Monday, July 8, 2013

Building up

Our words either build people up or tear them down. Choose to speak words of life. Proverbs 18:21

My wonderful pastor, Chris Hodges, tweeted this today from our One Year Bible (which I confess I have not looked at today). But it instantly made me smile because I was reminded of my two amazing daughters.

Many years ago, when they were little, we were attending a small church and we were very involved. I had also begun homeschooling and was doing my best to shape their little minds and hearts. But being 23 months apart and together almost all the time, naturally, they had quite a few sisterly spats.

One day in particular, I'd had it up to my ears with their constant bickering and I quoted this verse to them, rather angrily, which I know I should not have done. But my frustration got the better of me and I yelled at them:

"Why do you two fight ALL THE TIME? You are SISTERS! You should constantly be on each other's side. Stop tearing each other down and start building each other up!"

I kept meeting with protests:

"Well SHE..."

"But SHE..."

"And then SHE..."

I put my hands up. "STOP! I said. I'm done for today. Go to your room and do not come out until I tell you it's okay."

I was just hoping for a few minutes of peace and quiet so that I could grab the book of my guru, Lisa Whelchel and find some creative ways at handling their fights. And though I respect her greatly, I must confess to this DAY they still argue like lawyers! But anyway...

A few minutes later, Brooke poked her little head out the door and yelled for me, "Mommy?!"

'Oh great!' I thought. 'Here we go again already. I really do not want to spank them!' "What is it, Brooke?"

"Can we come out now? We're all built up!"

ROFLMBO! Out of the mouths of babes, for sure!

Be blessed and remember, keep building each other up!

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