Saturday, February 6, 2010

Life or something like it

Didn't that used to be a show? If it did, I never watched it but that title sounds vaguely familiar to me. much to report:

The week after--and I mean the VERY next week, days even--the jeep got "fixed", the van started running hot. The thermostat has needed replacing for a while but of course, it was neglected so then the radiator blew up. Joy. Hubby should get the last of that fixed today. The jeep is still giving us problems--we think it's the fuel pump. More joy.

We filed our income taxes. Not getting as much back this year because guess what? When your child turns 17, you no longer get "Child Tax Credit" for him! I still get to claim him as a dependent--totally separate thing. But not Child Tax Credit. Go figure. At a time when they are eating the most and costing you the most money, you don't get any help. Makes sense to me.

There is even more drama going on at work. I'm not even going to spend time telling you about it. God has taught me so much this year about trusting him that I'm not even phased or surprised or anything anymore. Sad, yes. Surprised, no. But I know He is in control.

God has answered a prayer I've had for a long time about starting a prayer group and he answered my request for a prayer/accountability partner. I'm SO excited about this new thing in my life. I have the most WONDERFUL prayer partner in the world and I am SO blessed and thankful for her. I hope she knows what she's in for! LOL

Truthfully though, God has put so much on my heart lately including something VERY BIG. I would appreciate ANY & ALL prayers because for this to happen--He is going to have to show up in a BIG way. I know He can. I just don't know if this is what He REALLY wants from me right now or not. I know one day I will eventually. But it has to be on God's time, not mine. (and no, we're not adopting! lol) This is something that only now do I see that God has been preparing me for my whole life and I SO want to do it. But again--is it what He wants me to do and is NOW the time? So many questions...Lord I await and will abide by your perfect answers. This is so important. I might need to even fast on this.

Today is Mia's baby shower and I'm SO excited! But I'm even more excited that there's less than 4 weeks before I get to hold that precious baby in my arms. I'm so ready, whether she is or not!

We have a VERY full weekend ahead. Not sure if I'll get to fit it all in or not. My social butterfly Brooke has us running around and it's also the shower and BIL's birthday! I'm tired even thinking about it!

Have a great week!

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