Saturday, November 8, 2014

30 Days of Thankful--Day 6--Zumba!

Today I am thankful for zumba! I absolutely love my Monday-Thursday class at Crosspoint Baptist Church in Argo. I have been with this group for almost 5 years. They originally met at Matthews Manor and I fell in love with it. There have been times when I was unable to go, due to living too far away, knee surgery, divorce, etc. But I keep going back. It has evolved somewhat into more of a fitness/hip hop class rather than the traditional latin-based zumba but I still love it. I see more results doing it than anything else. Sometimes it's a little rough on the knees but I take my aleve and power through and if I'm on roll with it, it's easier. It's the stopping and starting back that kills me.

Unless I have something with church or baby girl or something I do not miss anymore. Highly recommend! And very thankful to have a healthy hobby!

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