Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Recital 2012, Soccer, Birthday pictures

Catching up, sharing a few pictures:

Brooke with her 10 year trophy!

jazz...we loved the jackets, hated the tutus!

ballet...hated that I picked this particular occasion to try instagram!

the girls with their dad after recital

me and my girls--love this picture!!!

Brooke's soccer picture for 2012

Chocolate frogs for Brooke's Harry Potter birthday!

Harry Potter cupcakes

fun at the pool with Tori!

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Happy Birthday, Brooke!

Fourteen years ago, God blessed me with another beautiful baby girl! If you want to, you can read her birth story here.

She is definitely one of a kind, my baby Brooke! She is full of confidence (sometimes TOO much) but she's usually always happy and full of love for life.

I love that she likes to go to Church of the Highlands!

I love that she loves all people--especially those with special needs or of a different color, race or creed!

I love that she loves to dance!

I love that she knows who she is and what her style is and doesn't conform to that of her peers!

I love that she loves kids, especially her cousins!

I love that she wants to do missions!

I love how she loves our dog, Mady!

I love that she's a planner and starts planning the next holiday the day after the first one!

I love that she likes to read!

I love that she's a loyal friend!

I love her beautiful dark hair and big blue eyes, even though she wants to change both from time to time!

I love that she likes to try new things and isn't afraid of not making the team or whatever!

I love that she's a great soccer player and won't miss a game for anything--even to go the the A day game in T-town!

I love that she loves her brother and sister (even if she does fight with Kayti sometimes) and wants to spend time with them!

I love how resilient she is and how she's handled all the changes from the past year!

I love that she is my daughter and that God knew what He was doing when He surprised me with another baby!

I love that she is verification for the fact that sometimes we have our own plans and we think we know what we want but God knows better and His plans for us are better and He will bless us beyond what we deserve!

Happy Birthday, beautiful! I love you!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Joel Osteen

I can't remember the first time I ever watched Joel Osteen or why but I can say without too much doubt that I have loved him since the first moment I heard him preach.  There are so many people who don't.

"He's too fake-looking!"

"He only preaches 'feel-good' stuff."

"He's too happy all the time, he's got to be on drugs or something."

"I just don't trust him."

My, my.  Most of the people who don't like him also don't go to church because they don't like the condemnation that a lot of churches preach or the feeling that a lot of churches make people feel--like there is no hope because we can't possibly measure up to God's standard and if you're not constantly on your knees, selling all your worldly possessions and working in a grimy soup kitchen to feed the homeless then you're destined for hell.

And here is a man preaching the TRUE gospel of Jesus Christ--that His sacrifice on the cross was payment for all our sins. That there IS hope because if we have a relationship with Him, we ARE saved and there is NO CONDEMNATION for those who remain in Christ Jesus. (Romans 8:1) He's positive, loving and encouraging. And yet they don't like him.  But WE (believers) are the hypocrites? I digress.

Nonetheless, when I heard this amazing man of God was coming to Birmingham, I immediately got tickets. Friday night finally arrived and can I just say that...wow! What a blessing!! What an amazing night of love, victory and new beginning for me!

The  devil must have known what was in store because he fought me all day trying to keep me from going.  The day started out like a typical Friday--stressful! I'm usually worn out from the week and though I generally muster up the energy to always go somewhere after work and unwind, after the week I had, I was emotionally, mentally and physically drained.

I'd wrapped up my last session of physical therapy and so had been pushing myself with workouts. We had recital to prepare for, I had had drama with the ex, drama with a guy (so not worth it), things had been hectic at work, decisions that needed to be made were weighing heavily on my mind and I had financial stress that was really starting to get to me.

I had to leave work an hour early so that I could make it downtown to pay my very past due sewer bill (don't even get me started) and I know I have to hustle so I can get back and feed the girls some dinner before taking them to Shades Valley High School for rehearsal. So I'm flying down the interstate when I pass a State Trooper. Ugh! I knew I was dead in the water when I passed him. So he pulls me over and tells me I'm going 80 in a 60 and asked to see my license and proof of insurance. I told him I didn't realize it was 60--thought all interstates were 70, so he tells me to sit tight and let him see what he can do. I'm thinking, "Awesome! He's gonna see I have no warrants or anything and let me off with a warning."  But then he comes back with a stupid speeding ticket!

I make it downtown, turn the corner and am almost creamed head-on by some idiot driving down the wrong side of the road, literally! I'm thinking, "where is his ticket?"

I get everything and everybody taken care of, come back home to plop on the couch for a little bit and wait on Dede to get to my house and I'm thinking, I should just call her and tell her I can't do it. Let her find someone else to go with her, I am exhausted and I know I have a big day ahead tomorrow. But I don't. I get ready, she gets there and we go.

We luck up finding a sweet parking spot, get inside and got a great deal on some books, tshirt, worship cd, dvd, etc. find our seats, get something to drink and settle in to be blessed by the Word. And boy were we EVER.

It dawned on me then that that's is why and how I ended up at Church of the Highlands. The message and mission are the same--encouragement, hope, building relationships and winning people for Christ. That's what it's all about. It's life that gets us bogged down but that's NOT the way God intended it to be. Sometimes He changes our circumstances. Sometimes He changes us. But God really does want us to have abundant life, we just have to demonstrate faith in Him that He WILL give it to us.

I think what touched me the most was when his precious mother got up there to speak. I had never heard her story before. Diagnosed with untreatable cancer in 1981 and given only a few weeks to live, her attitude actually changed her life! She's still with us, not just alive but alive and healthy having had no treatment except praying the healing scriptures every day and helping in her son's ministry! Wow! I mean, really, wow! What an awesome God!

I also enjoyed hearing Victoria and the music was incredible. Joel and Victoria even have two very beautiful and very talented children who sang/played guitar.

World Vision was also there and I had always wanted to adopt and/or sponsor a child. That night, I felt the Lord really leading me--there is never a time when conditions are perfect to do anything. That was the message I kept hearing. Often we think, "I'll be happy when this happens. When I get that promotion. When I get out of debt. When I find the perfect mate." We postpone our own happiness waiting for things to be "right" first. No! We need to be happy NOW! Let God make the conditions right on His timing! I'd had that attitude about sponsorship for several years. I can barely afford the two kids I have living with me, plus the one in college. My finances are a MESS--how can I justify sponsoring a child that I don't even know?

Truthfully, how could I NOT? I often hear people complain about the aid our country gives to others when we have people hungry, hurting and homeless here. But honestly, we are SO blessed in this country. I don't begin to judge people's circumstances having once been homeless myself but push came to shove, I knew I had a shelter somewhere in this city I could go to. There are programs that I've had to take advantage of when I was in need--food stamps, free lunch--and there are many more that are available to people in this country not to mention we have a stable government (even if they are idiots), a free market, infrastructure and opportunity that other countries do NOT have. Simply put, those of us who are able SHOULD help other countries FIRST. Who knows, the child I sponsored may one day discover the cure for cancer. He may lead souls to Jesus. He can do anything because I'm feeding him. The blessing is mine. I'm honored to give up whatever I need to give up in order for him to have his basic needs met and even be afforded 1/4 of the opportunity my own children are given.

Sadly though, I'd taken the attitude of "I'll do it later" when it came to doing what I knew I needed to do to finish the process of completely turning my life around. I needed--and had been feeling like that for a long time--to rededicate my life to the Lord.

It wasn't that I had stepped away completely. I had continually prayed throughout my divorce and other events of the past year. But I continued to live the way *I* wanted to live. I wasn't ready to give up the pleasures of the flesh and I don't know that I'll be successful in trying but I do know I'm now ready to. Instead of waiting for the "perfect time", I decided to just let go and give in. I truly feel that things are going to start looking up even more now. I don't mean that I will magically get a better job, drop this weight or that I will have complete peace and harmony in my household or with all my family and friends. But there is harmony in my soul. And that's most important. I'm throwing myself into the things God has been calling me my whole life to do and focusing less on what Michelle wants to do. God wants Michelle to use her strengths, passions and experiences to help others in whatever way they can be helped. Maybe I'll convince some woman NOT to go down the path I did. Maybe I'll show her that even though she did, she's not worthless. Only God knows how I will reach people. I just know that He will use me to do it.

The icing on the cake Friday night was getting to meet Joel! Because I sponsored a child I got a ticket for me (and apparently a guest because I made Dede go with me!) to meet Joel Osteen personally and shake his hand! We were not allowed to take pictures or ask for autographs. I imagine if we had we would STILL be there! The line was VERY long as I'm sure you can imagine. But it moved quickly and it was exciting to get to thank him for his ministry. He's not as tall as he looks on TV and appeared rather pale. But Dede reminded me that not everyone is a sun worshiper like I am. :-/

Sunday, Dede and I went to church and to Small Group Leadership Training and then to lunch. We both have new direction for our lives and are excited about what God has planned for us and the people He will place in our paths.


Sunday, May 20, 2012

Irritated but blessed!

I wrote part of this a few weeks ago. I was indeed very irritated at a certain member of the male species. Even though I'm over it and circumstances in my life have drastically changed since, I still feel it belongs in my blog. It's part of my thoughts and feelings, even though they are past thoughts and feelings and maybe it will serve to help somebody. Plus the anal, OCD side of me doesn't like to leave anything unfinished. So here it is:

I've got to get this out and I don't know where to put it. In a journal seems useless as no one will see it but on facebook is not good either because then EVERYBODY will see it. It's not that I have anything to hide, it's just...oh I don't know. I guess I'm a little worried about being perceived as dramatic or crazy or whatever. I usually don't care what anyone thinks. I am who I am and I make no apologies for what I think or feel. However...I dont know. I think the older I get and especially with the events of the past year, I just don't like appearing to be scattered even though I don't exactly have it all together--yet!

Anyway...This dating/relationships/hooking up or whatever it's called is just stupid most of the time. I did not sign up for this. When I divorced my husband I was in love with someone else and even though I look back on it now and realize how crazy THAT idea was, I never anticipated being out here in a single person's world where the rules are all different than the last time I was "out here". Let's face it, I was married quite a bit longer than I was ever single and most of the time I was single, I wasn't even old enough to date! To say I'm out of practice is an understatement.

It seems like most of the time, men are interested in women they can't have and vice versa. People are afraid of caring too much for fear that the other person may not care at all and it's not very cool or hip or whatever the word is now to want a "relationship" with anybody. It's all about hook-ups. We'll get to that in a minute.

Let's talk about this "relationship" thing for a bit. I'm finding that a "relationship" to most people means something like a commitment between two people that are not yet engaged or ready to marry but most of the time, it's exclusive. There may or may not be sex involved but there usually is some degree of intimacy and a great deal of companionship.

For whatever reason, that freaks most people out, including myself, for a variety of reasons. In today's world, monogamous relationships are generally thought of the end of your world. People dread limiting themselves to one person for life (or any significant length of time really), monotony and boredom. Television, movies, books and all other manner of media joke about "old married couples" and scoff at people who attempt to devote themselves to one person. And it is scary. There is something inside most people that makes them always feel like the grass is always greener elsewhere and we don't learn that the grass is only greener where you water it until it's usually too late. We fear that we'll miss out on something extraordinary if we're tied down to the ordinary. And so we resist a "relationship".

I think we need to come up with a new term for it. A relationship is defined in a dictionary as a "connection, association or involvement with another person" therefore by definition, as soon as you meet someone, you form SOME kind of relationship. It can be taken to any level--casual acquaintance, friendship, romantic interest...whatever. But if you know someone, you have a "relationship". I have a "relationship" with my children. I have a "relationship" with my best friend. I have a "relationship" with that girl that does my nails. Let's get over the word "relationship", already, shall we?

In the dating world, as mentioned earlier, a "relationship" is usually not something most people want or they won't admit to it anyway. Complete and total freedom at whatever cost is the ultimate prize. It can be fun and definitely has its advantages.

For men, the advantages are pretty obvious. Commitment and responsibility free sex--and the way men are generally wired, that's perfect for them. They're dogs. And I don't mean that derogatorily but that's really a good comparison--they'll fuck anything that moves. Most usually don't even have to be attracted to the other person, if it's available they'll do it. Especially if there aren't any consequences.

For women, these "hookups" can also be advantageous. Especially for us older women who have reached our sexual prime--the sex can be outstanding! Not only that but you don't have a man living with you all the time, taking up all your free time, expecting you to cook, clean and be at his beck and call. You don't have to pretend you like to watch the UFC or constantly stoke his ego. You get the bed all to yourself (except for when you WANT to share it). You don't have to relinquish control of the remote and you can keep the thermostat set on whatever temperature you want! In fact, the ONLY time I usually miss having a man around regularly is when it's time to take the trash out but hey, no big deal, I can do that if it means I get all the other things!

The only problem is that, occasionally, during those incredible sexual encounters, it gets hard to separate the physical from the mental and emotional. Even if we know it going in, sometimes it's out of our control. Usually, when a woman has sex (also during childbirth) a hormone called oxytocin is released which causes us to bond with the person we're with. Sometimes, as much as we try not to, we develop feelings for that person, whether real or imagined. Generally (or in my experience anyway) putting a little time and distance between encounters (or perhaps never again!) helps to dissipate that feeling. If her sexual experience is somewhat limited, the hormone levels can be really high and depending on other factors (what's going on in other areas of life, health, etc.) it can get really weird sometimes.

In the sixteen short months since my divorce, only one of my "encounters/relationships/whatever" has been more than a casual hookup. A few others have been "friends with benefits" which usually doesn't turn out well because someone (and not always me haha) gets attached or gets "weirded" out. I've only had one successful friends with benefits relationship and that's because he's so much younger in years that I just don't let myself go there and because he's so much wiser than his years and definitely smarter than men MY age that we have just managed it well. We also don't spend a lot of time together in person but we do talk a lot. He's a sweetheart and God love him, one day when he's ready he will make a great "relationship" person for somebody.


May 27, 2011

I rededicated my life to Christ May 18, 2011 so my attitudes about men, dating and sex have changed. It's not that I no longer believe any of the above, I am just trying to do what God wants me to do with my life and for now, all of that is on hold, at the very least.

To sum it all up, I "hooked up" with the wrong person. I was attracted to him. I liked him. But I thought we were going out as friends at first. I knew he liked a friend of mine or at least I thought. What I did NOT know was that she liked him. She was always either in denial or evasive about her feelings for him. I did not go out with him with the intention of anything physical whatsoever happening. But he made the moves and I...well, I just didn't resist. He had told me that nothing was going on with the friend, that he hadn't talked to her much but afterward he asked me not to say anything to anyone because he didn't want her to find out.

Yep! Total sleazeball. But in all fairness, he's a man. He's human. He gave in to the flesh just like I did. I can't pretend that I'm not a little hurt. But I'm chalking it up more to the darn oxytocin than anything real.

I find it funny that men usually think women are the ones with the issues after a brief sexual encounter but in my experience, it's men. I have no problem being adult about the whole thing. I've been nothing but nice and professional towards him since. But he has chosen to distance himself for whatever reason. He posted a link on facebook one day about a public figure I follow. I couldn't pull it up at the time from my phone so when I got home later to use the laptop, I discovered that I'd since been blocked! How odd. Maybe he has something to hide...maybe he just didn't want to be tempted again (as if). Who knows. Better yet, who cares. If that's the kind of man he is, I don't even need him in my life as a friend or even an acquaintance and I pity anyone who does. :)

I forgive him. I forgive myself for feeling guilty when I had nothing to feel guilty about (except for sex outside of marriage but like I said, this was before my recommitment) I did nothing wrong and I handled everything right by being completely open and honest with the friend about what happened because I felt she deserved to know the kind of person she was dealing with. Seems as if being a person of integrity has backfired, as it usually does. Nothing in this world values honesty and integrity anymore.

Looking back on it now, it just seems to confirm what the Bible says about sex. It's like a river--when confined within the boundaries of the river bank, it's beautiful. When it overreaches those bounds, it's a disaster!

And maybe it was just the final push I needed to relinquish wanting to hold on to the lifestyle I was leading. It is so inviting. So tempting. So difficult to resist at times. But that is why we--or at least I--need to heed God's wisdom. Because what feels good at the moment usually ends up making you feel terrible a LOT longer than just a moment.


So very thankful!

It's been a very challenging and at the same time very amazing last two weeks. I have not shared the details about Kayti and the problems she has been having or we have been having with her because I very much wanted to protect her privacy. There is just something in us mother's that makes us want to protect our babies from anything and everything that can be harmful and even though I haven't been able to help her much with the big things, I have prayed and asked for prayer for her and have worried that if I shared too much it would somehow be harmful to her.

But one thing I learned in my own recovery is that things like this are best dealt with when they are NOT hidden. Still, I knew it had to be her decision. Since I've seen a few posts on facebook from her, I gather that she's not fearful of people's reaction and would be quite comfortable with me sharing with those of you who bother to read these blogs. :)

She has always had anxiety. From the time she was a very small child, she would have to literally be peeled out of the carseat to go to preschool and then pryed from my arms. Once there for a few minutes she was fine but it took several months for her to get used to it and for us not to have that same routine every morning.

She was also always very strong-willed and I admit at the time, I did NOT have the patience for it whatsoever. I was stressed and stretched way beyond my limits working full-time having a child starting school, a baby and a chronically  ill husband. I needed her to behave and not insist that I put forth the effort of positive discipline. I made many mistakes that caused her to become timid.

When she started to develop, she put on a little bit of weight as girls often do but having a sister who is part stick-insect and born right on her heels caused her to be very self-conscious. Nothing we did could convince her that she was NOT fat and still a very beautiful little girl.  Though she thinned up as she grew into a young lady, she continued to see herself as ugly. Again, nothing we did seemed to help her understand or see the beautiful person (inside AND out) that we saw. She always thought we were just saying that because we were her family and that we HAD to!

Then 2011 came and all the chaos that came with it: our divorce, my abusive relationship that they had to witness at times, the subsequent drama from the arrest that followed, my dating, our moving three times, changing schools, Dylan moving off to college...it was too much for this ADULT to take, let alone a teenager. I wish I had been more aware of and sensitive to that fact. But I had no idea...I didn't set out for any of that to happen even though I know it's all a result of a choice I made.

She became increasingly anxious, very depressed and bulimic. We had her start seeing a psychiatrist, a psychologist and a nutritionist but she really was not ready to hear what they had to say even though she was very honest with them. The doctor started her on prozac and she seemed to be doing a little bit better.  But a few weeks ago she had the second of two complete meltdowns in which she was threatening to kill herself. I couldn't tell how serious she was but I didn't want to take any chances. Jeff and I took her and had her admitted to Hillcrest. She stayed for three days and came out a MUCH better person. I'm not sure if it was the slight increase in her dosage of medicine, the fact that we were concerned and demonstrated that we do take her pain seriously, the shelter shock of being where your every move is controlled or being housed with teenagers who have issues MUCH worse than hers but whatever it was, she was glad to get to come home!

She has a totally different perspective now. She's focusing on some wonderful activities, has decided to continue with dance and will even student teach this summer and she's excited about getting her driver's licence and her first job next month. I am so happy that my beautiful, smart, sweet daughter is starting to see herself that way!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

New things...

I've always loved to try new things. Okay, well as long as I can quit if I dont like it. Then again, I seldom find things I dont like. I'm just flexible that way. I tried bellydancing...fell in LOVE with it and hope to get back into it at some point. Lately I've even been sampling Chinese food and as long as I know what the meat is (I hate cats but I dont want to eat one!) I like it, too.

It's the big things I have a problem with. Especially stepping out of my comfort zone when it comes to my job/ career or helping others.

I got my Bachelor's in Business Administration because at the time, I was working for the bank and assumed that since my husband didn't make much money, I'd always have to work there. He never did make much money but I was able to get out of banking (something I didn't really like) and get into teaching and daycare--something I'd pretty much been groomed for my whole life.

But I didn't want to go back to school to get a Master's or a teaching certificate that would've enabled me to teach in public school. It took me NINE years to get my undergrad, I was in NO HURRY to go back. I also didn't--and still don't--like the direction the public schools were going and I had no desire to be a part of it. So I found my niche in the private setting.

Now, I'm pretty much maxed out on salary and getting burned out with the "industry". I still love the kids and I get along with the parents and it's very heartwarming when you see something click in a child that you've been trying to teach them. I've taught several kids to read and nothing short of giving birth to my own children has been as rewarding. And now that I'm working with toddlers, language development and independence has been just as satisfying.

But administration and government agencies are beginning to tie the hands of caregivers. There are too many "experts" with no practical experience making all the rules instead of allowing the natural relationship of parent/child/caregiver to progress on its own. I realize that there are crazies out there and that sometimes situations occur and bad things happen. But instead of dealing with those individually, the government's answer--as it is with anything--is to mandate a procedure that just makes it tough on everyone unnecessarily.

I used to have the dream of opening my own center. But not anymore.  I want out. It's time to do something different. And so I've been thinking...

I have fallen in love with my Physical Therapist! She's amazing and has gotten me interested in the field. Problem is, to be a licensed Physical Therapist that would mean another three years of school AT LEAST!

Physical Therapist Assistants do pretty well but it's still a huge commitment for school. And I'm still paying on my student loans from my undergrad degree! Do I really want to go into more debt? Would it be worth it? Would I like being a Physical Therapist? I can get along with most people but putting my hands on some people--especially those with jacked up feet...oh well, it can't be worse than changing diapers, can it?

Physical Therapy Aide is a twelve week program for $800-$1600 and I'm totally interested in that. It's not that much money or time invested into finding out if its a field I would really like to go into. And it can never hurt to know how to do something else. But it doesn't pay very well...about the same as what I make now. So....that's what I'm thinking!

As for helping others...I'm always glad to do that when I can but I've always wanted to do more...

I've always had a heart for orphans and a heart for missions. But my marriage to Jeff didn't lend itself to doing anything for either. He didn't want to adopt, nor did he have any desire to go to a foreign country--or even a poor side of this one--to help anybody. I don't mean to paint a picture of him that's selfish. He would help his friends and family in a heartbeat and still does help me a lot. But strangers...it's not his thing.

So when I got divorced, missions moved to the top of my list of things to do and I finally found a good first missions trip to take. I applied about four months ago and found out last week I had been approved! I am beyond excited.

I am going to work in an orphanage in Mexico for a week--just loving on babies and doing whatever needs to be done. It's right up my alley! My family is less than thrilled however because...

I'll be gone during Christmas. I leave December 23 and come back December 30. Why did I decide I could be away from my kids and family on Christmas? Well because it's Jeff's year to have the kids at Christmas. And while he may or may not have been willing to compromise (sometimes we get along in this area and sometimes not) I didn't want to chance being completely alone in my apartment on Christmas Even when for the past twenty years I've been waiting for Santa Claus to show up. I didn't think I could handle it.

So I decided if things are going to be different, I'm going to control HOW they are different and so I applied and turned it over to God. If He thought it was a good idea, I'd get approved to go and if not, I'd come up with a new plan. He apparently agreed with me. Now all I have to do is raise the money to cover my cost because homegirl certainly doesn't have the money herself and I also would like to raise over and above my cost and maybe take some things to the orphanage--like diapers or whatever.

So that's my big news...an upcoming mission trip and a possible career change. Need lots of prayers for both!

Weird places

I was watching the movie, Backdraft last night and the scene where Jennifer Jason-Leigh has sex with William Baldwin on top of the firetruck got me to thinking about weird places to have sex. So upon doing a little research (aka google) I stumbled upon the following article: If you’re adventurous and maybe a wee bit of an exhibitionist, then you need to start having sex in creative places. Whether what you’re looking for is romantic, sexually liberating, or just straight-up, ballsy, LDU has compiled a list of places for you.

1. On a porch swing. (Back and forth, back and forth.)
Does a porch glider count? Next.

2. Inside a cave somewhere. (It’ll be an adventure. But look out for bears.) Um, no. I'm claustrophic. Next!

3. On the hood of your car on a deserted gravel road (or deserted parking lot.) Done, next.

4. On a pool table. (The one you’ve got at home or in the billiards place you frequent despite being frowned upon and possibly even ticketed for public indecency, up to you.) Done, next.

5. The library. (Remember, shhhh, you have to be quiet.) In the south, we'd definitely be arrested! lol but I'm not opposed to the idea. Next.

6. On top of the washer or dryer… while it’s running. (Mmmm vibrations.) Done, next.

7. On a rug in front of a fireplace. (Yes, like something out of a Boyz II Men music video.) Done, next.

8. On a secluded island beach. (This one will cost a bit.) Done. Only it wasn't exactly secluded. Next.

9. In the backyard under the stars. (On the deck, the grass, a blanket.) Done, next.

10. In the woods after it rains. (Dampness is nice.) Done, next.

11. Or just in the rain. (Anywhere, really.) Oh how I want to! Next.

12. On a motorcycle. (Stopped and parked, obviously. Make sure it wasn’t running recently or you’ll get some nasty exhaust burns.) Never dated anyone that owned a bike...but again, I'm not opposed. Next.

13. In a public restroom. (This is a common one, but it’s fun every time.) Um, no, I dont even like peeing in a public restroom. Can you say nasty? Next.

14. In an airplane restroom. (If you can do this, why not join the mile high club!) Not sure the restroom of a plane is any cleaner but a plane I wouldnt mind. Next.

15. On top of a hill. (You’d have quite the view. And feel like you’re on top of the world.) Does the side of a hill count? Next.

16. On a rooftop. (Reindeer aren’t the only ones that can make noises on rooftops.) Interesting...next.

17. Under a rainbow. (Go for the gold!) boring but sex is sex...next.

18. In a hot tub. (Be careful though, water makes things a bit tricky.) Done. Next.

19. On a bail of hay. (Beware of rolling.) Um that side of the hill was basically a hay field...next.

20. In a field full of wildflowers. (Get wild.) okay, next.

21...yeah they missed 21. I guess sex DOES kill brain cells!

22. On a water bed. (It’s bouncy and fun.) I used to have a waterbed, hence NEXT.

23. In the car while going through an automated car wash. (Clean your car while getting dirty.) ha ha Talk about a quickie! Next.

24. In a hot air balloon. (Talk about being on Cloud 9.) Oh definitely got to add that to the bucket list. Next.

25. Under the full moon in wet grass. (Either/or would be good but the combination would be stellar — literally.) Done. Next.

26. In an elevator. (It’s risky and you may as well get a rise out of it, ha.) When I worked at the bank, I had a HUGE crush on the cute little maintenance guy and I often fantasized about getting stuck in the elevator with him. Not sure if that would have been good or not because again, I'm claustraphobic. But I was married then anyway so it was only ever a fantasy...next.

27. On the bathroom floor. (Preferably not covered in clipped toe nails and balls of hair.) my bathroom floor--done. Next.

28. In bed with silk or satin sheets. (Why not pamper yourself?) Done. Next.

29. On a trampoline. (Weeeeeeeeeeeee!) Done. Next.

30. In the garage or the tool shed. (Basically, get dirty in some place dirty.) Done. But it was my garage and we're talking about me here so it wasnt all that dirty! Next.

31. On a jungle gym at night. (It’s a way to enjoy them in a whole different way than you used to.) Does the playground at a park count? Next.

32. On horse-back. (Giddy-up!) Now why didn't I think of that! Combining two of my favorite things, sex and horses. As long as it's not sex WITH the horse! Next.

33. In a tent. (Not having a lot of space and being in the wilderness just makes it all that much more exciting.) Done. Next.

34. On an amusement park ride. (Doing some riding on rides sounds about right.) Sounds good, too. Next.

35. In a sleeping bag. (It’s cozy.) Done. Next.

36. In the car at a drive-in. (Sometimes movies just aren’t that entertaining.) Every time I've been to the drive in, I've had kids in tow so...next.

37. On really plush carpet. (Create some static electricity.) Done. Next.

38. On a picnic table. (Yummy.) Done. Next.

39. On the hood of a car. (Deserted road, empty parking lot, wherever.) Done. But I need to break in MY car...??? next.

40. Inside a car, in general. (Vroom, vroom!) Done. Lots. Next.

41. In a cemetery. (It’s morbid, but at least you know you likely won’t be bothered.) how about the parking lot of one? Next.

42. In or on a slide. (Could be uncomfortable though.) Done. And no it's not. Next.

43. In a portapotty. (Not all that different from doing it in a public bathroom. And it’s got a door so it’s almost like a room.) Eeeeewwwwww. Next.

44. In a stairwell. (School, apartment, work, etc.) Done. Damn, I'm way more adventurous than I thought. Next.

45. In a room filled with candles. (Romantic and mood-setting.) Done. Next.

46. In a bathtub. (Splish, splash.) Done. Next.

47. On a golf course. (Get that hole, er, in one.) Never dated any golfers...next.

48. In the back of a limo. (Especially good if you’re dressed and feeling all fancy.) Never dated any rich guys! Next.

49. In the ocean. (Ride the waves.) Done. Next.

50. Next to a campfire. (Not the only thing getting fired up.) Done. Next.

51. In a treehouse. (Fun times as long as you’re not afraid of heights. And beware of splinters.) Not a bad idea...next.

52. On a waterfall. (Don’t be afraid to get wet.) Would love to. next.

53. In your office. (So unprofessional, but so hot.) I've never had an office...only a cubicle! Next.

54. In an alley. (May as well hide under the cover of the alley’s darkness.) Done. Next.

55. On a bed covered in rose petals. (Typical and cliche, but hey, it looks and smells nice.) cliche and a waste of money...next.

56. On a baseball diamond. (Go for that home run!) Does the parking lot count? Next.

57. Off a beaten trail in the woods. (You won’t even notice the mosquito bites.) Done and I got poison oak! Not fun! Next.

58. Underwater. (Slippery when wet, but not impossible.) hmmm...I'm willing. Next.

59. In a closet at a party. (Coming out of the closet may be a bit awkward but then again, when isn’t it?) Sounds like Seven Minutes in Heaven...next.

60. On an air mattress. (Try it.) Done. Next.

61. In an abandoned barn wearing nothing but cowboy boots and a cowboy hat. (The reverse cowgirl has never looked so good.) I LOVE the reverse cowgirl position but HATE the cowgirl look...next.

62. In a hammock. (This requires quite a bit of coordination.) I wouldnt mind...next.

63. In front of an open window. (Show the world.) Done. But it was not intentional! lol Next.

64. In an RV during a road trip. (Road head anyone?) I DO want to go RVing....next.

65. In a Jeep with the doors removed (Badass.) How about a Jeep Grand Cherokee with the doors open? Next.

66. On a gondola as you rise to the top of the mountain. (While reaching another kind of peak.) okay...next.

67. On train tracks. (Doing it in the path of a fast-moving, heavy chunk of iron is likely painful and definitely a bad idea, but it’ll definitely give you a rush.) I wouldnt say no but it's not on my must-do list. Next.

68. On a chair. (Practical, you can find one anywhere.) Done. Next.

69. In a church? (Forgive me Father for I am sinning right now!) Um. No. Even I gotta draw the line somewhere. Though I have done it in the parking lot of an abandoned church. Next.

What are some wacky places you’ve had sex? Did you get caught? Would you do it again? Let’s share sex stories! I've been caught lots...mostly in high school. His mom came home from work early once. We got caught by the cops a few times parking in various remote places. And I'm gonna add a few more to this list. 1) the 50 yard line at Bryant Denny! or the endzone...or the stadium seats...hell I may even make an exception and do the restroom! 2) that firetruck I mentioned earlier! Come on, I know yall have some other suggestions!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Last trip to T-town for awhile...

The girls and I drove down to T-town last Sunday to visit Dylan. I fixed him a little "care package" with Dr. Pepper, Monsters, Nerds, Lemonheads, energy bars, twizzlers--all his favorite stuff, so that he could make it through finals week. He was surprised and appreciative but said he was in no way worried about passing his finals. It almost makes me sick how smart he is! We went to eat lunch at the Mellow Mushroom...
where we all tried something NEW (except Brooke)...the Philosopher's pizza, with all white cheese and steak. I also tried the Bud Light with Lime! lol Then we went to the Riverwalk where I could've walked forever but the girls were whiney about being hot and tired!
So we went to have frozen yogurt! We had to head back to begin yet another week but tomorrow, he comes home for the Summer! I have really missed my firstborn but I am SO PROUD of him! Will blog more this weekend...so much news!