Sunday, December 31, 2017

Goodbye 2017!

This year hasn't been one of my worst years but I won't call it one of my best either. I'll just call it weird. Except for the year I got married, 1989, generally speaking, every odd numbered year has been a bad one. To illustrate:

1992 - Dylan born
1996 - Kayti born
1998 - Brooke born
2002 - started the move to Clay & Disney World

1995 - Jeff started to suffer from Crohn's Disease
1997 - Jeff had first surgery for Crohn's, Maw Maw died (I did graduate from Birmingham-Southern this year and also traveled a lot--New York, Mexico, and Europe. But the other two things very much over shadowed any of the good.
1999 - bankruptcy
2005 - Jeff had another surgery for Crohn's
2011 - divorce
2013 - jail
2015 - cancer

See the pattern? Maybe I'm overthinking again. But it just feels that way.

2017 started with me in a relationship that started in October of the previous year. It never got really serious. We enjoyed each other's company but didn't have a whole lot in common. It ended amicably around March.

I continued to serve with Hope Dealers but I had to withdraw from Highlands Events Team for awhile.

I also started the year unemployed after being downsized in September 2016. I managed to keep my head above water until I finally found a job this past May. It was around that time that my ex and I--whom I'd always remained good friends with--had a falling out over child support and began to not speak to each other.

I got into fitness and nutrition over the summer, went on several dates and thought I had been reconnected to someone special, the one I thought would be the love of my life. We had a great few months together before it fell apart and I still don't understand it. But I've talked about that enough already. I did get some words from the Holy Spirit that I will put in my prayer journal later.

I also did my usual tailgating shenanigans, got to go on a few overnight trips, made some new friends, other friendships became even deeper and unfortunately I had to sever ties with a few friends. It wasn't personal. I just needed to cut any and all ties that had anything to do with a few different issues I needed to distance myself from.

I've mended the fence with my ex as we came together to watch out babygirl excel in college.

I finally finished my MBA.

And I'm spending the last night of the year with someone. I'm not rushing into anything (never again!) and I don't have any expectations. I'm nowhere NEAR ready for another relationship and there is too much going on right now in my life to have time to devote to just anybody. Had things turned out differently in my last relationship, I would've made time. That's what people who love each other do. But I'm not going to make time for anyone new right now.  Just ringing in the new year hanging out and having fun.

The lessons I'll take away from this year:

  • Pray without ceasing and ALWAYS put the Lord first.
  • Try to be a better steward of my time AND my money.
  • Don't waste time on anyone that doesn't match my efforts.
  • Don't make someone else a priority when I am only an option.
  • Don't get attached too quickly just because someone talks a good game.
  • Don't tolerate bullshit--ever!

The positives I'll take away from this year:

  • I have been tremendously blessed--with provision, awesome family and great friends and I am thankful.
  • I AM capable of romantic love again. I previously had doubts that I would ever be able to again.
  • I ALWAYS bounce, no matter what gets thrown at me.
  • I can accomplish anything I decide to do.
  • I need to keep setting goals and striving to reach them--I thrive on this.
  • I treat people better than the way I get treated most of the time and this is something to be proud of.
  • I like to bless others and in doing so I am blessed in return beyond measure.
  • I raised three OUTSTANDING kids and I am very proud!
I am going into 2018 on a good note--with gratitude and love in my heart, peace in my spirit and most of all, forgiveness both for myself and others.

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