Saturday, March 18, 2017

Prayer List & List of Jokes

My prayer list changes often, obviously, based on needs and requests from friends and even myself. But I always prayer for:

My children, collectively and each by name, that they would come to know God's purpose for their lives.
My parents, for health and provision.
My sisters and their families, that they would come to be in relationship with Jesus.
My ex-husband, that God would heal his heart, provide for him, protect him and lead him according to God's will.
My friends, usually each by name based on what they've asked me to pray for but always for protection.
Myself, for God to remove people not meant to be part of His purpose for me and bring those who do. For provision, wisdom and discernment. For God to guard my heart. For protection, guidance and forgiveness where I fall short.

I'm much better at laughter than prayer, sadly. Or maybe not since Abraham's son's name is Isaac which means laughter and I'm pretty sure in the Bible somewhere it says, "God laughed" and that "laughter is good medicine". I totally believe God has a sense of humor. Good thing since I find so much of life hilarious!  Some of my favorite jokes these days are actually memes or eCards so here are a few:

Every box of raisins is a tragic story of grapes that could have been wine. #wine #NapaValley:

Mother-in-law jokes. Funny meme. Kermit meme. She WISHES she had the authority lmao:

Dating after divorce. Oh my gosh yes! via RoundandRound

Maybe Heaven will be a library. Then I will be able to finish my to-read list. Kellie Elmore:

King of the Hill Bible passages:

You deleting  blocking me from Facebook affected me in the following ways...    Oh thats had no affect on me! lol:


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