Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Winding down...

Now that SAT's are over, we are "unschooling" for the rest of the month. We are reading and working on some science projects.

We decided there wasn't enough time left to do another co-op this year. But we are trying to put together a Summer Arts & Crafts at Ms. Donna's and working on what we'll do for the Fall. It depends largely on whether or not Moody has one because I know the kids will want to do that. But then again, it depends on gas prices, too! I guess we'll take a wait and see attitude.

I try to never put much stock in test scores but I must admit I'm anxious to see how they did. I'm told we'll get results back in June or July.

Still not sure what to do about CORE. I want her to do it but goodness, it's a chunk of money. Lord, if this is your plan for her, you gotta come through big time!

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