Friday, June 28, 2013

Boredom! um...I mean, Be Still!

Day Three of No Facebook! I've not even peeked. Not once. And yes, I will be honest. I'm going a little crazy. Particularly since my job is what it is--boring. I've tried to busy myself with reading my Bible and other things. I actually finished a Christian Fiction book in TWO days but she (Neta Jackson) is one of my favorite authors and her books are always fascinatingly interesting to me. I've been with this storyline now for I think a total of 11 books--6 from the Yada Yada series, 4 from a spinoff series and now another spinoff series. I almost bought book 2 yesterday but I decided to not spend any money on it just yet. I'm still trying to be very careful with my expenditures. And I still have a lot of other things already that I need to read.

I do miss some people. But most know how to find me if they want me badly enough. Others, I'm probably better off not being kept abreast of their drama.

I've done a lot of prayer and reaching out to a few people that I have wronged. They were not easy letters to write. But God helped me through it and now it's done. Whether or not they forgive is really up to them and has no bearing on me whatsoever. The resolution in my heart is that I asked. I have one more person to reach out to and then I can honestly say "it is well with my soul".

I miss my Auburn fan but he apparently doesn't miss me and that hurts a little. I'll be fine. I've been through much worse. I just wish I knew what happened. It's the unknown and unresolved stuff that always bothers me no matter what it is.

I'm trying to focus on my health, my budget, the kids, making plans's just not my nature to not be busy all the time. Though I know it's good for me.

So I'm trying to "be still". Eighteen more days to go. I can do this.

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