Monday, September 8, 2008

Monday, Monday...

ba ba ba ba ba ba...

or however that Mamas & Papas song goes!

I am actually thankful for this Monday. I got cheated out of it last week and it threw me way off my game. Even though it was a holiday and I am thankful for those also, I really thrive on my routine! I need my "down" day.

Well, I call it that anyway. Today is mostly going to be spent cleaning this house and working on various things with the girls.

I updated their homeschooling blog also so be sure and check that out. I also have added a section to this blog that includes stories. Right now, I've only included my salvation testimony and birth stories but I will be adding more soon. Check them out if you're interested. If you have a testimony you'd like to share with my readers, email it to me and I'll include it.

Blogging is not only therapeutic for the writer, it blesses the reader as well. I love reading blogs of my friends. Some of their stories are so amazing and it constantly reminds me of what an awesome God God is!

Confession time...

In my devotion this morning, I was reminded about my continuing need to tame my tongue. This is a lifelong struggle for me. I'm not sure if I come by it honestly or if it's something I picked up along the way but even when I'm not letting the curse word fly from my mouth, my words can still be sharp. Believe me when I say that I don't mean them to be. Really, I don't. Yes, I get easily irritated and sometimes (especially in traffic) I have dark thoughts! But in my heart of hearts, I would never want to hurt anyone physically or emotionally and yet, even when I'm attempting to be lighthearted and humorous I still have that "gift" of offending people.

Case in point...our high school has an alumni website and someone had asked a question about our 20 year reunion. Well, silly me, I answered that our ten year seemed to be thrown together at the last minute and wasn't that much fun and so I skipped the 15 year and didn't have much interest in the 20 year either, though I love to keep up with people, etc. it's a lot of money to spend and a lot of trouble to juggle calendars, etc. I didn't realize when I wrote that how insensitive it was to the people who planned those events. Apparently, they did put a lot of time into planning it (okay...) and what I said seemed to upset people. Go me! Told ya, I have a knack for that sort of thing. I really, really didn't mean to, I was trying to give folks an excuse! LOL I mean, I had a blast in high school but I guess I just don't understand why those things are important to some people. It's like they're trying to relive glory days or get something they missed or something. I do believe in valuing fellowship and old friendships (as someone accused me of not doing!) but you can do those things without a big hoopla. Anyway, I honestly didn't mean to hurt anyone's feelings. Funny how some people can share their opinion and it's okay but when others do it, it comes off as offensive.

Which sort of reminds me of what Pastor Ernie spoke about last night. Why are Christians not persecuted in the U.S.? Because we're not a threat. We are constantly reminded that we have to be "tolerant" and politically correct so as not to offend anyone else but when we're offended, we're just too sensitive! Gotcha.

Nonetheless, I DO understand that it's important to choose our words carefully (otherwise scripture about the tongue wouldn't be so prevalent throughout God's word) and that we need to have a gentle spirit when dealing with others. That's another one of those things I'm just going to have to pray about daily.

Goodness! After listing individually all the sins I'm sorry for, thanking God individually for all the things I'm thankful for and asking Him to help me with all the things I need help with, I don't guess I'll ever get off my knees!

Maybe I better get started now...


1 comment:

  1. I always find that my tounge gets me into trouble quit often. It just "wags" (for lack of a better word) especially when I'm mad. That's an awesome devotion to read & to read on a blog. Just wish I read it before I went to UAB ;). Big time parking probs (but not today thank GOD!!)
