Monday, April 16, 2012

There are few things that I love more...

than spending the day with these two:

eating pizza at Hungry Howie's down on the strip, in the promised land and then going to the altar of the football gods!'s so awesome!

I am so proud of that young man up there! And so happy he is having the time of his life but still staying focused on the big picture!

And she is so beautiful but doesnt like having her picture taken! Hope she gets out of that shyness soon. She will be here in two short years--she's already decided!

And I just love checking out all the shirts!

I think that one's my favorite--tru dat!

And forgive me for saying so...

but a lot of people dream of having sex on the beach. Been there done that. This is my dream spot!

and this is my second choice...


We got there early enough to sit where we wanted. This is where I wanted to sit...

But Dylan complained! He couldnt see the formations very well from the field. So we climbed a little higher. But then Kayti started complaining about the sun. So we climbed even higher to get in the shade. But then the sun shifted and there was nothing we could do but burn up! Ahh but it as worth it when the Tide came running out...

We were thrilled to see a few of Dylan's classmates, Tyler Owens and Quintin Dial get some playing time and overall the team looked good. They have some things to work on but I'm sure Saban will get it straightened out!

We were so hot when we left that Kayti and I played in the fountain by the student center! You're never too old to play in water--especially when you're hot! Wish my camera battery hadnt died--it was funny!

And of course, we put the top down on the car on the way home!

Brooke stayed behind to play her soccer game. She was bummed she didnt get to go but she's a very devoted team player and loves her game! I'm proud of the choice she made.

Roll Tide Roll!

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