Yes, I'm woefully behind but I'm catching up now!
Tuesday, Day 5, I was thankful for electricity!!! Yes, folks, it was finally turned on again around 7:30 p.m. Tuesday night after going a few rounds with my landlord and Jefferson County, neither of which I'm very thankful for at the moment!
But as I joked with the repairman from Alabama Power, who toted a ladder through the narrow hallway of my townhouse to get to the backyard (because the landlord STILL has not fixed the fence nor cut down all the brush blocking the path to the backyard and the utility pole) and worked diligently in the dark for what seemed like a long time, I would have made biscuits and gravy for him and affectionately referred to him as my new best friend!
It's amazing the things we take for granted and while I sat in the dark, playing on my android while he was hooking the lines back up I realized that there are many people in this world that do not have the luxury of electricity--something we think is a necessary. I was reminded again how very blessed I am to live where I do and be able to afford some of life's simple pleasures!
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