Friday, February 19, 2010

Lent...(updated 3/8/10)

Day 21 Today I'm praying for this child:

Laine's heart is in China. My heart is in India and the Middle East. But Brooke's heart is in Africa. She LOVES little black babies, children and just black people in general. Always has. I love that she is like that. Her love for the people of Africa inspired me to read Heaven Shop by Deborah Ellis over the summer. Deborah Ellis is the same author that wrote the Breadwinner trilogy that I loved. But Heaven Shop is about the AIDS epidemic in Africa and how it is making so many children orphans. I don't know that that is what made the little girl above an orphan but chances are--more than likely. I don't know this little girl's name but God does. When I saw her picture, I knew God needed me to pray for her. Check out her dress--Brooke and Kayti had dresses EXACTLY like that when they were younger!!! Weird, huh?

Jesus, I know you love the little children--all the children of the world. Red and yellow black and white they are precious in Your sight! Please Lord, help more people to realize how precious they are. Lift up forever families for these children and until then, provide amply for their needs.
Days 17-20 Prayed for all the orphans especially those listed so far...

Days 10-16 Okay, so I am behind. Not that I haven't prayed for orphans but I find myself praying for a few that have my heart more than a different one every day like I'd planned. But I have added a few. There are just so many! It seems almost unreal to me that there could be so many children without families in the world. It really makes ya think!

I have always had an interest in the culture of India for some reason. I really can't even put it into words. It's just all so...intriguing. But there is a great need there for so much. If we ever do adopt from another country, India would be my first choice. I've often heard so many stories about the plight of women and little girls in India, the gender discrimination, caste system, the fear of the disabled, etc. Unfortunately, many of them are true. But there are so many good people working to end these horrible things.

One such place is called Redeeming India. You can check out their work at Basically what they do is buy baby girls from the midwives who are paid to murder them. The family of girls in India are expected to pay a dowry when she marries. The more they are able to pay, the better the husband that is selected for her. The dowries put a huge hardship on many families. This is just one of many reasons girls are not "desirable" in India.

While reading some updates on the Redeeming India blog, I saw this picture:

This is Beth! Is she not the most precious little thing you've ever seen? She is one that I have prayed for in the last few days.

I also received the name of another orphan to pray for.

Kon Mom lives at the Tek Hoat Church Home in Cambodia. She is 6 years old and beautiful!

Lord, I don't know these little girls but You do! You know every hair on their beautiful little heads and all their needs and their wants. Lord, please take care of them and raise up some sweet family to love them.

Days 7, 8 & 9 Prayed for Tyler, Tabitha and Taran (pictures will have to be posted later)

Okay, they aren't "orphans" but sometimes I feel like some children should be. I know that probably sounds harsh to some of you especially if you have a heart for children like I do but lack the experiences I've had with many kids. But I can promise you there are some things children should not have to experience and you'll just have to trust me on this.

These three children are my cousin's children and they are great kids. My cousin has a good heart but she is so immature and so misguided and that's the nicest way I can put it. I don't want to go into a whole lot of detail but I have long since felt awful for these kids and wish there was more I could do. I've thought seriously about actually doing something for a long time but had other family members talk me out of it. For whatever her faults are, she IS still there mother and I know she loves them. But honestly, I don't know that love is always enough. They need some peace and stability. They need to not live in constant fear, chaos and filth. And while I'm sure they probably feel like they have it made in many ways (what teenager wouldn't want the carefree lifestylf of being able to do whatever they want without consequence or at least without realizing there ARE consequences!) I worry that in the long run they are going to pay for their lack of discipline and boundaries (and so might the rest of everybody).

I've said it before--I don't know why God makes some people parents so easily when they obviously aren't prepared and don't even try and others try and try for years without success. I just know He has a plan. Lord, I know You will work all things together for the good of those who love You. Please work something good for these three children. Put it on their mother's heart to do what's right for these kids. Help her to grow up (she's only 35--isn't it about time?) and let go of drama and things that she thinks are important but really aren't and help her to focus on giving her children a good childhood (or what's left of it).

Day 6 Praying for Caleb in Alabama (no picture)

Caleb is actually a child in 3k at the Academy and though he may not "technically" be an orphan, he's pretty close. His grandmother has custody of him and she tries really hard. But he has so many behavioral issues stemming from the neglect he has suffered at the hands of his biological parents. Sometimes I really wonder why God makes some people parents and not others. All I know is that He has a plan. Caleb has some really rough days where none of us know what to do with him. But he also has some really sweet days and is just precious. Somehow, this sweet child has worked his way into my heart. I'm praying about possibly offering to work with him this summer since the daycare is closing.

Day 5 Prayed for Joshua in Alabama

Joshua, born October 2005, is an energetic toddler whose smile will brighten any room. Joshua is outgoing and loves to explore his environment. Joshua enjoys playing with balls, toys that light-up or make music, reading books and playing with his favorite stuffed puppy dog. Joshua especially enjoys playing with toys that “spin
Joshua loves spending time with his foster mother and family as well as his foster brother. Joshua is affectionate and gives warm hugs to those he comes in contact with.

Joshua was born prematurely and suffers from numerous medical problems, including bronchopulmonary dysplasia. Joshua has been diagnosed with developmental delay and receives occupational, speech, vision and physical therapy. Joshua maintains regular medical appointments with both his pediatrician and numerous specialists to maintain his overall health.

Joshua is a true fighter as evidenced by his overcoming numerous medical challenges to get to where he is today. Joshua can now sit without support and is learning to pull himself to a standing position. Joshua is freely able to make his way around any room (scoots but is attempting to learn to crawl) and loves to pull objects off shelves, tables, etc. Joshua babbles with respect to conversation. Joshua is fed through a g-tube and remains in diapers. Joshua is on oxygen but is slowly being weaned (currently on oxygen only at night). Joshua needs a family that is able to meet his medical needs and advocate on his behalf.

Day 4

Birthdate: June 16, 2008

Debra was born on June 16, 2008. She was found abandoned on the street one day later. When the police were not able to locate her parents she was taken to the local orphanage.
She was born with a serious congenital heart disease. She also has an extra digit on the right hand; this surgery was completed before she came to New Day. Debra likes to suck her fingers or anything she can get a hold of. She loves to eat and gets very excited when she sees her bottle. She is an adorable little girl and is already stealing hearts.

Her eyes caught my attention first--big, beautiful and pleading! Then I saw her name--the same name as my mom--and I knew she was the one God wanted me to pray for today!

Day 3--Cheim Ven, boy born 9/12/95 in Cambodia. No picture yet, maybe soon.

Orphans that have been prayed for by name/updates:

Day 2--Tristan; healed and home in the arms of Jesus
Day 1--Kevin; receiving treatment and in the accompaniment (soon to be CUSTODY) of his forever parents, Rob & Laine


Lord, I feel so overwhelmed. There are 147 million orphans in the world (I know because it said so on Laine's shirt! LOL) and there is just one of me. But I know the good thing is there is only ONE of YOU! I know you love these children way more than I ever could. Thank you for my own three blessings and for the countless other children that are being given stable, loving, godly homes every day. Lord, strengthen their parents' faith, give them wisdom and resolve to battle through whatever daily challenges come their way. Thank you for each of the children that I get to spend time with, whether at the daycare, church, mom's--anywhere. Thank you for sending the world such a Son with a heart for children that He would "let the children come". Remind us all daily Lord that we are to have faith such as theirs.

Lord, whatever these children (or any children anywhere) need, I humbly ask you to provide it according to your will. Impress on their little hearts that the world may be cruel but there ARE people in it who love them and that You love them regardless and have a home waiting for them one day where all your "orphans" (us) will eventually be with their Heavenly Father.

In Jesus' precious name, Amen!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

This is beginning to not be funny anymore...

Yep! You guessed it! The Jeep is broke down AGAIN! No idea what the problem is but I believe I've about talked my hubby into giving up this time. I'm not looking forward to going into debt for another car (and we'll have to go into SOME debt--not that we have to have a big new expensive car, mind you) but maybe this is why God said no to starting a business right now. Lord, if you want us to stay on track with our plan to become debt-free, You're gonna have to show up big here!

I'm not even worried about it though because right now, my sweet friends, the Ferrill's are in China adopting their 8th (yes, I said 8th--4 biological and 4th one to be adopted) child from China. Sweet Kevin--you are so adorable and you are already one very blessed little boy. God has chosen the most wonderful family for you and there are SO many people praying you home and praying you well. Our God is an AWESOME God.

The Ferrill's story has given me so much encouragement and even more of a heart for children than I already had. I used to say in high school that I didn't care whether I ever had children of my own--I wanted to adopt several from around the world. Well, God gave me three blessings and they are all miracles, each one of them and my heart is full. But if God opens the door one day for me to adopt, I will gladly walk through it. It used to make me sad that Jeff is not on board with the idea (and with good reason--we're broke! LOL Too ridiculous an idea to even dream about at this time.) But my God is so much bigger than "ridiculous" ideas. If He wants to make a way, He will. And if He doesn't, that's fine, too.

I've learned SO much this year about trusting God and just being at peace. I'm still at peace with the daycare closing and being out of a job in less than 4 months! I'm at peace with not starting my own business just now. I'm at peace with a 17 year-old van with no power steering and a Jeep that currently won't crank. I'm at peace that this isn't likely for us to move out of this cracker-jack box of a house. I'm at peace knowing that not everyone is going to like me or be my friend. I'm at peace with being overweight. I'm at peace with not having accomplished the financial goals that I'd planned to by now. I'm at peace with turning 40 in April! I'm at peace that I'll never be pregnant again. I'm at peace that taming my tongue will always be my biggest challenge and one very difficult obstacle to overcome. Finally, I've learned, I think, to let go and let God! Hallelujah! Sitting at the foot of the cross there really is NOTHING to be anxious about.

Thursday, February 18--

I was writing this last night when I was interrupted by a phone call from my sweet friend and awesome dance teacher, Shalita. She called to let me know that sweet little Kevin was admitted to the hospital yesterday morning with low platelets. I'm not sure what that means exactly, especially given his already delicate condition. But I feel so blessed to be included in those that were called and asked to pray. What an honor! And what a privelege to pray for those REALLY in need. And even now, I'm not anxious. I KNOW God is in control!

Then this morning I wake up to the news that there was an earthquake in Beijing! LOL, sorry I know it's not really "funny" but I can't help but laugh at the devil. Your feeble attempts to thwart God's plans for this family and these children are NOT GOING TO WORK!! I can't even be mad because I KNOW God is there and that's why all this is happening. Fiddle dee dee--I'm downright JOYFUL! And it's an amazing feeling! What one means to use as destruction, God uses for something positive and may HE be glorified!

So this all brings me back around to what I was getting at earlier. I've decided that since I'm currently "non-denominational" anyway, I'm going to do something I've toyed around with in the past but never really done before. I'm observing Lent. Rather than "give up" something though, because I could never give up anything that comes close to what God gave up for me--His Son! I'm going to do something extra. Every day, I am going to pray for a different orphan. God put it on my heart a long time ago to help Him help these children. The stories and testimonies of my many friends and acquaintances have only served to reinforce that. And right now, this is the only way I can do it. But it's also the best way! I'm not going to spend a lot of time researching and "choosing" which ones to pray for--there are 147 million and only 40 days of Lent! I'm going to let God reveal them to me. He knows their names. He knows their every need. He's already got their problems solved somehow. I just need to let Him know that I love them, too.

Of course, every day, I'll be praying for Kevin until he is home and probably even after. But today, I'm also praying for Tristan. In their update on their adoption website, they asked for prayer for this special 18 month-old currently in the hospital in serious condition. Lord, I'm agreeing with my friends and people everywhere right now that this sweet little child receive your blessings. In whatever way you choose to heal him, Lord, please do it now. We know you are in control and we thank you for what you're gonna do!


Friday, February 12, 2010

Six days and counting...

No, we're not headed anywhere (not that I know of anyway) but we're on day #6 of being a TWO-car family again!! Woohoo! You forget how nice it is when you go for three weeks sharing a ride. And yes, I know there are families out there with NO ride and I should be grateful and I am. Got it. I'm all the more grateful Merc is fixed. Power steering is still a challenge but I can live with that. Heat works better now, too. Gonna try and put new tires on the Jeep--it needs them bad--I just pray that as soon as we do we don't have yet ANOTHER problem with that blasted thing. Please God, let us catch our breath first!

Last Monday, we received the first of bad news for the week. The daycare I teach at is closing. It became official Wednesday night. I am still very upset but I had a feeling it was coming. I'm not going to go into everything right now. I've been through it a million times and I'm just too spent to rehash it right now. It boils down to church leadership having different priorities than what one would think they should be. God is in control and I'm not going to second-guess Him. He can deal with them. And He will. And while I know it's not good to delight in the torment of others, I can't help but take a little pleasure from the thought of His wrath coming down on those who attempt to cause confusion, division and chaos in His house. And Pam, if you're reading this, I know that's your church and I'm sorry if any of this hurts you. I can't imagine how caught in the middle you must feel. But know that I love you, I love Gracie and I don't blame you at all for anything. But I do hope you understand my pain as well.

I've been feeling for a few years now that God is calling me to open my own preschool/daycare. And looking back on my entire life, I can see that He has been not only calling me but preparing me my whole life. Growing up in Mom's daycare, having a heart for His children, my education, my career path, having to leave my own children in child care, my teaching experience...everything comes together at that one point.

Lately, the pull to step out and do this has become even stronger and when we got the news I thought it might be time. I'm prepared every way but financially. So I started looking into it some more. I've discovered that I DON'T want to use government grant money for the same reason I chose NOT to pursue my Master's in order to be able to teach in public school--I don't want the government telling me what I can and cannot teach, who I can and cannot teach or how I can and cannot teach. I leave that up to the Lord. Yes, DHR has some control over that in a daycare setting but for the most part, if your paperwork is done timely and orderly, they leave you alone. When you start using the government's money, they tend to get more involved.

I also don't want to use debt. Jeff and I are working very hard to eliminate the debt we have. I don't think God expects me to create more in order to serve Him. Something about that just doesn't seem in line with His Word.

So, unless God lines up an investor, drops dollars from the sky or something, I'm going to wait on opening my own place. I know it will happen one day, very soon, but just not before the next school year begins. I will spend this next year preparing myself even more for that calling and saving up my seed money.

So I'm spending the weekend dusting off my resume and getting ready for a job hunt. I will still have my current class until the end of May. I am going to relish EVERY moment with those awesome children. I cry just thinking about having to detach from this bunch of kids. I've been down this road before...God has always been so wonderful to bring such amazing kids into my life and it's SO hard to let them go at the end of the year. I guess watching my mom do it has given me that special skill but this bunch...I just don't know. My prayer partner, mentor and probably my bestie these days tells me there's always one class that stands out more than the rest. For whatever reason, they're just special and always will be. This year's class is mine. It's truly a testament of God's goodness and faithfulness how I'm able to say that this has been such a wonderful teaching year for me given all the drama that's gone on.

Drew, Tripp, Caden, Cayleigh, Aaron, Kinlee, Gracie, Conner & Tristen--you are all VERY special kids and Mrs. Michelle is going to love you forever!!! I hope I have given you even 1/4 of what you have given me. I can't wait to see how wonderful you are going to make the world. To know that I had some small hand in that just fills my heart with so much joy! I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you!!! I don't know how I'm going to make it when June is here and I don't get to feel your little arms around me, see your sweet little smiles, hear your precious prayers (and even your tattling!) and watch you grow.

And yes, I knew this was coming anyway--they all go off to different kindergartens next year and whether the school closed or not I'd have a whole new crop of kids! But something about the school 'closing' just makes it worse. I don't know why. I guess it just makes me focus on the reality that time is so fleeting on a much deeper level. I do thank the Lord for the time I have left with them--just hope it doesn't get snatched out from under me, there's always that possibility, too! But again, God is in control and His ways are not my ways!

All of THAT going on coupled with family drama surrounding my middle sister and bad news about the sister of a friend, has made it a VERY emotional week for me. Please pray for my parents, Richard & Deborah Busby, my sister, Melanie, and the family of Rachel Blair.

I want to thank each and every one of you that prayed for me this past week. Your prayers were felt and are very much appreciated!

I am so excited about the second meeting of our prayer group coming up this Tuesday. SO much to be thankful for, SO much to pray for.

I am so thankful for today--snow is beautiful, even though I'm sick of cold weather! Even though our plans to go to the homeschool group's Valentine's box competition and lunch were cancelled, we've had fun. We did get to spend some time at my mom's with her kiddos, took Brooke to spend the night at Hannah's--her bestie--and got to watch Kayti try to roll a giant snowball up the hill! Too funny. Jeff brought home Mexican food, we watched a movie and took a nap and Kayti & Dylan made a big snowman. Now they are pestering me to make snow cream!

Hope everyone has had a wonderful day and have a blessed week!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Life or something like it

Didn't that used to be a show? If it did, I never watched it but that title sounds vaguely familiar to me. much to report:

The week after--and I mean the VERY next week, days even--the jeep got "fixed", the van started running hot. The thermostat has needed replacing for a while but of course, it was neglected so then the radiator blew up. Joy. Hubby should get the last of that fixed today. The jeep is still giving us problems--we think it's the fuel pump. More joy.

We filed our income taxes. Not getting as much back this year because guess what? When your child turns 17, you no longer get "Child Tax Credit" for him! I still get to claim him as a dependent--totally separate thing. But not Child Tax Credit. Go figure. At a time when they are eating the most and costing you the most money, you don't get any help. Makes sense to me.

There is even more drama going on at work. I'm not even going to spend time telling you about it. God has taught me so much this year about trusting him that I'm not even phased or surprised or anything anymore. Sad, yes. Surprised, no. But I know He is in control.

God has answered a prayer I've had for a long time about starting a prayer group and he answered my request for a prayer/accountability partner. I'm SO excited about this new thing in my life. I have the most WONDERFUL prayer partner in the world and I am SO blessed and thankful for her. I hope she knows what she's in for! LOL

Truthfully though, God has put so much on my heart lately including something VERY BIG. I would appreciate ANY & ALL prayers because for this to happen--He is going to have to show up in a BIG way. I know He can. I just don't know if this is what He REALLY wants from me right now or not. I know one day I will eventually. But it has to be on God's time, not mine. (and no, we're not adopting! lol) This is something that only now do I see that God has been preparing me for my whole life and I SO want to do it. But again--is it what He wants me to do and is NOW the time? So many questions...Lord I await and will abide by your perfect answers. This is so important. I might need to even fast on this.

Today is Mia's baby shower and I'm SO excited! But I'm even more excited that there's less than 4 weeks before I get to hold that precious baby in my arms. I'm so ready, whether she is or not!

We have a VERY full weekend ahead. Not sure if I'll get to fit it all in or not. My social butterfly Brooke has us running around and it's also the shower and BIL's birthday! I'm tired even thinking about it!

Have a great week!