is always hard but here in Alabama when the weather man mentions the word "snow", kids automatically think "holiday"! Ugh! And since my son WAS out of school (he is not homeschooled) my youngest just could not understand why SHE did not get a snow day, too. I was very unsuccessful in explaining to her that Dylan WILL have to make up that work and WILL have to go to school an extra day some day when it's pretty to make up for being out that day. With her, there's no reason to do that. She doesn't have to travel, to venture out onto the icy roads or even put on a coat to brave the cold! There's no reason for her not to do her work. And if she would just do it, she'd be done in a few hours anyway and have the rest of the day to play in it. We didn't get any accumulation anyway but the way she reacted to that answer you'd have thought I was pulling her fingernails out with pliers!
And Wednesday, the day before the "snow", was one of those days when I had my lesson plan book for my 4's in one hand, her's in the other, her whining in the corner about not knowing what to do (when I know she does) and me desparately trying to remember the number for Clay-Chalkville Middle School's emergency enrollment!
I've threatened to send her back to public many times and I'm beginning to think that's what we need to do. Not that I've given up on homeschooling--it's still wonderful and is working out VERY well for Kayti. But all kids are different and I think Brooke may benefit more from being in school. I know she wants to do CORE next year and thankfully, I've got some time to decide.
As for Kayti, she of course is doing well. She LOVES her Greek & Roman History class, is still doing well in her Algebra class (who'd have thought?) and she finally finished Great Expectations and is now reading Anne Frank and likes that one a LOT better. I am so proud of the work ethic and study habits she has developed!
Now Lord, can you just unlock the secret for getting Brooke going in that direction? LOL
And Lord, while you're thinking about us, can you PLEASE tell me how to get them to stop CONSTANTLY fighting?
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