Sunday, October 19, 2008

I'm baaacckkk!!!!

Posting here in the solice of my kitchen with my new cable internet! I have SO much to catch up on with my blog. We've been to meet Jon & Kate (from Jon & Kate plus 8), camping (well, sort of), to the Golden Flake factory, the DaVinci exhibit, performed in a talent show for some seniors, played at the park with friends, etc. I have pictures of all this to upload and post but for now, the kids are circling me like vultures waiting to get online so I'll come back and share that later.

I also met my bio dad for the first time in 28 years a few weeks ago.

Yesterday, we had some awesome family pictures made by our friend, Jenny and I should have them ready to show you by next week.

I have been sick with bronchitis or some kind of crazy hacking cough so I haven't felt like doing much else but I did manage to sew the girls some new shirts to wear to our pumpkin patch field trip tomorrow.

Today, I'm lounging around until time to go to church this evening. Be back with pictures in a bit!

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