Saturday, November 8, 2014

30 Days of Thankful Day 5--for choices!

Yes, I'm woefully behind on these thankful posts. I just haven't had a chance to get on the laptop for anything other than work and school.

And speaking of school, it was time to register for Spring courses. I needed to take Accounting 626 (Cost Accounting for Management) or Finance 630 (Managerial Finance) and NEITHER are being offered. That throws off my entire plan unless I take one during the summer and I really don't want to. Moreover, I can't take three remaining classes until I have had Finance. I also have to take at least 6 credit hours to get my student loan and God knows I can't afford this without it so....I found myself in a bit of a pickle this week!

Fortunately, I found something that I could take--Finance 631, Securities and Portfolio Analysis, which given my background in HR Benefits and Investments, shouldn't be too difficult. It isn't one of my requirements but it shouldn't hurt me to have it.

The situation is also making me consider even more the possibility of transferring to Columbia Southern University. It is one of UNA's partner schools with a different format--one course every six weeks and mostly writing. I can also get a concentration in HR. I can't deny it's a very appealing option. I am just cautious that a degree from CSU will carry the same weight as one from UNA. But I'm hoping that a MBA is a MBA. It will be a pain in the big toe to transfer but it is something I am considering.

So how does this tie into being thankful? Well, choices! I am thankful for choices! I am VERY thankful that when things do not go the way I plan (and they seldom do anymore), I have choices!

I just hope and pray that I make the right one!

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