Monday, September 15, 2008

I think I'm going to do it...

I've waited long enough. I've put it off long enough. I've made excuses long enough. I've hee-hawed, dilly-dallied, and tooty-footed around back and forth long enough.

I have decided....

I'm going to do it...

It just has to wait a few more days...

And Jeff is not very happy about it...

But I am going to do it!

Can you guess what it is I'm going to do? Huh, huh, can ya, can ya?

Betcha can't!

But maybe you can.

You'll find out soon, I promise!


  1. Ok so why leave us in suspense? Tell us whatcha gonna do.
    I won't be able to guess. I'm too naive & don't know anything (really).

  2. I am with Joscelyn on this one. I have no idea... Please tell us....
