Sunday, October 26, 2008

And the Lord rested...

therefore, so will I!

I definitely need it. I'm still battling this crud, mostly at night so its affecting my sleep. But yesterday we also helped my sisters move--Mel moved out of my parents basement back into the house on Southside and Mia and Chris moved from the house on Southside into my parents basement. It was a long, exhausting day but fun, too. We always have fun together and the kids were a big help, too.

You can see what a big help they were riding on the handtrucks!

Later, we all watched the Alabama/Tennessee game---ROLL TIDE ROLL!!! 8 & O !!! and therefore missed our church's Fall Festival. Someone should think about the scheduling of these things! LOL And before you begin to lecture me on how my life should not revolve around a football game, save your breath. I know where my priorities are. Alabama football is a huge deal to us and one of the few things Jeff and I enjoy doing together. There are other Fall festivals, missing out a few pieces of candy is not a big deal and I try never to miss a chance to spend with my mom, dad and sisters.

My sister and her new husband had a Halloween party to go to later that night (yes, I'm showing my age--I could not believe the party didn't even start until AFTER the ballgame! lol) And yes, they are poor, misguided Auburn fans. Though dressing as Tommy Tubberville IS a good idea for a SCARY Halloween costume!

Today, we are taking it easy. Though I hated to miss church--AGAIN, I really really needed to rest. CBS will just have to count as my Bible study and worship time again this week. I doubt that we will even make it to choir/AWANA tonight, I'm THAT tired.

We are also catching up on laundry because a sweet lady from work gave Brooke a TON of clothes--really NICE clothes. So if you see my child dressed in Gap, Abercrombie, Aeropostale, Justice for Girls, please know that I did NOT win the lottery. I'm too cheap to buy those kinds of clothes but I am glad that God provides. Brooke is really excited about getting them and so we are running them through the washer/dryer today so she can try them on and see what fits.

Friday, my little dance class had their Halloween party and they were some of the cutest little princesses, cheerleaders and dragons ever! I LOVE teaching that class and I'm so glad to have two of the best student teachers to help me. Though one of them CONSTANTLY reminds me that I'm "not doing it right"! Little perfectionist. I can't get her to understand that Mommy learned all this stuff years ago and just because I learned it one way doesn't necessarily mean it's "wrong". Though it may well be. You never know, they constantly change the way they teach math and stuff maybe they've changed dance steps, too. I doubt it I think she just doesn't realize that teaching it and doing it are two different things when you are trying to break it down for little ones. Nonetheless, I do acknowledge how long it's been so I will be sitting in on Holly and Shalita's classes more often, just to make sure we're all on the same page. But I'm very proud of them and even though I see all of them during the week anyway, I'm very glad to have that little bit of extra time with them each week.

In other dance news...since we switched from Directv to Charter, I've lost all my Shimmy recordings. So I'll have to re-record them! Bummer!

On Friday, I managed to suck it up and get to Co-op even though I did not feel well. In my American Girl class, we dyed shirts to make Indian dresses for our "pow-wow" this week.

I also forgot that I never posted Pumpkin Patch pictures. They turned out very well depsite the fact that my batteries in my digital camera died on me and I had to make most from my camera phone.

1 comment:

  1. thanks for inviting me to your blog...I'm learning more about you now! I'm also glad that I saw the Duggar's blog that you have a link to...I love them and fascinated by them!
