Sunday, September 13, 2009
Pictures to share...
In the past few weeks, another one of those "milestones" has come to pass in the lives of my not-so-little girls. They have outgrown their barbies. They've outgrown playing with them at least. So we decided to get rid of them, the clothing and furniture, etc. and pass them on to a very special little friend of theirs and one of my former little ballerinas--Katelyn Howard, who is just now only discovering the world of barbie. She was as excited to receive these well-loved but well cared for precious possessions as my girls were to give them to her.
The only ones kept were the wizard of oz barbies and they now sit proudly on the "collector's" shelf with all the other prized items from childhood that are no longer played with.
And of course, mama has to capture every "milestone" on film:
On Labor Day, we went to the inlaws for a cookout and I got to see Baby Tyler for the first time! Oh he's so precious!
More preschool fun...
My newest love, Tripp (aka "Larry Boy") playing dress-up:
and Teddy Bear Day 2009:
And of course, football has begun! ROLL TIDE ROLL!!!
We watched the Virginia Tech game at my parents house last week but I was too wrapped up in the game to bother with any pictures until half-time and my mom snapped one of me getting some Maggie-lovin'!
Last night, the game was on pay-per-view and we are watching every dollar right now so we opted to listen to this game which sometimes provides it's own fun! Here are my two armchair coaches discussing which play needs to be called next:
And yesterday, while on his outing to cash his paycheck, my baby boy went to Bama Fever and bought his mommy a new 'bama shirt! Scream it with me now, "Jjjjjjjuuuuuuulllllliiiiiooooo!!!!!"
The only ones kept were the wizard of oz barbies and they now sit proudly on the "collector's" shelf with all the other prized items from childhood that are no longer played with.
And of course, mama has to capture every "milestone" on film:
On Labor Day, we went to the inlaws for a cookout and I got to see Baby Tyler for the first time! Oh he's so precious!
More preschool fun...
My newest love, Tripp (aka "Larry Boy") playing dress-up:
and Teddy Bear Day 2009:
And of course, football has begun! ROLL TIDE ROLL!!!
We watched the Virginia Tech game at my parents house last week but I was too wrapped up in the game to bother with any pictures until half-time and my mom snapped one of me getting some Maggie-lovin'!
Last night, the game was on pay-per-view and we are watching every dollar right now so we opted to listen to this game which sometimes provides it's own fun! Here are my two armchair coaches discussing which play needs to be called next:
And yesterday, while on his outing to cash his paycheck, my baby boy went to Bama Fever and bought his mommy a new 'bama shirt! Scream it with me now, "Jjjjjjjuuuuuuulllllliiiiiooooo!!!!!"
old blog post titled "Transitioning"
Okay, more about my "transition" to a working-full-time-homeschooling mom.
As I said before, much prayer and thought went into it--both on my part and on my boss' part. But God just took care of every detail and gave me such a peace about taking this step. And when I think back on the biggest changes/challenges in my life, whenever God has wanted me to walk through a door, he has opened it all the way for me--with hardly no effort required on my part. And when I was about to do something I wasn't supposed to do--He slammed it shut!
I never would have even thought about attempting to take this on but after I thought and prayed, I got up the courage to speak to Donna and whoa and behold...she was even more enthusiastic than I. That is the moment I knew I was doing what God wanted me to do. This is what He has for me right now. This is my ministry. Some of those children NEVER get to hear about Jesus except at the Academy. What's more, for some of them--that's the only time an adult hugs them and loves on them and pays them any attention at all! I feel so blessed to be one of the ones to get to do that. I have formed special bonds with so many of them--even some of the most difficult ones just have a way of working themselves into my heart! I really couldn't be more excited about this! I give all the glory to God!
All that said, I'm not an idiot. I realize that I will have to give up some things. Particularly Community Bible Study and co-op. I struggled with both but--and please do not take this the wrong way--here are my feelings about each:
Community Bible Study--this is my second year to attempt this feat. I absolutely love the concept of this organization--all denominations, all walks of life, all backgrounds coming together to study God's Word, pray together, fellowship together, etc. all while our children are able to follow along studying the same Scriptures that we do--the idea is phenomenal. I have hung with this year much longer than the first year I attempted this. The first year was also our first year to homeschool and shortly after both began was when the Clearview fiasco happened for me. It was too overwhelming. I also didn't feel like I fit in with the core group I'd been assigned to so when everything blew up, I knew it wasn't either the right thing for me or the right time.
Two years later, I decided to try it again because again--the idea is just so appealing to me. Even after being back at Clearview for over a year now, I still don't have a closeness to my fellow Christians that I long for. My SS class is great and I love it. But I am very careful about how much of myself I share and that makes me very sad. My prayer is that this will change eventually. I don't blame anyone for this, I know it's mostly me. But getting back to my point, I really longed for a close-knit group to pray with and share with and study God's word with so I decided to give CBS another go. This year's core group at CBS has been fabulous. Our leader is the sweetest person I have ever met. Her passion for God's Word is unlike anything I've ever seen. The other members are some of the most wonderful Christian women I've ever known and I truly love all of them. I will miss not seeing them next year.
But honestly, the rest of it, I can do without. The lectures are not stimulating to me (and I don't say that to be disrespectful of the lecturer at all--it's just not my style of learning) and I get the feeling that more emphasis is put on lecture than on the amazing things a core group can accomplish together and I feel it should be the other way around. Too many times, I feel as if we've had to cut it short when God is clearly moving just to make it to the lecture "on time". I don't feel right about that.
So I have decided to once again give it up and keep seeking how God would have me learn more about Him and His Word. I would really love to find a "prayer group" or start one. Maybe I live in a fantasy world of my books but something like the Yada Yada prayer group is right up my alley! I will keep searching and also keep looking for other ways to ground my children in God's word as well.
As for co-op, I love the class I teach and I will continue to teach it. Thanks so much to Donna Nielsen who has graciously offered her home to our kids who want to keep participating in this. I know it sounds silly to so many but I feel like I've really hit on something here, usuing the American Girl books to teach history and literature. If you could see the way the girls' faces light up when we are in class together, you'd have to agree. I may not have the following that I currently have by taking the class out of the co-op but I do know that I have at least 7 and the rest I leave up to God. He'll put the kids he wants in that class there.
As much as I love the class, I have not really enjoyed "co-op" this semester. I don't know why. I can't quite put my finger on it other than the changes that have been made since leadership changed hands. I don't blame any one person but it just feels like there are too many "rules", too many chiefs and not enough indians (for lack of a better expression). It seems to be becoming just another CORE and I feel that it should be more about enrichment and let CORE do the academics. But that's just my opinion. It also feels too much like school administration. I get that there has to be some guidelines but like I said, I don't know what it is, it just feels different and because so, I don't have a problem letting go of it. Maybe God has instrumented that feeling because He knew otherwise I would have a hard time letting go and obeying Him telling me to go teach at the Academy!
Anyway, I am carefully choosing our activities and praying over our transition into this new chapter in our lives. I've worked full-time before. I've even taught before. I've homeschooled now for three years. This is the first time I've ever attempted all this at the same time and while I have complete confidence that I'm following God's leading and that He will work all things to the good, I am keeping that in the forefront of my mind while I take this all very seriously. I would covet your prayers for my family during the coming months.
As I said before, much prayer and thought went into it--both on my part and on my boss' part. But God just took care of every detail and gave me such a peace about taking this step. And when I think back on the biggest changes/challenges in my life, whenever God has wanted me to walk through a door, he has opened it all the way for me--with hardly no effort required on my part. And when I was about to do something I wasn't supposed to do--He slammed it shut!
I never would have even thought about attempting to take this on but after I thought and prayed, I got up the courage to speak to Donna and whoa and behold...she was even more enthusiastic than I. That is the moment I knew I was doing what God wanted me to do. This is what He has for me right now. This is my ministry. Some of those children NEVER get to hear about Jesus except at the Academy. What's more, for some of them--that's the only time an adult hugs them and loves on them and pays them any attention at all! I feel so blessed to be one of the ones to get to do that. I have formed special bonds with so many of them--even some of the most difficult ones just have a way of working themselves into my heart! I really couldn't be more excited about this! I give all the glory to God!
All that said, I'm not an idiot. I realize that I will have to give up some things. Particularly Community Bible Study and co-op. I struggled with both but--and please do not take this the wrong way--here are my feelings about each:
Community Bible Study--this is my second year to attempt this feat. I absolutely love the concept of this organization--all denominations, all walks of life, all backgrounds coming together to study God's Word, pray together, fellowship together, etc. all while our children are able to follow along studying the same Scriptures that we do--the idea is phenomenal. I have hung with this year much longer than the first year I attempted this. The first year was also our first year to homeschool and shortly after both began was when the Clearview fiasco happened for me. It was too overwhelming. I also didn't feel like I fit in with the core group I'd been assigned to so when everything blew up, I knew it wasn't either the right thing for me or the right time.
Two years later, I decided to try it again because again--the idea is just so appealing to me. Even after being back at Clearview for over a year now, I still don't have a closeness to my fellow Christians that I long for. My SS class is great and I love it. But I am very careful about how much of myself I share and that makes me very sad. My prayer is that this will change eventually. I don't blame anyone for this, I know it's mostly me. But getting back to my point, I really longed for a close-knit group to pray with and share with and study God's word with so I decided to give CBS another go. This year's core group at CBS has been fabulous. Our leader is the sweetest person I have ever met. Her passion for God's Word is unlike anything I've ever seen. The other members are some of the most wonderful Christian women I've ever known and I truly love all of them. I will miss not seeing them next year.
But honestly, the rest of it, I can do without. The lectures are not stimulating to me (and I don't say that to be disrespectful of the lecturer at all--it's just not my style of learning) and I get the feeling that more emphasis is put on lecture than on the amazing things a core group can accomplish together and I feel it should be the other way around. Too many times, I feel as if we've had to cut it short when God is clearly moving just to make it to the lecture "on time". I don't feel right about that.
So I have decided to once again give it up and keep seeking how God would have me learn more about Him and His Word. I would really love to find a "prayer group" or start one. Maybe I live in a fantasy world of my books but something like the Yada Yada prayer group is right up my alley! I will keep searching and also keep looking for other ways to ground my children in God's word as well.
As for co-op, I love the class I teach and I will continue to teach it. Thanks so much to Donna Nielsen who has graciously offered her home to our kids who want to keep participating in this. I know it sounds silly to so many but I feel like I've really hit on something here, usuing the American Girl books to teach history and literature. If you could see the way the girls' faces light up when we are in class together, you'd have to agree. I may not have the following that I currently have by taking the class out of the co-op but I do know that I have at least 7 and the rest I leave up to God. He'll put the kids he wants in that class there.
As much as I love the class, I have not really enjoyed "co-op" this semester. I don't know why. I can't quite put my finger on it other than the changes that have been made since leadership changed hands. I don't blame any one person but it just feels like there are too many "rules", too many chiefs and not enough indians (for lack of a better expression). It seems to be becoming just another CORE and I feel that it should be more about enrichment and let CORE do the academics. But that's just my opinion. It also feels too much like school administration. I get that there has to be some guidelines but like I said, I don't know what it is, it just feels different and because so, I don't have a problem letting go of it. Maybe God has instrumented that feeling because He knew otherwise I would have a hard time letting go and obeying Him telling me to go teach at the Academy!
Anyway, I am carefully choosing our activities and praying over our transition into this new chapter in our lives. I've worked full-time before. I've even taught before. I've homeschooled now for three years. This is the first time I've ever attempted all this at the same time and while I have complete confidence that I'm following God's leading and that He will work all things to the good, I am keeping that in the forefront of my mind while I take this all very seriously. I would covet your prayers for my family during the coming months.
summer post from old blog
Pardon the pun!
Red and yellow, black and white, they are precious in His sight! Jesus loves the little children of the world!
And I just love this picture!! Thought you might love seeing a few of the brats, I mean precious angels I get to take care of everyday. This was taken on water day. They had a blast and so did I--they all napped good that day! LOL
Seriously, I genuinely LOVE LOVE LOVE my job.
Red and yellow, black and white, they are precious in His sight! Jesus loves the little children of the world!
And I just love this picture!! Thought you might love seeing a few of the brats, I mean precious angels I get to take care of everyday. This was taken on water day. They had a blast and so did I--they all napped good that day! LOL
Seriously, I genuinely LOVE LOVE LOVE my job.
from last week...
Jeff and I are not getting along lately. I'm sure everything will be okay--just one of those blah things all married couples go through. We've been through it before and I won't bore you details (especially you, Donna! I know you don't want to hear about bad things! lol) We are just both really tired and under a lot of stress. But if you can spare a few prayers, they would be appreciated. We will celebrate 20 years in November. Sometimes I can't beleive it myself. Surely if we can make it to this point, we can make it through a few blahs! Thanks in advance!
Thoughts from the past few weeks...
Things have been kind of hectic at work. Tempers flaring, tension mounting amongst the teachers, etc. and it has not been a pleasant few weeks for me except for my classroom time with my kiddos. I have to remind myself that ALL jobs come with some kind of crap and that any other job would not give me the joy that I get from being around those amazing kids. This, too, shall pass.
Nonetheless, it did make me rethink a few things and I was able to adjust my schedule with the help of one VERY good friend (thank you, Donna!) and it even worked out so that Tere and her girls are now able to join us for American Girls on Wednesday (since I had to push the time to later) and I now can just go to work, focus on my own class and be done.
It's so weird to me, how the whole time I was growing up and well into my 20's, I had NO PROBLEM whatsoever with confrontation. I met it head on--even welcomed it! The older I get, though, I just want peace. That safe, secure bubble of Donna's looks mighty nice! The very day it all came to a head and blew up, I went to my mom's who gave me her everloving shoulder to cry on and a supply of nerve pills! I also reminded her that this was all her fault! (it's always the mom's fault isn't it? lol) She kept telling me I needed to be a nicer person my whole life and the more I try, the more I just get pooped on. "I've turned into such a pussy!" I told her! And she just cracked up--like that would ever happen. Pardon my language and forgive me if this doesn't SEEM to be glorifying God at the moment--I'm getting there--but it's the truth!
Why is it that we women feel like such (again, pardon my language) BITCHES (or are called that) when we stand up for ourselves? When men stand up for themselves no one calls them names they just say, "oh what a go-getter!" or "He's a man's man" or some other equally lame compliment but we women are expected to just sit back and take it from every angle. I do not for one minute believe that's what God's plan for women was or is!
I have just got to find a way to be more like those amazing women of the Bible and keep my courage while maintaining my poise and when it blows up in my face, it just does and the sin is not mine but someone else's and I just need to be standing ready, willing and able to forgive. Which I did and I do. :)
I just have to keep reminding myself that as long as *I* am following the Lord and my heart is right with Him and I am obedient to what He says, nothing else matters. Friends, acquaintances and co-workers come and go (I should definitely know this by now) but knowing that I did what God asked of me, whether it appeared to be right by others' standards or not, is what matters.
As such, I've decided to avoid all the "parties" my co-workers are having this weekend. Adoption celebrations, baby showers, housewarming parties for a couple shacking up (I'm not kidding) I share their joy and their newfound happiness and blessings but I'm just not in the mood to share in their company. I will probably get them gifts (which is pretty much all it's about anyway) eventually, when I am not so very very poor, but I've never been big on doing after hours with coworkers anyway. I love them, have a good time but my time is for MY family and friends. I'm sure someone's feelings somewhere will be hurt and I hate that but this is another one of my weirdo querky things. (you remember the other--I don't run to visit sick people in the hospital or any of that, much to my MIL's disappointment. I think that's her favorite thing to do! Call me weird but when I don't feel well, leave me the heck alone--I don't want company! I wrongly assume others feel the same, I guess.)
But anyway, Jeff and I are getting along much better which I suppose is a praise as well. I have to admit I get so frustrated with him when it comes to his job! I know I shouldn't but I do. I'm tired of waiting around for those (insert your own bad word here, I'm done cussing) to call him back to full-time. I'm tired of their empty promises and I'm tired of scraping and telling my kids "we can't, I don't have any money". It really wears on my soul and yes, I know life is not all about money things but people who say things like that generally have money to begin with! I just wish all this struggling would motivate him in some way. I'm not sure how though!
Nonetheless, it did make me rethink a few things and I was able to adjust my schedule with the help of one VERY good friend (thank you, Donna!) and it even worked out so that Tere and her girls are now able to join us for American Girls on Wednesday (since I had to push the time to later) and I now can just go to work, focus on my own class and be done.
It's so weird to me, how the whole time I was growing up and well into my 20's, I had NO PROBLEM whatsoever with confrontation. I met it head on--even welcomed it! The older I get, though, I just want peace. That safe, secure bubble of Donna's looks mighty nice! The very day it all came to a head and blew up, I went to my mom's who gave me her everloving shoulder to cry on and a supply of nerve pills! I also reminded her that this was all her fault! (it's always the mom's fault isn't it? lol) She kept telling me I needed to be a nicer person my whole life and the more I try, the more I just get pooped on. "I've turned into such a pussy!" I told her! And she just cracked up--like that would ever happen. Pardon my language and forgive me if this doesn't SEEM to be glorifying God at the moment--I'm getting there--but it's the truth!
Why is it that we women feel like such (again, pardon my language) BITCHES (or are called that) when we stand up for ourselves? When men stand up for themselves no one calls them names they just say, "oh what a go-getter!" or "He's a man's man" or some other equally lame compliment but we women are expected to just sit back and take it from every angle. I do not for one minute believe that's what God's plan for women was or is!
I have just got to find a way to be more like those amazing women of the Bible and keep my courage while maintaining my poise and when it blows up in my face, it just does and the sin is not mine but someone else's and I just need to be standing ready, willing and able to forgive. Which I did and I do. :)
I just have to keep reminding myself that as long as *I* am following the Lord and my heart is right with Him and I am obedient to what He says, nothing else matters. Friends, acquaintances and co-workers come and go (I should definitely know this by now) but knowing that I did what God asked of me, whether it appeared to be right by others' standards or not, is what matters.
As such, I've decided to avoid all the "parties" my co-workers are having this weekend. Adoption celebrations, baby showers, housewarming parties for a couple shacking up (I'm not kidding) I share their joy and their newfound happiness and blessings but I'm just not in the mood to share in their company. I will probably get them gifts (which is pretty much all it's about anyway) eventually, when I am not so very very poor, but I've never been big on doing after hours with coworkers anyway. I love them, have a good time but my time is for MY family and friends. I'm sure someone's feelings somewhere will be hurt and I hate that but this is another one of my weirdo querky things. (you remember the other--I don't run to visit sick people in the hospital or any of that, much to my MIL's disappointment. I think that's her favorite thing to do! Call me weird but when I don't feel well, leave me the heck alone--I don't want company! I wrongly assume others feel the same, I guess.)
But anyway, Jeff and I are getting along much better which I suppose is a praise as well. I have to admit I get so frustrated with him when it comes to his job! I know I shouldn't but I do. I'm tired of waiting around for those (insert your own bad word here, I'm done cussing) to call him back to full-time. I'm tired of their empty promises and I'm tired of scraping and telling my kids "we can't, I don't have any money". It really wears on my soul and yes, I know life is not all about money things but people who say things like that generally have money to begin with! I just wish all this struggling would motivate him in some way. I'm not sure how though!
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Major blog overhaul...
Though we are still struggling, we finally did break down and get home phone and internet service. I lucked out on a deal--both for $45 a month and nothing to pay upfront. We'll see when the first bill comes in if it's really what they claim!
But I've been taking advantage of that time to redo my blog. I got a new background, banner and deleted some old sidebar stuff. I tried to make a new slideshow but I kept having problems with photobucket so that'll have to come later.
I even redid the girls' homeschool blog, my devotions and my cookbook.
I'm hanging out here at the house today, catching up laundry and housework that has been neglecting and returning to dabbling in the kitchen with some new recipes--something I haven't felt like doing all summer.
I just finished an AWESOME book--the 19th Wife--last weekend (that's all I did Sunday was lie in bed and read!) about the LDS Mormon church, different polygamists sects, etc. It was a unique work of fiction interwoven with actual documents from the Mormon church and diaries and letters from Joseph Smith, Brigham Young and many of their followers. I have a few internet friends who are Mormon and it always fascinated me how they acted whenever you asked them about their church and their beliefs. They would answer but their answers were always very vague and evasive. I have a much better idea now why that is. I didn't (and still don't) believe all the anti-Mormon junk out there but much like the book suggests, there is the Mormon truth, the anti-Mormon truth and somewhere in the middle lies the ACTUAL truth. Anyway, it's a good read if you're looking for something.
I am now reading The Midwife, which is a collection of memoirs of midwives and not to be confused with the fiction by Chris Whats-his-name that was made into a movie starring Sissy Spacek (though that was a good book as well). I've always been fascinated by birth stories and at one time even toyed with the idea of becoming a doula or certified nurse midwife but I would have had to move since that concept is not very popular in Alabama. I am secretly hoping to get to assist my sister but I'm not counting on it because I know if she lets me in, then she has to let Melanie in and then others will want in and she'll already have Chris and mom and probably Chris' mom. And the doctors here frown on too many people being in the delivery room which is another thing I hate. Especially if it's a simple birth with no complications. I would have loved to have delivered my three in a room surrounded by all the family and friends who wished to attend. Of course, I wish I'd had the option of home and/or water birth, too and so far I'm not successful at talking my sister into that either. I guess I can be a bit too progressive about some things! I am just glad my mother hasn't scared her away from nursing yet! I hope she has the same wonderful experience that I had with my three. Anyway, back to the book, I just started on it so you'll have to wait for the review!
We had car trouble this week--Dylan's truck got a new distributor last weekend but then he had trouble with his ignition and at the same time the battery in my car went bad. Thankfully, we are all up and running again (for now) and with not too much expense, praise the Lord.
Anyway, Brooke is nagging me for the computer so she can play on facebook (I'm still not getting the whole facebook fascination, with her or anyone else) and I'm hungry so I guess that's all for now! It should be enough!
But I've been taking advantage of that time to redo my blog. I got a new background, banner and deleted some old sidebar stuff. I tried to make a new slideshow but I kept having problems with photobucket so that'll have to come later.
I even redid the girls' homeschool blog, my devotions and my cookbook.
I'm hanging out here at the house today, catching up laundry and housework that has been neglecting and returning to dabbling in the kitchen with some new recipes--something I haven't felt like doing all summer.
I just finished an AWESOME book--the 19th Wife--last weekend (that's all I did Sunday was lie in bed and read!) about the LDS Mormon church, different polygamists sects, etc. It was a unique work of fiction interwoven with actual documents from the Mormon church and diaries and letters from Joseph Smith, Brigham Young and many of their followers. I have a few internet friends who are Mormon and it always fascinated me how they acted whenever you asked them about their church and their beliefs. They would answer but their answers were always very vague and evasive. I have a much better idea now why that is. I didn't (and still don't) believe all the anti-Mormon junk out there but much like the book suggests, there is the Mormon truth, the anti-Mormon truth and somewhere in the middle lies the ACTUAL truth. Anyway, it's a good read if you're looking for something.
I am now reading The Midwife, which is a collection of memoirs of midwives and not to be confused with the fiction by Chris Whats-his-name that was made into a movie starring Sissy Spacek (though that was a good book as well). I've always been fascinated by birth stories and at one time even toyed with the idea of becoming a doula or certified nurse midwife but I would have had to move since that concept is not very popular in Alabama. I am secretly hoping to get to assist my sister but I'm not counting on it because I know if she lets me in, then she has to let Melanie in and then others will want in and she'll already have Chris and mom and probably Chris' mom. And the doctors here frown on too many people being in the delivery room which is another thing I hate. Especially if it's a simple birth with no complications. I would have loved to have delivered my three in a room surrounded by all the family and friends who wished to attend. Of course, I wish I'd had the option of home and/or water birth, too and so far I'm not successful at talking my sister into that either. I guess I can be a bit too progressive about some things! I am just glad my mother hasn't scared her away from nursing yet! I hope she has the same wonderful experience that I had with my three. Anyway, back to the book, I just started on it so you'll have to wait for the review!
We had car trouble this week--Dylan's truck got a new distributor last weekend but then he had trouble with his ignition and at the same time the battery in my car went bad. Thankfully, we are all up and running again (for now) and with not too much expense, praise the Lord.
Anyway, Brooke is nagging me for the computer so she can play on facebook (I'm still not getting the whole facebook fascination, with her or anyone else) and I'm hungry so I guess that's all for now! It should be enough!
We're off and running...
again with another year of homeschooling! We are now headed into our fourth year and to say it gets easier with each year would not be a complete truth. But I do think the more experienced I get and the more they get used to things (which in our world are ever-changing) the more we come into our own, so to speak.
I spent practically the entire summer writing curriculum for this year. I just never seem to be satisfied trying to follow someone else's lead completely when it comes to teaching. I can follow their guidelines somewhat but I always end up tweaking at least a little bit so I figured why not give this a shot on my own? Especially in the areas of History/Social Studies and Language Arts.
I am SO completely pleased with the lesson plans I developed for both girls in English/Spelling/Grammar/ etc. I did borrow some ideas here and there but the bulk of it is all my own.
Kayti decided to take Greek and Roman History through CORE (she said she was sick of American History, which is my specialty! ha ha) so I only had to worry about Brooke for History and again, we are basing our entire curriculum off American Girls. There simply isn't anything better to use as a springboard for teaching girls history, for sparking their interest in the past. That's my opinion anyway.
I also developed a Spiritual Studies course. I really wanted my girls to get into a better habit of spending daily time with the Lord and really making it a priority to align our hearts and minds with His. But I also wanted to explore the areas of choosing to be noble and modest young women. Having been raised by a headstrong, women's libber and thus pretty much being one myself, sometimes it's hard to reconcile the two. But I don't believe it's impossible. At least not according to Proverbs 31. It's all about context and perception.
And then I wanted the girls to learn about other cultures and other beliefs so they would know WHY we believe what we believe. I think to explore other faiths makes YOUR faith stronger. I'm better able to defend my faith knowing how certain doctrine came to be and knowing the FACTS about what other faiths believe instead of just taking someone else's word for it blindly.
Then I had to turn my attention to Art. I was hoping to find a dvd or cd/rom self-instruction since we so could not afford a class just now but I couldn't. But I did find a book in my boss' office of projects so I had the girls pick out what interested them. I then decided to expand on that by finding the history of those mediums and creating small assignments to go along with the projects. So I kind of backed into that one.
One area I decided to NOT write my own thing for was Science. I'm so not a science person. Not on this level. Preschool science, I can handle! But at the CHEF convention, Donna and I both liked Real Science 4 Kids and decided to go with that. We plan on doing some of our labs/experiments together but we have not gotten that far yet. We've only just begun reading our text.
And it is indeed challenging to homeschool now that I'm back in a preschool classroom for part of the day. But I also find it inspiring and the girls seem to be adjusting well and developing good study habits being responsible for doing more things on their own with me there just to 'oversee'. They also love being at work with me around all the kids. It's become a ministry for them as well. I even believe Brooke may have the call to teach!
We are opting not to do Children's Theatre this year and instead are going to check out other venues and our other field trips will be primarily with our closest friends or just family trips. It's not that we are trying to be anti-social. It's just the way things are for now.
We've also slacked off some of our extra-curriculars and are only doing dance right now. I would eventually like to add riding back into our schedule and maybe a sport but right now our plate is full. I am teaching Brooke piano and Kayti has decided she is just not a musical person. I wish she would give it another shot. Music education is so important. Maybe once we settle into our routine a bit more, I can coax her into it.
I spent practically the entire summer writing curriculum for this year. I just never seem to be satisfied trying to follow someone else's lead completely when it comes to teaching. I can follow their guidelines somewhat but I always end up tweaking at least a little bit so I figured why not give this a shot on my own? Especially in the areas of History/Social Studies and Language Arts.
I am SO completely pleased with the lesson plans I developed for both girls in English/Spelling/Grammar/ etc. I did borrow some ideas here and there but the bulk of it is all my own.
Kayti decided to take Greek and Roman History through CORE (she said she was sick of American History, which is my specialty! ha ha) so I only had to worry about Brooke for History and again, we are basing our entire curriculum off American Girls. There simply isn't anything better to use as a springboard for teaching girls history, for sparking their interest in the past. That's my opinion anyway.
I also developed a Spiritual Studies course. I really wanted my girls to get into a better habit of spending daily time with the Lord and really making it a priority to align our hearts and minds with His. But I also wanted to explore the areas of choosing to be noble and modest young women. Having been raised by a headstrong, women's libber and thus pretty much being one myself, sometimes it's hard to reconcile the two. But I don't believe it's impossible. At least not according to Proverbs 31. It's all about context and perception.
And then I wanted the girls to learn about other cultures and other beliefs so they would know WHY we believe what we believe. I think to explore other faiths makes YOUR faith stronger. I'm better able to defend my faith knowing how certain doctrine came to be and knowing the FACTS about what other faiths believe instead of just taking someone else's word for it blindly.
Then I had to turn my attention to Art. I was hoping to find a dvd or cd/rom self-instruction since we so could not afford a class just now but I couldn't. But I did find a book in my boss' office of projects so I had the girls pick out what interested them. I then decided to expand on that by finding the history of those mediums and creating small assignments to go along with the projects. So I kind of backed into that one.
One area I decided to NOT write my own thing for was Science. I'm so not a science person. Not on this level. Preschool science, I can handle! But at the CHEF convention, Donna and I both liked Real Science 4 Kids and decided to go with that. We plan on doing some of our labs/experiments together but we have not gotten that far yet. We've only just begun reading our text.
And it is indeed challenging to homeschool now that I'm back in a preschool classroom for part of the day. But I also find it inspiring and the girls seem to be adjusting well and developing good study habits being responsible for doing more things on their own with me there just to 'oversee'. They also love being at work with me around all the kids. It's become a ministry for them as well. I even believe Brooke may have the call to teach!
We are opting not to do Children's Theatre this year and instead are going to check out other venues and our other field trips will be primarily with our closest friends or just family trips. It's not that we are trying to be anti-social. It's just the way things are for now.
We've also slacked off some of our extra-curriculars and are only doing dance right now. I would eventually like to add riding back into our schedule and maybe a sport but right now our plate is full. I am teaching Brooke piano and Kayti has decided she is just not a musical person. I wish she would give it another shot. Music education is so important. Maybe once we settle into our routine a bit more, I can coax her into it.
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