Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Confession and prayer request...

Bloggy friends, I need some help! I am once again asking for prayer and I thank all of you who have prayed so faithfully and lovingly for me over the past few months. Please know that your prayers were felt and answered and I very much appreciate them!

I have been thinking about something for quite sometime--getting my Zumba certification in October. I have been wanting to eventually teach for profit but also do it as a ministry--especially while I build some practical experience.

But God convicted me about something the other night--I am way too vain!

And I use the term vain for lack of a better term because the definition for vain is really being obsessed with one's own looks, being conceited, having an exaggerated sense of self-importance. I don't think I'm any of those things. I DO try and look my best most of the time but if I need to run to the store without makeup and my hat on, I'm okay with that. And I KNOW I'm not perfect and I'll be the first one to admit it.

But whenever I see someone else that obviously is lacking in the looks department--even kids--I can't help but think "Oh my gosh, poor thing." And when I'm at Zumba and I see someone that is not getting the steps, I think, "give up already".

I know that's terrible! And it's not that I think EVERYTHING is about looks. Most of the time, I'm not even attracted to good looking men--it's the personality, the heart and the sense of humor that really makes me become emotionally attached. And I would NEVER make fun of someone with a disability or anything like that. But sometimes I see people and think, "your parents shouldn't have bred!" So bad, I know.

So I really need to work on that. I've looked for devotionals, articles, etc. on the subject but I can't seem to find anything on point so if you come across anything, please pass it this way.

Until then, pray for God to change my heart. Like I said, it's not that I REALLY feel this way--it's just instinctive in the beginning but it bothers me nonetheless. I really want to have a pure heart...a heart that loves all people, doesn't look at the outter and wants to help them become the person God wants them to be. And one day, I hope to go into missions-- so I MUST get rid of this terrible attitude!!!

I hope my confession doesn't offend anyone--I DO truly love people, all people. I just need to get rid of this...whatever it is!

Thanks a bunch!

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