Saturday, September 13, 2008

Blah day

Yesterday was SO incredibly busy that I guess it's only fitting for today to be a down day. But it was a blah day, too. Nothing exciting, nothing to do, really (except clean house AGAIN and who wants to do that?!) and I woke up with an incredible headache. It's starting to subside but I'm still not in the mood to do much, except blog!

Yesterday, in addition to Co-op and Kayti's social dance class, Brooke had her first play practice. She got a part in the homeschool group's upcoming production based on a few of Max Lucado's books. We are really excited about it. We always have so much fun doing the plays.

Then I had to go teach my first preschool dance class for Leeds. It was so much fun and I'm so excited about this year. I've got a great little group! All the kids at Leeds are great kids. And I so love teaching. But I have not done tap and ballet in years!!! So I'm sort relearning everything as they learn. I am so incredibly grateful to Shalita for allowing me to do this--combine two things I love and have such a passion for.

When I got there, though, my boss told me they'd had a rough day at the center. One of the little two year-olds had a seizure and then several more on the way to the hospital. Please pray for this precious baby.

Then, Shalita called to tell me about a lady in our Community Bible Study group whose 1 year old son pulled a tv down on top of him and he had to be air-lifted to the hospital. He's now out of surgery and the doctors are hopeful but he's not out of the woods yet. So please pray for him also.

Our football game last night was not as much fun as our other game. It was muggy and being near the lake--buggy! It seemed to drag on forever and the girls were not as into it as they were a few weeks ago. Probably my fault because we haven't practiced so we'll be remedying that this week.

The fridge is still working and Jeff picked up the other yesterday but it needs seriously cleaning before I even attempt to plug it in so I'll have to update you on that later. I haven't had time to even think about it. Plus I'm out of bleach and I'm trying to make my last few dollars last until I get paid on Monday.

I'm about to retreat to my bedroom with my ballgame nachos (even though I'm not watching or even listening to the game) and continue to rest up for church tomorrow.

Have a blessed weekend and a good week!

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