Monday, September 27, 2010

"A picture of something that makes you happy"

That is another easy one....

I love that baby!

My new nephew, Cooper!

30 Day Challenge Day 20

"Someone you see yourself marrying/being with in the future"

Since I'm behind a few days anyway because of my surgery, I can go ahead and knock this one out because it's easy.

I am already married to Jeff Quick. We will celebrate 21 years of marriage November 4. Wow! It still blows my mind. I met him when I was 13 and he was 14 so we actually have grown up together. We got married young and it has been tough at times but worth it. We've had our ups and definitely had our downs and there have been times, including very recently that we've almost given up but we keep fighting and hanging in there. For the past month or so and for the first time in 21 years, I can honestly say our marriage is Christ-centered. That doesn't mean it's perfect but it is stronger.

It reminds me of a movie I watched recently, "Not Easily Broken" based on the novel by Bishop T.D. Jakes ( who I love!) At the couples' wedding ceremony, the pastor presented them with a three-strand braid--one strand represented the man, the other the woman and the other God. The pastor told them as long as they kept God intertwined in their marriage, it would not be easily broken--much like a three strand braid.

If we could make it 21 pretty good years without God, how much longer and bettercan we make it with Him? I can't wait to find out!

30 Day Challenge Day 19

Nicknames you have and why you have them:

I only have a few.

"Chel" for obvious reasons--it's a shorter version of "Michelle". Only my mom, cousin and Aunt really ever use it but they'ved used it since I was knee-hi to a junebug! lol

"Sissy" I earned that title August 18, 1976 when my sister Melanie was born (Misti and I weren't raised together for the most part but while we're on the subject of nicknames, I DO remember my dad and her mom calling her "spank"! lol) Mel and Mia still call me Sissy but they are the only ones.

"Mousetrap" I got dubbed with this one when I started dating my husband, Jeff. His nickname in High School was "Mouse". You can figure it out. No one has called either of us that in years, thank you, Jesus! I hesitate to even mention it now.


30 Day Challenge Day 18

"Plans, dreams, goals that you have"

Sheesh..where do I begin?


short-term and most immediate plan is to get my knee healed up so I can return to Zumba! It's literally killing me not being able to go (see note I posted earlier today about exercise/endorphins/depression)

Need to get acclimated to my new classroom and bond with my students, get my bearings, etc.

Now that I am once again gainfully employed, we gotta trade cars. Then we want to move out of this dump! And get new furniture! We also want to go to Gatlinburg for Thanksgiving but we gotta get some bills paid first. We are planning to go camping the weekend of Halloween and we have three college campuses to visit!

Those are my most immediate "plans".


open my own preschool

pay off ALL my debt

get a book published

do some short term foreign missions


get my zumba certification

have a list of several books I want to read, both fiction and non-fiction

sponsor a child from Compassion International

help Dylan decide on a college and apply for scholarships

more painting

Thursday, September 23, 2010

I was doing so good...

Jeff and I have been going to counseling, reading the bible and praying together every morning. We joined a bible study group and have been getting along well. Then I had to have knee surgery and I am not recovering as quickly as the doctor promised. Oh I'm right on target according to the physical therapist but I was misled about the seriousness of the surgery. I haven't driven a car or done much of anything in over a week and it's driving me nuts.

So I've been sitting around here doing nothing but thinking about things. Things I shouldn't be thinking about. Like Chris.

Although he refuses to answer any messages from me, he did try to initiate conversation via Christy's fb page. I wasn't allowed to respond. I'm trying really hard to I sspect my husband but I can't deny I still have feelings for him. Especially when I sit around and think about it!

I go back and forth...regretting that I was stupid enough to let things go that far and then dreaming about how I wish I was back in that moment...or how I wish I could have another one. Or how things might be different if we'd only connected in high school! and then I hate myself for wishing my life were different because I have just wished away my kids and everything about my life that's been good.

Damn, Satan is so crafty!

I know I have to battle this, I just dont know how. Except pray. Pray pray pray!

So that is what I will do!

30 Day challenge Day 17

"someone you would want to change lives with for a day and why"

I admit, I'm running behind on the whole challenge thing because quite frankly, this one stumps me. I can't think of a single person I would want to change lives with. I'm old and wise enough to know that no one's life is perfect, no matter how it may look to others. I would be too afraid of trading my own blessings, challenges, problems and attributes for someone else's and ending up with a worse deal! I rather like who I am for the most part. Does that mean I'm perfect? Heck no! I have a LOT God is working with me on, somethings some of you couldn't even imagine. But I am not too self-centered to not know how very blessed I am and I wouldn't trade it for anything.

All that said, there are definitely people I admire and wouldn't mind hanging out with for a day. But to actually BECOME them---no thanks! Here are just of few of my favorites (in no particular order!):

1. Erin Brockovitch (the real one)

2. Terri Saban

3. John Walsh

4. Kate Gosselin

5. Michelle Duggar

6. Rachael Ray

7. Lisa Whelchel

I'm sure there are more, if I think of them, I'll edit!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

30 Day Challenge Day 16

a picture of yourself...

I decided to go retro with this one and post some old pictures instead of the same pictures everyone's already seen!

Two pictures of me doing what I do best--eating chocolate cake and taking care of babies! lol

attempting to look innocent...check out the hair ribbon--do they make those anymore?

Glamour shots...about 20 years ago! Wish I could get my hair that color again!

a more recent attempt at looking innocent!

30 Day Challenge Day 15

"put your iPod on shuffle...the first 10 songs that play"

Okay, well, I don't have an iPod, I have an MP3 and it doesn't have "shuffle". So I'll just pick 10 of my faves and I'll try and pick ones I haven't picked before...

Day Tripper--The Beatles

Viva la Vida--Cold Play

My Redeemer Lives--Nicole C. Mullen

The House That Built Me--Miranda Lambert

Babe I Love You--Styx

Imma Be--Black Eyed Peas


Don't Speak--No Doubt

I Won't Back Down--Tom Petty

This is How You Remind Me--Nickelback


30 Day Challenge Day 14

A picture of you and your family...

me and my hunny

my three blessings

my three plus Zac and Cooper

me and my sister, Misti

Sister Mafia!!!!

the best parents with my "first baby" at her wedding

Jeff with his brother and sister

The two sweetest people ever--Jeff's grandparents

Friday, September 17, 2010

30 Day Challenge Day 13

a letter to someone who has hurt you recently...

I have actually been putting this one off because I knew I was going to have to deal with some things that I didn't want to deal with yet. But it's time so here goes:

Dear Self:

Yes, Self, YOU are the one that hurt me recently! By your selfish, inconsiderate, thoughtless and cruel actions, you hurt me, my husband, my kids and a few others probably. When are you going to learn that everything is not about YOU? So you turned 40 big deal. You act like it doesn't bother you but if it didn't why are you going beserk all of a sudden? It must be affecting you on some level. It's good that you try and suck it up most of the time but when you are bothered, maybe you could channel it in a different way next time--write it down in your journal or something!

So your little boy is growing up? What did you expect--that he would need you forever? And if he did, what does that say about the kind of job YOU did as a mother? Self, get a grip! Yes, it's sad and I know it hurts to not know who or what you are anymore. I know it's weird feeling like a part of your life is over and that you'd better quickly find something else to be before you "get too old" but again, suck it up! You still have two beautiful daughters that aren't grown yet and need you!

You still have a precious, amazing husband that for whatever god foresaken reason LOVES you dearly. He's been waiting so patiently for you to spend time with him now that the kids are older and you act like it's not enough for you. Self, you're nuts! Don't you see that there are lots of women out there that envy what you have? Hell, he still looks amazing and loves you almost to the point of worship...why would you want to throw that all away?

You also destroyed a perfectly good friendship, hindered other friendships because of their loyalty to you and came very close to destroying two marriages. And for what? Just because YOU needed to feel wanted or desired or something by someone you really didn't know well at all! Nothing will ever be the same again, no matter what. That's a loss and I know you're grieving it. Well, too bad. You should have thought about that instead of thinking about yourself. You should have put the energy you put into that mess into something more constructive.

Oh well, Self, I hope you are thankful for God's intervention because that's the only thing that kept you from making it worse. I hope, Self, that you are learning from this near-tragic mistake and will take advantage of the second chance you've been given. You seem to be. Take advantage of the wonderful gift of forgiveness and grace that you've received but don't take it for granted. If you would just realize what an amazing person you are, Self, then you wouldn't need everyone else to acknowledge it for you. Find your joy in the Lord like you used to. Looking for it anyplace else is only going to lead you to heartache--you know this. He has blessed you immeasurably in so many ways! Be thankful!

Self, you are a smart woman. So stop doing stupid things!

Love you anyway,


Thursday, September 16, 2010

30 Day Challenge Day 12

Day Twelveby Michelle Quick on Thursday, September 16, 2010 at 8:55am
I didn't get to post this yesterday because of my surgery. But this should be relatively easy...

Topic: How do you pick your friends?

Oscar Wilde is quoted as having sai1d, "I pick my friends for their good looks, my acquaintances for their good character and my enemies for the good intellect."

My philosophy--I don't pick my friends. God does. When I do the picking, it tends to have disastrous results. "Bad company corrupts good character" 1 Corinthians 15:33

So God usually removes those individuals from my life in one way or another. Sometimes that can be painful but I trust He knows what He's doing as those He has allowed to remain are truly amazing!

I've never had one, lifelong best friend. My friends or acquaintances tend to change with my environment as far as those I "hang out" with, etc. But I have discovered that once hearts are bonded by God, they stay that way forever.

The friend I've known the longest (other than my mom and cousin who are both wonderful friends as well) is probably Angela. I met her in first grade and though we weren't instant bff's then I do remember playing with her and Patricia (her cousin) throughout our childhood from time to time. We became very close in high school and share some wonderful (and some regrettable! lol) memories. As with a lot of people, when we each got married and our lives took opposite turns, we didn't see a lot of each other. I guess because we are both older and realizing what's important in life, we've been spending more time together--talking, texting, chatting on fb, even going out and like I said before--our hearts are as close as ever. I know she has my back when I need her to, I know I can trust her and I love her dearly.

I can say the same thing about a lot of friends from childhood/high school--Aldona, Heather, Toni...many and I'm so glad to be able to do that! Christy is another childhood friend that I truly cherish. Whenever you can go for 20+ years and not see/talk to someone and the day you do it's like you haven't missed a single day--you KNOW you have a truly special relationship. I would do anything for her and I know she would do anything for me. We are FIERCELY protective of each other!

God brought Amy to me in college and we have shared SO much! We dont see or talk as much as we used to or would like but we are still good and loyal friends and words cannot describe my love for her (even though she is an Auburn fan! lol)

I met Shari when our sons were playing baseball together. I can't even remember who talked to who first or how we got to be so close--that was a total God thing. But whenever someone trust you enough and thinks enough of you to ask you to be a caregiver for her child, you know that person must think a lot of you. When someone who has been hurt by similar actions that you do to others and still loves you--you know that's a friend! A single soul dwelling in two bodies!

Tere and Donna N. are two more friends that have been brought into my life via our children. We have shared some great times and I hope I've been half as good a friend to them as they have both been to me. And I'm also grateful that they've raised their children to be good friends to my children! I love them and their precious children dearly.

Donna A--there really are no words! When I first me her she was my boss but it never really felt like a boss/employee relationship to me. Another kindred spirit who had/has a love for the Lord, a calling for children and the gift of being just a great person all the way around. No one that meets her and TRULY gets to know her ever thinks that she isn't just precious! Within the last year, she became my prayer partner and has prayed me through some VERY tumultuous times. She listens and watches me chase after things of the world that she and I both know I shouldn't be chasing after and yet never once have I ever felt judged. I've only felt compassion, true Christian-sister love and her wanting the very best for me. She is my mentor in so many ways--a wife and mother, a preschool teacher/director, a mature Christian woman (and by "mature" I dont mean 'old', I mean someone who has immersed herself into the meat of God's Word), and a fitness nazi! lol

Jeff--well, I've known him since I was 13--more than half my life and we've been married for almost 21 years. We haven't always been as close as two friends should be, let alone husband and wife. And the times my fleshly side becomes tempted to give up and throw it all away, God himself has intervened in one way or another to keep it from happening. When God binds hearts, He really means it!

There are so many other people that I could and would mention if I had the time, space (and my knee wasn't about to kill me right now!) I have truly been blessed in the friendship area. And that's the best area of all to be blessed in!

"Remember, no man is a failure who has friends."--Clarence, It's a Wonderful Life

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

30 Day Challenge Day 11

another picture of your friends...

I dont have any different pictures of me and my friends on this computer. I would love to post pictures of Tere, Shalita and my "other" Donna but I just don't have them available right now.

so I'm posting a picture of my LITTLE firends that I miss terribly by the way!

This was my last 4k class at FBCA and the BEST class I ever had. And I've been blessed with some great classes--cant think of any class where I just couldn't bond with a child or the parents gave me problems or anything like that. But this class was really special. I think given all the drama that surrounded the year, it could have been a bad year for me but these kids and their wonderful families MORE than made up for all that--thank you, Lord!

Conner, Aaron, Caden, Cayleigh, Tripp, Kinlee, Gracie, Tristen and Drew I love you so very much and I think of you every day! I hope you are having a good time in "big" school!

Monday, September 13, 2010

30 Day Challenge Day 10

Songs you listen to when you are Happy, Sad, Bored, Hyped, Mad

Okay, it really depends on WHY I'm in the above mentioned moods and whether or not I want to CHANGE that mood or wallow in it for awhile...but here are a few...

Happy--just about anything! Nickelback, Pitbull, Ludacris, Justin Bieber, Zumba music, Casting Crowns, Mark Schultz...just whatever

Sad--depends on why I'm sad. Here lately, if I want to cheer up, I put on some Praise & Worship music or something upbeat--Save the Last Dance soundtrack or something retro that has good memories like Photograph by Def Leppard, Tom Petty, Bryan Adams or Creed. If I want to wallow in it awhile, The Eagles are good for that!

Bored--again, it doesn't matter...whatever I like

Hyped--some good football music because right now, I'm hyped about football season! the bama anthem, Rammer Jammer, Cotton eyed Joe, the Bama fight song, Sweet Home Alabama. Also love me some Gretchen Wilson!!!

Mad--again, depends on why I'm mad but something hard and head banging usually helps get the frustration out. Creed, Linkin Park, Pink, Joan Jett and there's a good bar song I haven't heard in a LONG time--"You P_ss Me Off"!

I love the way music has the ability to confirm or change your moods! You just gotta make up your mind what you want....


Sunday, September 12, 2010

30 Day Challenge Day 9

Something you're proud of ....

Well, obviously I'm proud that I have three amazing kids, a husband that obviously loves me VERY much, great friends and an awesome family! But since I've already posted about all those things I'll share something else.

I am EXTREMELY proud of the fact that I graduated from Birmingham-Southern College! Go Panthers!!!

It was NOT an easy thing to do, believe me! I'd attended Jeff State after high school for about six years! Jeff State is a good school but like most public colleges, they don't take much of an interest in their part-time or night students and because I had to work full-time and had a faily, that was what I had to be. I managed to get about two years worth of courses done before I finally decided it was time to do something else! It had long been my goal to be the first in my family to finish college and at that pace, I was never going to get done.

At the time, I though my only choice was transferring to UAB and I dreaded that. Not that UAB is not a great school, but it was not for me and I knew that. I was working at Compass bank then and a co-worker was getting ready to graduate from BSC and told me about how great it was so i decided to look into it further.

Long story short, I applied, was accepted and began classes there and it only took me 2 1/2 years to finish! Not only that but I managed to finish with a 3.6 GPA while also working full-time, taking care of a toddler and giving birth to another baby! My Senior year was the toughest! They REALLY put you through the wringer becaue you have to EARN the right to call yourself a BSC grad! You don't just pay your tuition, pass the classes and they hand you your diploma! It was VERY challenging! On top of that, Jeff was diagnosed with Crohn's disease during this time and had the first of many surgeries and on one occasion, nearly lost his life! I honestly don't know HOW I made it through those few months--it's kind of a blur. But I managed with the help of my mom, some great friends and the grace of god to pull it off!

I am still paying on my student loans and am not using my degree at the moment but I'm still glad I have it. Walking across that stage while my babies were watching me is one of the proudest moments of my entire life. I can't wait to watch them do it in a few years!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

30 Day Challenge Day 8

Short term goals for this month and why:

Kinda hard since the month is a short one and it's almost half over with already...but here are some and in no particular order:

1) Keep our heads above water, money-wise for obvious reasons

2) finish Bible study on "Lies Women Believe" because it's been very interesting and helpful

3) finish another painting because I enjoy it

4) get hired--again, for obvious reasons

5) recover from knee surgery on BOTH knees quickly so I can return to my workouts asap

6) spend as much time as possible wth my wonderful family because I love them

7) have fun with my amazing friends because I love them

8) do some more writing because I enjoy it and it's very therapeutic

9) stop thinking about people and things that are negative or destructive

10) help my son apply to colleges and research scholarships

for next month:

1) get a BUNCH of bills paid (this is assuming I got hired!) because I hate owing people money

2) trade my van because it's about to die

3) trade Jeff's jeep--same reason

4) move--this house is too small for the rent we pay

5) WALK (not run :( ) the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure because I promised my friend I would and she is a 17 year survivor

6) attend COTH Women's conference "reCreate"--because I LOVE my church and everything they do

7) go camping Halloween weekend--because I love my family and it's fun

8) visit some colleges with my son because he's got an incredible future ahead of him if he will just make some decisions!

9) resume Zumba because I'm already having withdrawals!

10) be the best wife, mom, friend and child of God that I can be because that's my ultimate goal always!

Friday, September 10, 2010

30 Day Challenge Day 7

A picture of something/someone that has had the biggest impact on you...

Hands down, becoming a mom has had the biggest impact on me. I never knew or understood what love was until I felt life moving inside me and they laid that precious baby in my arms. Everything else seemed to not matter anymore.

Childhood only comes around ONCE. We adults have the rest of our lives to do and be what we want to make ourselves happy but these years are most important in shaping who that little baby is going to be. Give them a childhood full of happy memories. They don't necessarily need the best house, clothes, toys or even schools. They just need you.

I know I haven't always been the perfect parent but I can honestly say I did my best and always, always always had their best interests at heart.

I love my kids!

What a day!

Yesterday was not one of my worst days ever but it wasn't the best...thank God it's over!

I went to the doctor and discovered I am going to have to have knee surgery! Long story short, I was born with off-center knee caps. Didn't find out until I was in my twenties and had already done damage to them by playing catcher in softball for years, running, etc. The doc I saw then wanted me to go to physical therapy but I didnt. I was working full-time, going to college, my babies were little...I just didn't have time.

Now there is so much damage, I have no cartilage left and the knee caps are grinding into bone and arthritis has set in. He said if I don't have this surgery soon, I am looking at knee replacement or being crippled within ten years!

Talk about a shocker! And yes, I have to have both knees done but they will do them one at a time so the recovery time is not as long. And no more running. At all. Ever.

Zumba certification must also be postponed but I can return to doing Zumba as soon as I feel up to it.

I guess it's a good thing I haven't found a job yet--I would hate to take off work after just starting a new job. But then again...

We are getting desparate. I am so tired of being broke and barely keeping our heads above water. I try and I try to save money and every week we end up in the hole. It's frustrating.

Then I get an email from Dylan's AP English teacher--he has a 62! He didn't turn in any of his Summer work that I KNOW he did. Not long after that email came a phone call from his AP History teacher...he has a 20 in that class!!! What is UP with my brilliant son? It is so not like him to do this kind of crap but I was warned by college counselors last week that good kids sometimes tend to slack off during their Senior year. Well, I thank God for his teachers because he cannot afford to slack. His future depends too much on how he finishes high school and I know he's bored and burned out but he has to keep going. So all hell broke loose at our house last night while we reeled him back in a bit and told him what all he would lose if he did bring home unacceptable grades. And for him, yes, unacceptable is anything less than an A! B's & C's are fine if that's the best you can do but it isn't for him and I don't believe in settling for mediocrity!

I am still bummed about a few other things, missing some people and mad at myself for things I've done recently.

But I recognize all this trouble for what it is--Satan trying to steal my joy. I made the decision to commit myself to restoring my marriage and have been working hard to do that. We both have. We've been reading the Bible and praying together every morning and are excited about our counseling and our small group at church. I've done a lot of work on my own, too, trying to realize and accept that God is my everything--I don't need anything else! If I find joy in Him, joy will find me in everything else! It's something I have to consciously remind myself of that every day right now but praying for the day it comes automatically.

Busy day ahead today...CORE, pottery class, dance & etiquette class, praise team...then headed to T-town tomorrow!

Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

30 Day Challenge Day 6

Your favorite super-hero and why...

Well, fictional "super-heroes", I guess my favorite would be Wonder Woman. I watched the series when I was a kid and I thought Linda Carter was absolutely beautiful! I even dressed as Wonder Woman for Halloween one year, I think I was about 8. I loved those wrist bracelets that could stop a bullet! Ha!

True super-heroes though...well, moms for one. It's amazing what we women can do...give birth, nurse babies, plus anything a man can do, too! And this is not a male-bashing thing. Men are cool, too. But to me, women are even more amazing because of everything we have to overcome just to gain equal ground. And yet, God asks us to be graceful and submissive. That's because it's not easy--it DOESN'T come naturally. Just as he instructs men to "love"--because it doesn't come as naturally for them. For women, love is just automatic. We give our hearts away too freely sometimes...

Other TRUE super-heroes that I admire...anyone who puts their life on the line as part of their job to protect the rest of us...firemen, police, soldiers...yes, they CHOSE their profession. But somebody still has to do it. And not everybody CHOOSES to do so. So if you're one of those extraordinary individuals, thank you!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

30 Day Challenge Day 5

a picture of some place you've been...

Well, I've had the good fortune to have been to LOTS of interesting places. Maybe not as many as some people and there are still many more on my "bucket list". But the Spring of 1997 I was a Senior at birmingham-Southern College and I needed 1/4 credit to graduate. A professor was offering a one-week trip to London and Paris for less than $2000 and if we wrote two papers on the Louvre and the British Museum we could earn 1/2 credit. Having ALWAYS wanting to go to Europe, I jumped at the chance!

It was no doubt the trip of a lifetime...I think I only slept six hours the whole week. I was determined to make the most of my time and I didn't want to miss a thing! There was a lot I didnt GET to see but I promise I didn't MISS much! lol And the icing on the cake was that my best friend got to go with me! And I hope this makes up for not being able to post a picture of her the other day.

This is me and Amy with a little British tour guide named Philip. Oh I have a weakness for British men! Those accents drive me wild! He was a sweetee! And this is one of my favorite pictures of me and Amy. I can't believe how young I looked!

Big Ben, Tower Bridge, St. Paul's, the British museum, Hyde Park, the theatre district...there was so much more I would have liked to have seen but we were only there three days. Maybe one day we'll go

Paris! Oh it was BEAUTIFUL!!!

the famous Louvre. I didn't care much for it. I went in, saw the Mona Lisa and the Venus de Milo and left. I spent more time at the Musee de la' Orange (I'm sure I botched that name...Anne you can correct me!) but that is where a lot of Monet and Renoir's (my fave) work is.

Since I missed getting to go to Strawberry Fields, Liverpool and Abbey Road when I was in London, I was not about to miss a visit to Jim Morrison's grave. LOVE the Doors. And yes, I believe he's really dead!

I have SO many stories from this trip, so many memories that I will treasure forever. In my opinion, you really need to step outside the borders of the USA at least once in your life. Don't believe everything you hear about other countries--go see it for yourself. This same year, I really wore my luggage out. I went to Mexico and New york as well--all within a few months of each other actually! Maybe one day I'll get to go back but I'd also like to go to Africa, Scotland, Italy and Japan. There is so much beauty in the world and I want to see it all!

Updates and more...

Still doing the "30 Day Challenge" and I will post Day 5 in a little while...I have to round up a few old pictures to do it and that may take awhile. So I thought I'd post some updates and share my wonderful weekend and a few other thoughts...

Friday night, I did my own version of Sips n Strokes! I had a bottle of my favorite wine, a canvas, paint and brushes and did my very first "original" without direction from someone else.

It's okay I guess. I'll get better the more I practice. I let the girls hang it in their room since they are my little dancers! I actually did another one Sunday night but I haven't taken a picture of it yet. It's just a cup of coffee that I hung in my kitchen.

Saturday morning, I ran the Butterbean Festival 5k in Pinson and my worst fears came true--I came in DEAD LAST!!! But I still beat my best time! Jeff and Donna told me not to be discouraged because there weren't very many people in the race and most were serious runners. I'm not too down about it, heck I did finish--where were YOU at 7 a.m. Saturday morning? lol

But the course was AWFUL!! I will not do that one was worse than the crushed brick track in Gardendale. It was more hilly than I thought it would be which wouldn't have bothered me because Tannehill had quite a few hills and that didn't bother me at all. But this road was sloped sideways! I felt like I was running like someone with one leg shorter than the other! It did NOT help my already suffering knees and ankle for which I have an appointment to have looked at tomorrow! I hope he'll give me some cortisone shots and not start in with some bull about physical therapy! And I hope he doesn't tell me to stop running or God forbid, doing Zumba! I won't be able to follow orders!

After the race, we walked around looking at the festival which was really nothing more than an arts & crafts show then we came home and relaxed until time to go to Shari's for the game. I made mexican food and when we got there, I mixed up my famous margaritas! Maybe I do need to think about

But we didn't get to watch the game because Charter had issues! Talk about a house full of mad people! But we listened to Eli and still had a good time.

Sunday morning we went to church and got to see the new's amazing! The series has a movie theme and this week's was The Blind Side and Pastor Chris used the movie to help everyone understand that God sees potential in us that we don't see like the Tuohy's saw the potential in Michael Oher. It was a good message.

Then we came home, did some work and cleaning around the house and that's pretty much what we did Monday, too. We did grill out and then went to my sister's house to watch a REAL football game--Boise State vs. Virginia Tech! I so wanted the Hokies to win and thought they were gonna come back and do it for a minute there. Now we have to hear about Boise State and how great (not) they are all year! Ugh!

Oh well, bring it on! 'bama's going for #14 and I would love to see our boys put a whoopin on that overrated team!

Speaking of football, I am going to Ttown for the Penn State game this weekend! I am SO EXCITED I cannot wait!!!! Though I am going to miss a birthday party for two very dear friends and I am bummed about that... but it's probably for the best right now. Maybe some other people that were not going to come because I was going to be there can go and have fun with them and I will see them another time. I know Jeff prefers me going with Shari anyway, though I was planning on taking him to the party.

We are really trying very hard but we have a LOT of work to do and damage to UNdo. Sometimes I'm not sure what is going to happen. Sometimes I am not sure what I WANT to happen.

I am getting very discouraged about my job situation. My interview last week went well but I haven't heard back from them yet and I REALLY need a job. Not only do I need a paycheck but I need something more structured and routine. Without it, I dont have much to motivate me and right now, I'm in need of all the motivation I can get.

Until I do get a job, I've agreed to volunteer through a pilot program that COTH is doing at Whatley Elementary for preschoolers and I joined a community Bible study at Southeastern Bible College that meets on Tuesday mornings to discuss Old Testament heroes, specifically Moses and David--my two faves!!! I especially love David. I identify with him more than any other person from the Bible. He wasn't perfect by no means, but oh how he loved God! And God blessed him in spite of the wrong things he'd done which tells me, God understands! Thank you, Lord for loving us because of who YOU are and not because of what we do or don't do.

I am excited about our small group getting started this Sunday, too. I'm not sure what the study is going to be about but I'm sure it'll be good and there's a retreat involved at the end! I miss the retreats we used to go on with Clearview.

There is so much I'm excited about but it also overwhelms me at the same time--Dylan visiting college campuses, Kayti going to her first high school dance, track & soccer, dance starting back...Kayti being on the yearbook staff and doing praise team, Brooke's etiquette class. So much to keep my mind and time occupied and maybe for me, for now, that's a good thing.

I talked to my mom again Monday for the first time in a few weeks. I think we're going to be okay. Mia comes back from the beach tomorrow night and I can't wait to see my little man! She said he LOVES the sand!

Have a great Wednesday and be blessed!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

30 Day Challenge--Day 4

A habit you wish you didn't have...

Well, I have two. the first, I've had for 34 years. I bite my nails. I started because my mom bites her nails and I wanted to be just like my mom! I have quit several times and have grown them out...but for whatever reason, I usually start biting them again.

The second habit is my mouth! But I have gotten a LOT better about that in recent years. I jokingly refer to myself as a "recovering potty mouth". I still wish I could "tame my tongue" a lot better though. I pray about it all the time. Then again, I believe in saying what's on your mind and calling something what it is...even if that "thing" is an A-hole! lol j/k

I guess in the grand scheme of things, as far as bad habits go, these aren't so bad. :D

Monday, September 6, 2010

A picture of you and your friends...

Well this one is not so easy either as I am blessed with lots of friends so I will just have to post everal pictures!

Angela, Aldona and Toni from high school. since we graduated (22 years ago) we have sort of went our separate ways but whenever we are able to get together (which is more often recently, thank you, Lord!) we have a great time and we are still 100% there for each other--I have also discovered recently! Thanks girls, for having my back! I love you!

me and my bff Donna! The Lord brought her into my life as my boss seven years ago. This last year, she became my prayer partner, my best friend and a true angel to me. I don't know what I'd do these days without her. She's also my fitness buddy, my spiritual mentor and one of the people I admire most in this world. I love you, Donna!

I met Christy when I was 11/12 and we were on the same ball team. I dont remember who talked to who first but we were inseparable during the next few years. We lost touch when we each got married but when we recently reunited, it was like we'd not missed a day! That's when you know the bonds of friendship are for real! I love you, Christy!

Shari and I met because of our boys, Taylor & Dylan. They became friends when they were on the same ball team. Shari is an amazing person and another one I admire very much for her strength. My husband also loves her and we have a lot of fun together. We call her our "wife" lol!

I wanted to upload a picture of me and Amy but since I can't get this photo uploader to work, I will have to do that later. I met Amy in college and we have shared so many experiences--mostly good! We've traveled, shared secrets, loss, joy and even though she is an Auburn fan, I love her with all my heart!

I have many more friends that I love and I wish I could post pictures and tell you how wonderful they all are! I am truly blessed

Sunday, September 5, 2010

30 Day Challenge--Day Two

the meaning behind your favorite song

Okay, this one is hard because I don't have just ONE favorite song. But I'm gonna try and narrow it down some!

My favorite song right NOW is Eminem & Rihanna's "Love the Way You Lie"

Here are the lyrics:


Just gonna stand there And watch me burn

But that's alright Because I like The way it hurts

Just gonna stand there And hear me cry

But that's alright Because I love The way you lie I love the way you lie

I can't tell you what it really is

I can only tell you what it feels like

And right now there's a steel knife

In my windpipeI can't breathe

But I still fight

While I can fight

As long as the wrong feels right

It's like I'm in flight

High of a loveDrunk from the hate

It's like I'm huffing paint

And I love it the more that I suffer

I sufficateAnd right before im about to drown

She resuscitates me

She fucking hates me

And I love it

Wait Where you going I'm leaving you

No you ain't Come back We're running right back

Here we go again It's so insane

Cause when it's going good It's going great I'm Superman

With the wind in his bag She's Lois Lane

But when it's bad It's awful I feel so ashamed

I snap Who's that dude I don't even know his name

I laid hands on her I'll never stoop so low again

I guess I don't know my own strength


You ever love somebody so much

You can barely breathe

When you're with them

You meetAnd neither one of you

Even know what hit 'em

Got that warm fuzzy feeling

Yeah them chills

Used to get 'em

Now you're getting fucking sick

Of looking at 'em You swore you've never hit 'em

Never do nothing to hurt 'em

Now you're in each other's face

Spewing venom And these words

When you spit 'em You push

Pull each other's hair

Scratch, claw, bit 'em Throw 'em down pin 'em

So lost in the moments

When you're in 'em It's the rage that took over

It controls you both So they say it's best

To go your separate ways

Guess that they don't know ya

Cause today That was yesterday

Yesterday is over It's a different day

Sound like broken records Playin' over

But you promised her Next time you'll show restraint

You don't get another chance

Life is no Nintendo game

But you lied again

Now you get to watch her leave

Out the window

Guess that's why they call it window pane


Now I know we said things Did things

That we didn't mean And we fall back

Into the same patterns

Same routine But your temper's just as bad As mine is

You're the same as me

But when it comes to love

You're just as blinded

Baby please come back

It wasn't you Baby it was me

Maybe our relationship

Isn't as crazy as it seems

Maybe that's what happens

When a tornado meets a volcano

All I know isI love you too much

To walk away though

Come inside Pick up your bags off the sidewalk

Don't you hear sincerity

In my voice when I talk

Told you this is my fault

Look me in the eyeball

Next time I'm pissed

I'll aim my fistAt the dry wall

Next time There will be no next time

I apologize Even though I know it's lies

I'm tired of the games

I just want her back

I know I'm a liar

If she ever tries to fucking leave again

I'mma tie her to the bed

And set the house on fire


it's telling the guy's point of view of a tumultuous relationship and it reminds me a little of the early days of mine & Jeff's relationship and in a weird way, I sort of miss it!

Other favorite songs, I won't post those lyrics for lack of space but they are:

"In My Life" by the Beattles--describing all the things and places that mean something to someone and how they don't mean as much as the person you love means to you.

"One" by Creed--describes what the world needs for there to be real peace and how that's all any of us really want.

"Seasons in the Sun"--Terry Jacks my mom used to sing this to me when I was little and it has my name in it! But it's someone dying and saying goodbye to the people who mean the most to him.

I have many more favorite songs...that could take 30 days in and of itself! But I'll stop with these!

PS oh and I apologize for the offensive language in the Eminem song--it's Eminem, what do you expect? And it's actually pretty tame for him! But I still love the song and its meaning! Think of me what you will, I dont really care! lol

30 Day challenge--Day One

Fact #1 I have a lot of interests--sometimes too many and I tend to overcommit myself a lot!

Fact #2 I have the three best kids in the world!

Fact #3 I have AMAZING friends.

Fact #4 I have made some terrible decisions with money, yet I majored in Finance in college!

Fact #5 I believe in natural/attachment parenting, especially breastfeeding.

Fact #6 I can play piano, clarinet and trumpet (though it's been awhile)

Fact #7 I LOVE to dance...any kind of dance.

Fact #8 I am a writer and I have been published.

Fact #9 As hard as I try, I'm a terrible housekeeper!

Fact #10 I love to read, sew, paint, cook, travel and take pictures (see? Too many interests!)

Fact #11 I want to someday do short-term mission projects or join the peace corp.

Fact #12 I cannot stand Rush Limbaugh, Rick & Bubba or Freebird!!!

Fact #13 I will try anything once!

Fact #14 The older I get, the less I care what other people think--not that I ever did, I just tried to.

Fact #15 I'm not much into "stuff"--jewelry, houses, etc. I'd rather have fun, go places and do things because you can't take it with you!

30 Day Challenge

Got this from a friend on Facebook. I love doing things like this--I usually learn so much about myself or whoever's doing them and when I do it, it forces me to think about things I normally wouldn't.

So if you're interested, feel free to copy & paste on your own blog/facebook notes page. Hope you learn something good about yourself!

Day 01- A recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself

Day 02- The meaning behind your favorite song.

Day 03- A picture of you and your friends

Day 04- A habit that you wish you didn’t have

Day 05- A picture of somewhere you’ve been to

Day 06- Favorite super hero and why?

Day 07- A picture of someone/something that has the biggest impact on you

Day 08- Short term goals for this month and why

Day 09- Something you’re proud of

Day 10- Songs you listen to when you are Happy, Sad, Bored, Hyped, Mad

Day 11- Another picture of you and your friends.

Day 12- How do you pick your friends?

Day 13- A letter to someone who has hurt you recently

Day 14- A picture of you and your family

Day 15- Put your iPod on shuffle: First 10 songs that play

Day 16- Another picture of yourself

Day 17- Someone you would want to switch lives with for one day and why?

Day 18- Plans/dreams/goals you have

Day 19- Nicknames you have; why do you have them?

Day 20- Someone you see yourself marrying/being with in the future

Day 21- A picture of something that makes you happy

Day 22- What makes you different from everyone else?

Day 23- Something you crave for a lot?

Day 24- A letter to your parents?

Day 25- What I would find in your bag?

Day 26- What you think about your friends?

Day 27- Why are you doing this 30 day challenge?

Day 28- A picture of you last year and now, how have you changed since then?

Day 29- In this past month, what have you learned?

Day 30- Who are you?

Friday, September 3, 2010

I can barely bring myself to say it...

But Dylan and I went to a ....*gasp* information meeting last night!

So all of you with little babies turning TWO or starting kindergarten or even starting high school...have a nice warm glass of SHUT-THE-HELL-UP!!!!! You don't know ANYTHING about feeling like your babies are growing up and leaving you! Just prepare yourself because it gets WORSE!!!

And I know I've posted about this very subject just recently when he had his LAST first day of school so I will try and skip over all that and get to the good stuff...

I am completely overwhelmed. I didn't feel this way when I was getting ready to graduate. I knew I was going to Jeff State and beyond that I didn't have a clue but I didn't have to worry about visiting campuses or applications or scholarships, etc. I've regretted a million times not going away to school and having that experience but then again, I wouldn't trade my experiences at Birmingham-Southern for ANYTHING!!! I think they served to make me the person I am--the friends I made, the hard work I had to do (while working full-time, taking care of two babies and almost losing my husband!) the places I got to was all wonderful.

But Dylan has choices. He has been so focused and committed to his academics since Kindergarten. Part of it is my fault--I drilled it into his head from the time he was a toddler--he was GOING to college! No two ways about it. And then he was blessed with being super-intelligent, driven and grounded. (yes--Jeff and I produced such a child! lol)

And so because of his outstanding grades and his high ACT score, he can pretty much go anywhere he wants to go. Now we just need to get him to narrow down his choices because he can't go EVERYWHERE. Problem is, he inherited from me the worst possible thing he could--he has no clue what he wants to be when he grows up! He knows a few different things he's interested in but those fields are wide open, too. He is so smart he could literally be anything he wants to be. He's talked about both engineering and medical school. (Mom is rooting for medical school! lol) He's also interested in marine biology and all kinds of other things I've never even heard of!

But the deadline to apply for scholarships at most schools is December 1!!!! So he has GOT to make some decisions. I don't expect him to carve in stone what he wants to do this early in his life (I still haven't figured it out for myself yet) but he doesn't need to narrow it down to about 4-5 schools, apply and we need to go visit. That has just been bumped up to priority number one for our family in the coming months!

I would ask all my bloggy friends to please pray for wisdom, discernment and direction for him. I want him to understand that it's not just about what HE wants to do but about God's plan for him and I'm praying that he spends some time in prayer trying to determine what that is.

Also pray for us--we have to figure out how we're going to finance this. No doubt he will get some scholarships and he should qualify for some financial aid. But I really want to try and keep him out of student loan debt if at all possible--I'm still paying on mine!

I also interviewed for a job that I really really want yesterday. It went very well and I'm interviewing again next week. Please pray that if this is where God wants me to be that I will find favor with the Director and that the hiring process will go smoothly (and quickly!)

We are looking forward to a fun, cookouts, swimming....lots and lots of fun! Hope you have a great weekend, too!


Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Confession and prayer request...

Bloggy friends, I need some help! I am once again asking for prayer and I thank all of you who have prayed so faithfully and lovingly for me over the past few months. Please know that your prayers were felt and answered and I very much appreciate them!

I have been thinking about something for quite sometime--getting my Zumba certification in October. I have been wanting to eventually teach for profit but also do it as a ministry--especially while I build some practical experience.

But God convicted me about something the other night--I am way too vain!

And I use the term vain for lack of a better term because the definition for vain is really being obsessed with one's own looks, being conceited, having an exaggerated sense of self-importance. I don't think I'm any of those things. I DO try and look my best most of the time but if I need to run to the store without makeup and my hat on, I'm okay with that. And I KNOW I'm not perfect and I'll be the first one to admit it.

But whenever I see someone else that obviously is lacking in the looks department--even kids--I can't help but think "Oh my gosh, poor thing." And when I'm at Zumba and I see someone that is not getting the steps, I think, "give up already".

I know that's terrible! And it's not that I think EVERYTHING is about looks. Most of the time, I'm not even attracted to good looking men--it's the personality, the heart and the sense of humor that really makes me become emotionally attached. And I would NEVER make fun of someone with a disability or anything like that. But sometimes I see people and think, "your parents shouldn't have bred!" So bad, I know.

So I really need to work on that. I've looked for devotionals, articles, etc. on the subject but I can't seem to find anything on point so if you come across anything, please pass it this way.

Until then, pray for God to change my heart. Like I said, it's not that I REALLY feel this way--it's just instinctive in the beginning but it bothers me nonetheless. I really want to have a pure heart...a heart that loves all people, doesn't look at the outter and wants to help them become the person God wants them to be. And one day, I hope to go into missions-- so I MUST get rid of this terrible attitude!!!

I hope my confession doesn't offend anyone--I DO truly love people, all people. I just need to get rid of this...whatever it is!

Thanks a bunch!