So today started out pretty bleak again. My patience is stretched REALLY thin and with my job, that's never a good thing. This is by far the most difficult class I've ever had and I can't really put my finger on why. I've had children that were MUCH more strong willed. I've had to deal with parents that were MUCH more in denial and MUCH ruder. I've had to deal with a boss or two that I wasn't particularly fond of and put up with church politics that just made absolutely no sense. So why I'm struggling right now, I don't know. I'm claiming celexa! 13 more days!
On top of that, the ex and I are NOT getting along. I dont know what his problem is. I couldn't even begin to guess. Maybe he's going through some stuff...maybe he's just a douchebag. I don't know. And the only way I know how to handle him so it doesnt get to me is to just cut him out. So that's what I've done for now.
And then we have the day after election and boy does EVERYBODY have an opinion!!! I used to LOVE discussing politics and stuff. They were some of my favorite classes in college and from time to time I still see m political science professor, Natalie Davis, on TV. But now...I guess I'm just cynical and sick of it all. Nothing ever seems to change except prices going up and paychecks going down. More ridiculous laws passed to try and legislate morality and there is absolutely NO WAY to please EVERYBODY. SOMEBODY always has their panties in a wad. Either Rush Limbaugh, the NAACP or somebody.
I voted for Romney. My reasons were purely econmical. So far, Obama hasn't demonstrated that he's capable of managing finances (that's not a character flaw, I suck at it myself) and that effects me more than any other issues. I'm in that group that makes too much money for any assistance but is still piss broke all the time! No, I'm not worse off than was four years ago but I'm not better off either.
But I really don't like Romney much either. Yes, I am a Christian. Although I prefer the term "follower of Christ" because Jesus was a liberal. He hung out with sinners like me! I reserve judgment for He who has earned the right to judge others. I don't care how someone ELSE sins. That's not my business. I will not point out a speck in my brother's eye without removing the plank in mine.
So I am not at all devastated by the results and I'm especially NOT surprised. Even if he had won, not much would've changed because Congress is the same. In all actuality, the president has little power at all.
What irritates me the most about politics is how hateful people are to each other because they disagree! Republicans think if someone votes democratic, they lack character. That they are nothing but useless, freeloading and stupid. Democrats think if someone votes republican, they are backward, ignorant, rednecks.
People, grow up. Other peoples' opinions do not equal character flaws and you certainly are NOT going to win over your brother/sister by belittling them and calling them names. Maybe their opinions do seem assanine to you. But I believe it's important to keep in mind that what made this country great IS our differences.
Most of you know that I am a HUGE fan of Joel Osteen. I can imagine his smiling face speaking to all of us and telling us that if we keep focusing on the doom and gloom of our situation, even if it's not really there, then that's what will come to pass. Speak words of life over your situation! If you are discouraged at the lack of job opportunities, maybe its time to reevaluate your interests and try something else. If you're struggling with finances like I am, maybe it's time to look into other ways to generate income (I am). But sitting around and blaming the president or the government makes you no better than those you complain about and claim put us in this situation (whatever you think it is).
All of that said, I had to hear and read all about everyone's political posts today and that did nothing to help my mood. It all came to a head at one point and I just began boohooing and my boss, God love her (we dont agree on a whole lot) was so sweet to me. Not long after that, I got a text from a new friend and later a call and that really lifted my spirits, too!
But what really made my day is my church. There aren't words to explain Church of the Highlands and what it means to me. It truly is a special place. You just have to experience it for yourself. We've been studying legacy lately and what kind of legacy we will leave to our children and children's children, etc. And not only that, what kind of legacy do we want to leave to others...
It's something I'm really thinking and praying on. There are many areas of interest for me, particularly with hurting marriages, women who have been through similar experiences, missions and of course, orphans!!!
How does God want to use me in these areas? Well, I guess you, too, will just have to wait and see!
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