Sunday, January 12, 2014

Day 8 of the Daniel Fast and other things...

I am happy to say I am of Day 8 of the Daniel Fast and after the modifications I made on Day 2, I am still going strong. However, with the modifications I'm not sure I'm still supposed to be calling it an actual "Daniel Fast" but I am anyway, for lack of a better, more concise term.

I did the real thing for two days and it was hard! I had no idea how dependent my body is on caffeine. I thought I could do it cold turkey and be over it in just a few days but not possible. If I ever do decide to give up caffeine completely, it will have to be done in baby steps.  Still, I want the experience to be as close as possible to the real thing so I only allow myself coffee in the mornings. Most days, I can handle just one cup. Some days, two is required. But that is the only caffeine I allow myself. No soda, no tea (and I really do miss my sweet tea!), but only water! So I don't think that's too bad.

The other modification I had to make was to add dairy back. Not much but a little. I was okay with the almond milk in my cereal. But I needed a little cheese and a little sour cream on a few things to make me able to stick to the main theme of the plan--no meats, sweets or breads.

So I am on day 8 with no meats, sweets, or leavened bread and I feel fantastic. I have a deep appreciation for the majority of the world that survives solely on beans and/or rice! It has made me much more appreciative to live where I do--in the land of plenty! It also makes me more sensitive to those that don't appreciate though and I am ever so irritated with people that have been complaining about their lack of choices when it comes to restaurants in their area. Seriously, people? But I digress. First world problems, what can you do? (shaking my head)

The 21 days of prayer has been awesome. Except for Wednesday when my alarm didn't go off for some reason, I've tuned in online every morning to the services at 6 a.m. and actually went to Saturday morning prayer. Now that it's not so cold, I plan to make it to the church every morning at 6 a.m. because as it is with our other services, watching online is great when you can't make it but it's no substitute for actually being there. Yesterday, I did not pray for one thing for myself but instead took several of the prayer cards off the table and prayed over each one of those.  How humbling it is to see the needs of others and what a privilege it was to pray for each person.

I prayed for a few families expecting a child. I prayed for several that needed financial assistance. I prayed for some battling addictions and even prayed for one of the prisoners we ministered to and his needs. And before I knew it, I was out of time...and God had given me a whole new perspective for my own prayer needs.

For the main thing I am praying for, His promise is still there but I am reminded it's on His timeline, not mine. And my first prayer needs to be not for reconciliation but for his salvation. That is most important because though it wasn't God's intention for us to ever be divorced, now that we are, I cannot be unequally yoked. So if we are to be reconciled (and only God knows that for sure, I completely trust Him to show me), he first has to become a believer. I don't know his heart and I never did. I only know by his actions. That is why it is so important for us believers to make our actions match our words--not so we can earn anything from God. But so that others will see our good works and praise our Father in Heaven and can recognize that we are His followers. See Matthew 5:16 and Matthew 7:16.

I am so excited about the possibility of co-leading a LIFE (Living in Freedom Everyday) group this semester! I attended LIFE Leader training Tuesday night and put my name down as a co-leader looking for a leader. It just depends on whether or not anyone leading needs help on the nights that I am available. If not, I will just join another small group, possibly repeating the LIFE group with someone else. I believe in that curriculum. It has made so much difference in my life but I attribute most of that to the group God led me to this past semester as well as the retreat. Indeed, people kept telling me that the retreat was the biggest part of it and I never understood why until I went. But the twelve weeks of group meetings are only half of the LIFE experience. The retreat really makes the biggest difference and I know this because this was my third time to try and do LIFE! I promise, LIFE will change your life!

I also plan to repeat Divorce Care on Sunday evenings because I missed a few of the sessions last semester and I have really bonded with the other members. I also have a strong desire to minister to other divorced people, particularly women. I also encourage anyone who is divorced (no matter how long it's been), separated or even thinking about divorce to take advantage of this ministry. There are classes everywhere and you only need to visit Divorce Care to find a group in your area.

I wish I was able to join some of the recreational small groups that we have but with Graduate school starting back already, I am realistic about the amount of free time that I have. I am really excited about the courses I am taking this time. I have two classes with a few of the people I met last semester and am looking forward to working with them again.

Things are going pretty well at work also. It's no secret that it's not what I want to do for the rest of my life, otherwise I would not be seeking my MBA. But the other temp and I met with the manager last week and we are guaranteed employment through the end of February, possibly longer, because of some campaigns we'll be working on so I'm happy about that. The low stress of the job helps balance everything else going on in my life right now. That also seems to confirm what God has been telling me about my job also, as well as my own common sense.

The girls are doing well and things have been so much more peaceful at home lately and for that I just praise God! Brooke is all excited about her theater audition and dance team tryouts and Kayti is looking forward to clogging competition, the prom, graduation and getting ready for UA. It's fun watching their excitement and joining in their joy. But I continue to pray that God will draw them close to Him and that they will trust Him for guidance in their lives. It is an important lesson that I didn't learn until just recently and I am hoping and praying that they grasp it much sooner than I did.

Dylan is doing well also. He got a huge raise at work (he is already working as an Engineer even though he's only a Junior) and his course load is overwhelming to me but to hear him talk it seems right up his alley, even though his spare time will be largely devoted to homework. He is also trying to start a special project group to design something special and I won't share the details publicly because I think it's a highly competitive field. I probably wouldn't get the details right anyway--he is so much smarter than me with regard to physics, etc. My knowledge of physics ends with my understanding of gravity and the effects it is having on my body!

Our fur babies are also doing great! Mady is her usual loving and hyper self and Lacy has calmed down a great deal since she was spayed. She has also gotten very fat! But she continues to scratch my couch even though she has a scratching post. Good thing I'm not very fond of this couch and will soon be replacing it. But before I do we have to get her scratching under control. I am going to try Soft Paws before we consider having her declawed. I hope it works because I really don't want to have her declawed. But I can't replace furniture every few years either!

All in all, we are very blessed! I hope you are as well! If I can pray for you in any way, please email me and let me know. It's my honor and privilege to do so!

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