Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Thirty Days of Thankfulness Day 24

Sunday, I was thankful for my wonderful church and my Divorce Care group that has helped me so much. I wish that I had started attending the group sooner but I probably wouldn't have been ready to hear any of it. I can't explain it but I feel so much more secure in who I am that I am not even remotely interested or care whether or not I have a romantic interest in my life. I'm so completely content being the daughter of the King! I'm enjoying the other aspects of my life so much that I don't know where I'd find the time or energy for a relationship. And that's okay. When the time is right, God will bring the situation and the right person about. And if that never happens again, I can finally honestly say I'm at peace with that. I will be blessed to live a life serving Him.

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