I can't remember the first time I ever watched Joel Osteen or why but I can say without too much doubt that I have loved him since the first moment I heard him preach. There are so many people who don't.
"He's too fake-looking!"
"He only preaches 'feel-good' stuff."
"He's too happy all the time, he's got to be on drugs or something."
"I just don't trust him."
My, my. Most of the people who don't like him also don't go to church because they don't like the condemnation that a lot of churches preach or the feeling that a lot of churches make people feel--like there is no hope because we can't possibly measure up to God's standard and if you're not constantly on your knees, selling all your worldly possessions and working in a grimy soup kitchen to feed the homeless then you're destined for hell.
And here is a man preaching the TRUE gospel of Jesus Christ--that His sacrifice on the cross was payment for all our sins. That there IS hope because if we have a relationship with Him, we ARE saved and there is NO CONDEMNATION for those who remain in Christ Jesus. (Romans 8:1) He's positive, loving and encouraging. And yet they don't like him. But WE (believers) are the hypocrites? I digress.
Nonetheless, when I heard this amazing man of God was coming to Birmingham, I immediately got tickets. Friday night finally arrived and can I just say that...wow! What a blessing!! What an amazing night of love, victory and new beginning for me!
The devil must have known what was in store because he fought me all day trying to keep me from going. The day started out like a typical Friday--stressful! I'm usually worn out from the week and though I generally muster up the energy to always go somewhere after work and unwind, after the week I had, I was emotionally, mentally and physically drained.
I'd wrapped up my last session of physical therapy and so had been pushing myself with workouts. We had recital to prepare for, I had had drama with the ex, drama with a guy (so not worth it), things had been hectic at work, decisions that needed to be made were weighing heavily on my mind and I had financial stress that was really starting to get to me.
I had to leave work an hour early so that I could make it downtown to pay my very past due sewer bill (don't even get me started) and I know I have to hustle so I can get back and feed the girls some dinner before taking them to Shades Valley High School for rehearsal. So I'm flying down the interstate when I pass a State Trooper. Ugh! I knew I was dead in the water when I passed him. So he pulls me over and tells me I'm going 80 in a 60 and asked to see my license and proof of insurance. I told him I didn't realize it was 60--thought all interstates were 70, so he tells me to sit tight and let him see what he can do. I'm thinking, "Awesome! He's gonna see I have no warrants or anything and let me off with a warning." But then he comes back with a stupid speeding ticket!
I make it downtown, turn the corner and am almost creamed head-on by some idiot driving down the wrong side of the road, literally! I'm thinking, "where is his ticket?"
I get everything and everybody taken care of, come back home to plop on the couch for a little bit and wait on Dede to get to my house and I'm thinking, I should just call her and tell her I can't do it. Let her find someone else to go with her, I am exhausted and I know I have a big day ahead tomorrow. But I don't. I get ready, she gets there and we go.
We luck up finding a sweet parking spot, get inside and got a great deal on some books, tshirt, worship cd, dvd, etc. find our seats, get something to drink and settle in to be blessed by the Word. And boy were we EVER.
It dawned on me then that that's is why and how I ended up at Church of the Highlands. The message and mission are the same--encouragement, hope, building relationships and winning people for Christ. That's what it's all about. It's life that gets us bogged down but that's NOT the way God intended it to be. Sometimes He changes our circumstances. Sometimes He changes us. But God really does want us to have abundant life, we just have to demonstrate faith in Him that He WILL give it to us.
I think what touched me the most was when his precious mother got up there to speak. I had never heard her story before. Diagnosed with untreatable cancer in 1981 and given only a few weeks to live, her attitude actually changed her life! She's still with us, not just alive but alive and healthy having had no treatment except praying the healing scriptures every day and helping in her son's ministry! Wow! I mean, really, wow! What an awesome God!
I also enjoyed hearing Victoria and the music was incredible. Joel and Victoria even have two very beautiful and very talented children who sang/played guitar.
World Vision was also there and I had always wanted to adopt and/or sponsor a child. That night, I felt the Lord really leading me--there is never a time when conditions are perfect to do anything. That was the message I kept hearing. Often we think, "I'll be happy when this happens. When I get that promotion. When I get out of debt. When I find the perfect mate." We postpone our own happiness waiting for things to be "right" first. No! We need to be happy NOW! Let God make the conditions right on His timing! I'd had that attitude about sponsorship for several years. I can barely afford the two kids I have living with me, plus the one in college. My finances are a MESS--how can I justify sponsoring a child that I don't even know?
Truthfully, how could I NOT? I often hear people complain about the aid our country gives to others when we have people hungry, hurting and homeless here. But honestly, we are SO blessed in this country. I don't begin to judge people's circumstances having once been homeless myself but push came to shove, I knew I had a shelter somewhere in this city I could go to. There are programs that I've had to take advantage of when I was in need--food stamps, free lunch--and there are many more that are available to people in this country not to mention we have a stable government (even if they are idiots), a free market, infrastructure and opportunity that other countries do NOT have. Simply put, those of us who are able SHOULD help other countries FIRST. Who knows, the child I sponsored may one day discover the cure for cancer. He may lead souls to Jesus. He can do anything because I'm feeding him. The blessing is mine. I'm honored to give up whatever I need to give up in order for him to have his basic needs met and even be afforded 1/4 of the opportunity my own children are given.
Sadly though, I'd taken the attitude of "I'll do it later" when it came to doing what I knew I needed to do to finish the process of completely turning my life around. I needed--and had been feeling like that for a long time--to rededicate my life to the Lord.
It wasn't that I had stepped away completely. I had continually prayed throughout my divorce and other events of the past year. But I continued to live the way *I* wanted to live. I wasn't ready to give up the pleasures of the flesh and I don't know that I'll be successful in trying but I do know I'm now ready to. Instead of waiting for the "perfect time", I decided to just let go and give in. I truly feel that things are going to start looking up even more now. I don't mean that I will magically get a better job, drop this weight or that I will have complete peace and harmony in my household or with all my family and friends. But there is harmony in my soul. And that's most important. I'm throwing myself into the things God has been calling me my whole life to do and focusing less on what Michelle wants to do. God wants Michelle to use her strengths, passions and experiences to help others in whatever way they can be helped. Maybe I'll convince some woman NOT to go down the path I did. Maybe I'll show her that even though she did, she's not worthless. Only God knows how I will reach people. I just know that He will use me to do it.
The icing on the cake Friday night was getting to meet Joel! Because I sponsored a child I got a ticket for me (and apparently a guest because I made Dede go with me!) to meet Joel Osteen personally and shake his hand! We were not allowed to take pictures or ask for autographs. I imagine if we had we would STILL be there! The line was VERY long as I'm sure you can imagine. But it moved quickly and it was exciting to get to thank him for his ministry. He's not as tall as he looks on TV and appeared rather pale. But Dede reminded me that not everyone is a sun worshiper like I am. :-/
Sunday, Dede and I went to church and to Small Group Leadership Training and then to lunch. We both have new direction for our lives and are excited about what God has planned for us and the people He will place in our paths.
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