I just couldn't think of what else to title this post so...
It's early Saturday morning and as has become habit for me on days I could actually sleep in late--I'm wide awake! Then again, I crashed last night very early so...I'm sure I'll make time for a nap later!
I was very tired after being up late Thursday night watching the Tide hook those horns!!! LOL Wow! What a game! I am so proud to be from Alabama and to be a lifelong Alabama fan (who may have a son headed there in less than two years!) We went to my sister's house to watch and we tried to be very considerate as they are Auburn fans and they were very gracious! We'd originally planned to go to Jeff's mom's to watch the game but with his Uncle Dan's funeral being that morning AND the roads being icy we decided that probably wasn't a good idea.
But I know Uncle Dan was up there sitting next to Bear watching the game and loving every minute of it! He was a HUGE 'bama fan despite his oldest son going to Auburn! Roll Tide, Dan! Hope you loved it!
Not a whole lot of excitement going on around here. We started back to school--both for Dylan and the girls this week. Click on the "Crazy Quick Girls" link on the side to see our updated homeschool blog. I am very thankful for the weekend and not having anything pressing to do. There is a LOT I need to pray about. Things are going pretty good, actually. But I just have a lot on my mind regarding work, what steps to take next, what it is I want to do this summer, etc. etc.
One of the teacher's and I got into it early in the school year (you may remember that rant!) and things have been cordial but tense between us since then and I have prayed to God for direction and I feel like He is finally answering--things feel a LOT better. I'm sure I'm still not one of her favorite people but things just seem, I don't know, a bit warmer between us and for that I'm VERY grateful. I just keep thinking about what my Mom & Maw Maw always said--"kill 'em with kindness" and that's pretty much what I've been trying to do.
I've also been feeling lately like my "friends" are not really my friends but more/less acquaintances. I know they would help out if I needed them for something and I know many of them pray for me. But something just feels missing and I feel like I don't have any "buddies" or like they could really care less if they saw me/talked to me or not. I don't know why I've been feeling this way either--nothing has happened or anything. But one day this week I remembered something, actually two things, that I heard long ago.
Back in high school, I had a WONDERFUL friend, mentor, teacher & surrogate father named Mr. Feenker. If not for him, I probably not have made it through some very turbulent times. But I remember him once saying to our class that a person actually only has very few friends over the course of his/her lifetime. You will have a LOT of acquaintances and people will come in and out of your life when your circumstances/environment changes. But if you live to be 100, you can probably count the number of REAL friends on one hand. The older I get the more I realize how sad but really true that is and it's not just for little ol' nobody me but for everyone.
Another thing I remembered hearing a while back is, "If you want to have a friend, be a friend." So that's what I've been trying to concentrate more of my efforts on lately.
I know people mean well and a lot of people really DO care for each other more than they show it. We all just get so caught up in the details of our everyday lives we forget to invest our time in some really important things. So I'm trying to pay better attention to that.
As I mentioned before, I've been getting a little irritated at work, though it's nothing major but forgive me for venting a little here. I just do not understand some people! There are some who are extremely lacking in work ethic, heart and prioritizing (did I spell that right? it looks funny!) I am getting REALLY weary of having to watch other people's class because there's always some reason why they are not there. If you're two hours late getting to work and you get off at three anyway, why do you need to take a lunch? And since when did it become acceptable to just not show up for work, not call or anything and still have a job when you finally DO decide to come in!? This stuff is really bothering me and I keep trying to tell myself it's none of my business what other people do but it IS affecting me.
This week was crazy because of the weather anyway but yesterday, even though I had a few kids out, I could have had a regular day with curriculum but no because I (as well as the other 4k teachers) each had a 5 year old in with us. For the past two weeks, we've had 3's and though we were technically on Christmas break and not doing any "work" it is still a huge hassle when those kids don't know you, don't know the routine or the rules and then your kids want to start mimicking their behavior! It's just a mess. Combining ages is fine in a pinch but it's beginning to be a habit and a very disturbing one and I don't know whether I should say something or just let it go. I've got to REALLY pray about that this weekend.
I also don't know what I want to do this summer. I kind of wouldn't mind doing ASAP and taking a break from the 4's before next school year but I only want to do it if I can plan their activities, etc. like I did for Camp Fire. I'm not sure how to approach that subject with her either. Or maybe I should just stay in the 4's. I really wish I could just stay home this summer and keep Cooper (he'll be here in less than 2 months!! Woohoo!!!) but I can't afford to and I'll be competing for that spot with two grannies anyway! LOL *sigh* what to do, what to do...
Speaking of finances, Christmas was CASH ONLY--woohoo!! and we are done with that and back on our Dave Ramsey plan! I am so excited. It's going to be a long, hard battle but I'm pumped. By the end of this month, I will have accomplished a LOT. Lord, just help us keep our noses to the grindstone, keep focused and don't let anything else blow us out of the water for awhile!
Jeff's mom bought us a converter box for the tv so let the zombie-ism begin again around here. I have been completely and totally FINE without a tv for the last several months. It's helped me really manage my time better that would have otherwise been spent vegging out in front of Jon & Kate or Cold Case. But she got a good deal on it and wanted to do it so I guess hubby will at least be able to watch the news again! We'll see. I've heard they actually don't work very well. Won't bother me either way.
I went to the library yesterday and got a lot of dvd's and books for the weekend. Yes, I know. I am a hopeless nerd.
And God has answered my prayer about starting a prayer group and He said yes! He sent me one of the most wonderful Christian women I have ever met to help get it going! I am so excited. If you would like to join us, you are most welcome--let me know! I have to pray about working out the details of it this weekend!
So this will definitely be a weekend of rest, relaxation, reading, reflection and reverent prayer for me! How are you spending your weekend?
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