Went to see a friend from high school play Friday night at this "biker bar" in Odenville. We had a blast! They are really good but of course, he always was. I remember him being in a talent show at the middle school when we were in 5th/6th grade or so and he was good then. They played a lot of rock--stuff we grew up listening to: Guns n Roses, Bryan Adams, Eagles, etc...
But in between sets the bar played dance music so I was really in heaven! Of course, my better half STILL, after 21 years, will not dance! Ugh! The only way I can get him out onto a dance floor is to get him sloppy drunk and then I have to hold him up and that's no fun! But fortunately for me, his friend from work stopped by and he danced with me so I got to get my groove on! I love to dance and I must be some kind of good because Jeff told me later that his friend told him, "I can see why you wanna keep her!" lol
We didn't stay out too late...we knew we were going to the lake the next day with the kids and Brian. It rained a little but not too much. We had a great time. We took the boat out and pulled the kids (even the big ones--me & Jeff) behind it on the tube and it was so much fun! I can't believe I still have a butt left because Brian kept pulling the boat every which way trying to throw me off the tube but my stubborn self wasn't giving him the satisfaction so I dug in and skimmed the water so hard and screamed like a little sissy!
Later we grilled out and got caught up with all the news since we hadn't seen Brian and Lou Ann in so long and I absolutely love Lou Ann! She is the best thing that has ever happened to Brian and probably the only reason I will have anything to do with him today. She has turned him into an awesome person.
We came home, showered and got ready to go out again. We picked up Shari (our wife lol) and went to Home Field in Fultondale instead of Iron Horse in Hoover like we'd planned. The band was good and we got a kick out of seeing all the different people there. For awhile it looked like the old folks home had taken a field trip but hey, I hope I have that much energy when I'm that old! But then more and more people started coming in and we saw all walks of life. It kind of reminded me of that Toby Keith song, "I love this bar".
Yesterday, we slept in and then went to meet an amazing couple from church, Zane & Jamie. They are in Marriage Ministry and they are counseling us and trying to help us get back on track. I had spoken with Jamie on the phone and felt really comfortable with her but I was still a little nervous. God works in wonderful ways though. I didn't feel condemned or judged or even preached at too much. Instead they actually got after Jeff and told him things I have been trying to tell him for years. But amazingly, God must have prepared his heart to hear it this time because he didn't buck and run. Even after they told him if he isn't going to do these things, he may as well go ahead and sign divorce papers!!!!
I am actually excited about things for the first time in a long time. It's gonna still be a LOT of work but we've been through worse and like Zane said, 21 years is too far to come with someone to give up without a fight. Heck, it's been longer than 21 years. We have pretty much been joined at the hip since we were 13 & 14. And I know we could both go on and be okay and the kids would eventually be okay--people DO live through it but I know all too well, they are permanently and eternally changed. If I can prevent that in any way, I want to try. They are truly the three most amazing kids in the world! I am so proud of them.
After our "session" we went to visit Jeff's grandfather in the hospital. He is not doing well at all and I am very worried. But I'm very comforted at the same time and I know that sounds weird. But this is a man who is THE perfect example of a good Christian man. His example is just extraordinary and he doesn't ever spew out Scripture or commands...that is not how he witnesses. He actually LIVES it! He and Jeff's grandmother both are amazing people. They've been married for almost 71 years and that blows my mind! They aren't preachy or judgemental, they just are two amazing people who have lived amazing lives and love the Lord. That is truly a life well lived. And this family is not prepared (is anyone ever prepared?) to lose their patriarch. And so much of what he's going through reminds me of when my own grandmother died 13 years ago so it's like I have to relive it all over again...But I'm more worried for Jeff and Dylan. They are very close to Granddaddy--they still hunt/fish together! Please just pray God's will over the whole situation. I know Granddaddy is ready for whatever--he has been for a long time. He knows where he is going and knows this was his "temporary home". It's everyone else I'm worried about.
So now it's Monday and we're ready to start a whole new week and this one looks to be just as busy as all the others. But we have a lot to be thankful for and to be excited about and I know all my bloggy friends do, too! Make it a good one!
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