can even crash on the couch and not go to bed at all if I want!
So I'm sorry I don't have any extremely weird secret single behavior. Maybe the longer I remain single, that'll change. I'll keep you posted!

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