Funny Doodles: none because I don't doodle.
Favorite flowers: All flowers, like all children, are beautiful. But my favorites are magnolias in a magnolia tree and roses of any color. Mums are cool in the Fall. As far as growing flowers, well, I suck at plants. Period. I've had some success with Azaleas and Begonias.
Favorite gifts I've received:
- my gold herringbone necklace that I got for Christmas when I was a teenager. I don't wear gold much anymore but I know what my parents must have sacrificed to be able to get it for me.
- a blanket that Maw Maw made me that is made up of scraps from all the dresses she made me when I was a little girl.
- an opal ring that Jeff gave me when we were young teenagers. The gold has tarnished but he opals are still beautiful. I may take it and the diamonds from my engagement ring and have it made into a pendant someday since we do still have kids and are friends.
- all of the precious artwork my children gave me growing up.
- a bible my Aunt Margie gave me for my 10th birthday.
Little Moments I've loved:
- each birth of a child in my family, mine and my sisters.
- oddly, the morning with God after I found out I had cancer
- my college graduation
- Dylan's college graduation
- whenever my dog, Mady is in my lap
- hearing I love you from one of my kids without me saying it first
- being in the arms of a strong man, even if he didn't love me, he sure held me like he did and it felt great
- whenever God uses me to bless someone else
Favorite items from my home:
- my glider rocker. I've spent many nights in it rocking a baby.
- my Maw Maw's corner--everything in it.
- my gallery wall--pictures and momentos of all the people I love
- my curio cabinet with clowns I collected as a teenager and some of the kids' favorite toys
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