Tuesday, November 4, 2014

30 Days of Thankful Day 4--my ex!

I thought a lot about what I could be thankful for today. I had a good meeting with my new boss. It's Election Day and that means the political ads are almost over! But I just could not let this day in particular go by without mentioning what it actually is. Or would have been.

It would have been my 25th wedding anniversary. I've been trying not to think about it all day. But how could I not?

We were so young. And everyone tried to talk us out of getting married. I wasn't pregnant. He wasn't going into the military or anything. We were just young, dumb and in love. For many years I tried to remember what it felt like to be that way and I couldn't. Now I remember but it's way too late. We grew up. And grew apart. We didn't make it as a married couple. But we made it longer than anyone ever thought we would. We lasted 21 years.  He gave me the three most incredible babies that grew up into the most amazing young adults. And for that I am very thankful.

Yes, I have many regrets that involve this man. There are things I wish I could do differently. But I can never wish it away. I know one day we will both move on and I hope we will be both be happy. But I also hope that we will look back and remember that there was a lot of good about our life together.

I know he loves our kids and is good to me because of them. And for that also, I am thankful.

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