Saturday, December 30, 2017

Staying positive and looking forward...

I'm getting ready for a BIG life change! It's exciting and scary at the same time. Exciting because I generally thrive on change and this one is a positive one. Scary because all change comes with risk. Even though exciting, it's just going to be different.


Yes, in less than a month, I am leaving my sweet little townhouse behind--the first place I ever got and lived completely on my own. For SIX years this has been mine and my girls' home and sometimes Dylan's. We've even taken in a few people a time or two when they needed somewhere to stay!  But in less than a month it will become part of our memories like our old home in the 'hood, our tiny little house in Clay, and our brief stays with friends in the 'hood and in Brookside.

I won't disclose the area I am moving to on here but it's a small, modest house that has been remodeled and it sits on THREE ACRES!!! No, I won't have that much grass to cut as it is mostly wooded. But it's completely private--no neighbors which means the freedom and space to truly live. Kaytibug is coming with me and she is excited, too.

I hadn't really planned on moving (well, actually I had but circumstances were different and all that changed in the blink of an eye and doesn't matter anymore anyway) anytime soon. I like it where I am. I've never had any trouble (except for one incident with the neighbor's 17 yo son and they don't live here anymore), it's convenient to the interstate, shopping, restaurants and surprisingly quiet to be a townhouse community. I also became close friends with my 70 yo neighbor and I am sad to be moving away from her. She has become my confidant, has helped me out in times of need and she is a lot of fun!  I will miss her terribly. 

But the deal I got on this house is one I just could not pass up. It's good, positive change for me and gives me something to occupy my mind and busy my hands. The actual packing and moving makes me a little anxious. But as I was packing up the Christmas decorations last night and this morning (all NINE big bins of it!) and thinking about how much work packing is going to be I realized I have been truly blessed in these last six years.

Despite job changes, a layoff that lasted 9 months and cancer, I've managed to maintain my household. It was stressful at times but God saw me through. When the ex and I divorced, I took nothing but my own clothes, the girls' bunkbeds, my glider rocker and my curio cabinet. I moved in with a friend for several months until I got this place. Over time, I managed to redecorate it, furnish it, and fill it with lots of love and memories. Almost everything in here that I have to worry with packing and moving, I've gotten on my own through the grace of God and a lot of hard work. I am proud and I am thankful. It's going to fit in my new house nicely. :)

I also finished my MBA!!!! It took a year longer than I thought it would have because of taking time off to recover from cancer and treatment but I did it! I didn't participate in commencement. I did that in college. They will be mailing my diploma in a few weeks. I expect it to help propel me forward in my career either at a new job or at my current job which is going great. 

I love my boss, what I do and the people I work with. The job challenges me without being too stressful or demanding that I can't enjoy other parts of my life. It's a great company to work for and there is so much to learn and build on.

Church will soon be starting the 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting and I am looking forward to how God is going to use that time for me and many others. There is so much I am praying for, not just for myself but for so many that need healing, provision, restoration and discernment. I have some other big decisions to make that I need to bathe in prayer first. I'll reveal those things when the time is right.

The BFF and I are going to go back to our hardcore low-carb, no sugar diet and I am getting my butt back to the gym in more ways than one--I need the endorphins! I signed up for kickboxing and am really looking forward to it! I am also either going to return to DanceFit or try another new dance class--I haven't decided that one yet. 

There are other changes coming--new hair style, new car, etc. In the meantime, I've been reading a lot, writing (working on something big!) and listening to some great music. 

Here are some from my playlist that I highly recommend:

"Your world's not falling apart, it's falling into place..."
"If your eyes are on the storm, you wonder if I love you still. But if your eyes are on the cross, you know I always have and I always will."

I'm never gonna look back
Woah, never gonna give it up"

You just can't listen to this song and NOT be in a good mood!

And you know I have all kinds of Bruno Mars on my list! To see him perform live is near the top of my bucket list! I love him! This is his latest...

Favorite quotes of the week:



I am better, always will be. And I will rise higher.


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