Monday, November 4, 2013

Thirty Days of Thankfulness Day 3

I am so very thankful that God led me to Church of the Highlands! I am thankful that I didn't give up on it because "it's too big", "overwhelming", or "the traffic". In the beginning it was all of those things. And to someone that hasn't become a part of it, it probably is still all of those things. But I am so glad I gave it a chance because it is SO much more. I am not sure I can adequately put it into words.

When I'm there, especially at Grants Mill, I look around at all the people--God's children--and I get a glimpse of what Heaven will be like. All kinds of people, black, white, hispanic, asian, etc., tattoos, jeans, suits, young, old, men, women all worshiping the One True King and worshiping PASSIONATELY, not just sitting and giving it a half effort. But fully immersed in worship. It's something you have to see to believe. It's an indescribable feeling I get when I look around at my brothers and sisters in Christ.

I love our pastors, especially Pastor Chris. I love his positive attitude, his generosity, his passion, his vision and his heart. He is truly anointed to be able to bring messages from the Lord and relate them in practical ways that are encouraging.

I love our Dream Team and am so blessed to be a part of it. Dream Teamers rock babies, teach children, lead small groups, feed the hungry, minister to the homeless, imprisoned, addicted, impoverished and unhealthy. Dream Teamers do administrative work, greet people, serve coffee, and do yardwork. Dream Teamers sing, play music, create media,  lead mission trips, tutor and mentor children, cook food, write letters and so much more. Dream Teamers are literally the hands and feet of Christ.

I love our people. No, we are not perfect. We are all flawed human beings worshiping, loving and serving a perfect Savior because of His love for us. It's a church that "gets it", is life giving and hopeful. Yes, it's a church that preaches from the Bible and makes no apologies for the gospel. But not just the death and damnation part, the resurrection and eternal life part that is SO IMPORTANT!

I am so blessed to be a part of this church and encourage you to visit. If it's not for you, that's okay. Find a place that means as much to you and does all of these things so that you will live a life fulfilled!

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