Friday, August 27, 2010

Thank God it's Friday!

I just took a little break from writing to catch up on a good friend's blog. If you've never "met" my friends, The Ferrill's, I invite you now to go "meet" them:

Laine's blog

They are an AMAZING family and I stand in awe of their faith, their committment to each other and just how REAL they are. I'm so blessed to know them personally and reading her blogs really inspires me. Thank you, Laine, for sharing your life and your family with us!

As for it's my typical Friday...took Kayti to CORE, went running at Leeds Memorial Park and LOVED it. I think I will make that my regular running place on Tuesdays and Fridays since I have to be over that way anyway. I killed a little time at the library and the dollar store and then picked her up and proceeded to run more errands.

I still have a few more to do and I am hoping to get Brooke her soccer stuff and I'm taking Kayti to her friend's house in a bit.

We haven't decided if we're going to Clay's football game tonight. I won't go unless Dylan wants to and he may not. He's a weird kid sometimes. He's just not into this whole high school thing. I keep trying to tell him that once this time in his life is gone, it's gone forever--no do-overs. It doesn't seem to bother him. In a way, I'm glad of that. He's his own man and he isn't pressured by what other kids do or like. I just don't want him to look back one day and realized he missed out on a lot of fun things.

A friend of ours is playing at a bar in Odenville tonight and we may stop by there, too.

Tomorrow we are planning to go to the lake and spend the day with Brian. I'm looking forward to spending a whole day in the sun with the kids but I'm not looking forward to spending time with Brian and I'm gonna save my thoughts on that for another time. I just plan on taking LOTS to read and LOTS to drink!

If we're not too exhausted tomorrow night, Shari's invited us to go to the Iron Horse with her. Jeff and Shari are crazy about each other. She has a lot of respect for him and he's a little protective of her. I love that.

Sunday we have church and we are meeting with a couple from the Marriage ministry. Afterward, I hope to either catch up on some reading or go have lunch with a friend. Or we may even go look at apartments. I'm so ready to get out of this crackerjack box house! If I'm going to pay rent (and honestly, I'd rather! I've owned my own home before, it wasn't all it was cracked up to be. I'd rather be able to call someone with things tear up and have them fix it!) then I may as well live somewhere nice! We'll just see what the day brings. I'm trying very hard not to make too many plans. I've always been too much of a planner, I think, and when it doesn't work out the way I want it to or the way I've pictured it, I tend to have a come apart! I don't need to be having too many of those right now!

Keep praying for my job search, please, bloggy friends and have a great weekend!

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