Sunday, September 13, 2009

Pictures to share...

In the past few weeks, another one of those "milestones" has come to pass in the lives of my not-so-little girls. They have outgrown their barbies. They've outgrown playing with them at least. So we decided to get rid of them, the clothing and furniture, etc. and pass them on to a very special little friend of theirs and one of my former little ballerinas--Katelyn Howard, who is just now only discovering the world of barbie. She was as excited to receive these well-loved but well cared for precious possessions as my girls were to give them to her.

The only ones kept were the wizard of oz barbies and they now sit proudly on the "collector's" shelf with all the other prized items from childhood that are no longer played with.

And of course, mama has to capture every "milestone" on film:

On Labor Day, we went to the inlaws for a cookout and I got to see Baby Tyler for the first time! Oh he's so precious!

More preschool fun...

My newest love, Tripp (aka "Larry Boy") playing dress-up:

and Teddy Bear Day 2009:

And of course, football has begun! ROLL TIDE ROLL!!!

We watched the Virginia Tech game at my parents house last week but I was too wrapped up in the game to bother with any pictures until half-time and my mom snapped one of me getting some Maggie-lovin'!

Last night, the game was on pay-per-view and we are watching every dollar right now so we opted to listen to this game which sometimes provides it's own fun! Here are my two armchair coaches discussing which play needs to be called next:

And yesterday, while on his outing to cash his paycheck, my baby boy went to Bama Fever and bought his mommy a new 'bama shirt! Scream it with me now, "Jjjjjjjuuuuuuulllllliiiiiooooo!!!!!"

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