Wednesday, January 15, 2014

A new beginning...

Sunday night I did something I have been contemplating for a few months--since before I started this new blog:

 Yes, I made the decision to be rebaptized!

I know most people who have been baptized before don't feel the need to do it again when they rededicate their lives to the Lord. But I did. I prayed about it for quite some time and I concluded the when I was baptized the first time, it wasn't for the right reasons. And it didn't signify a change or a new life.

For all who are in Christ are a new creation--the old has gone away. 2 Corinthians 5:17

I chose not to make a huge announcement of the decision and only invited family and close friends. I was honored that my LIFE group leaders, James and Teresa were there as well as Donna who has faithfully prayed me through the last three years and my three amazing children! I wanted God to be glorified not me and so I chose to keep it somewhat private (as private as a baptism at Church of the Highlands can be anyway!)  My life is no longer about me but about what He wants for me.

And so now, it truly is a new beginning!


  1. Hi, I just found your blog through Lisa's blog. I also attend Highlands {Tuscaloosa}. I just had to post and congratulate you on the decision to be rebaptized, you can't beat a fresh start! I also just finished a Life small group last semester and am excited to say my husband will be attending his first small group (Life) this semester!! Be praying for him!

  2. Hi, Tina! Thank you so much for stopping to read and for your kind words! I went to high school with Lisa. Don't you just love Highlands? I'm so happy to hear you'll be in a LIFE group this semester. Commit to it and you will be forever changed as it is awesome! I'm leading a LIFE group this semester and so excited. Thanks again!
