Monday, September 27, 2010

30 Day Challenge Day 18

"Plans, dreams, goals that you have"

Sheesh..where do I begin?


short-term and most immediate plan is to get my knee healed up so I can return to Zumba! It's literally killing me not being able to go (see note I posted earlier today about exercise/endorphins/depression)

Need to get acclimated to my new classroom and bond with my students, get my bearings, etc.

Now that I am once again gainfully employed, we gotta trade cars. Then we want to move out of this dump! And get new furniture! We also want to go to Gatlinburg for Thanksgiving but we gotta get some bills paid first. We are planning to go camping the weekend of Halloween and we have three college campuses to visit!

Those are my most immediate "plans".


open my own preschool

pay off ALL my debt

get a book published

do some short term foreign missions


get my zumba certification

have a list of several books I want to read, both fiction and non-fiction

sponsor a child from Compassion International

help Dylan decide on a college and apply for scholarships

more painting

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