Saturday, June 14, 2008

Vacation Bible School 2008

VBS was this past week and our church did something totally different, as usual. I am so proud of the ways that we stand out in the community. We are not a mega church and not even as big as we once were. But there is something special about it, which I think is why I was led back. And I hear our numbers were pretty good this year despite the fact that three other churches were having VBS the same week. But of course, like our Pastor says, it isn't the numbers that are important. If one child receives Christ because of that week, it is always worth it.

Because I am working this Summer, I didn't get to go. But Brooke did and Kayti was on the drama team as Mary Magdalene:

The theme was Jerusalem Marketplace and it was set up totally different than any other VBS ever done. Instead of dividing the kids by age/grade, they took all the kids and divided them up into the twelve tribes of Benjamin. The kids got to take turns going to the "marketplace" making pottery, weaving, and various other things that people did during Jesus' time on Earth. They all even wore costumes! It was the neatest thing I've ever seen in Children's Ministry. And Brooke, who I thought was getting a little too old for VBS, had an absolute blast. She has been saved now for 3 years but she really enjoyed the "synagogue school" and the animals. On the last day, they had a camel, donkey and other animals that most people owned during the time of Jesus.

And I am so thankful to my friend, Tina for helping me out with transportation this week! Had it not been for her, my kids would not have been able to participate.

This morning, I saw my older two children off on a mission trip! They'll be going to Mississippi, New Orleans, Florida and Georgia helping many people with various projects and spreading the Word of God. I am so proud of both of them and their willingness to go. I have always been very missions oriented and have wanted to "go" myself for a long time. After all, that's what Jesus said to do. "Go." I am proud to be part of not only a church that is very missions minded but a denomination that so values its missionaries and missions projects. I am so thankful that my children have this opportunity and I would really appreciate your prayers for them this week. Pray that the people they will be serving will be touched for eternity and that those serving in turn would be blessed. Pray also for their safety, for their wisdom and discernment and that they would have a great time of fellowship with their friends. I'm told there will be a blog journaling the trip at:

If you'd like to follow along on this adventure, please check it out!

So for the next 8 days, I have an "only" child! Jeff is working today so she and I will be doing major "mission organization" to this house! (Mission Organizaiton is my favorite show. It comes on FLN, a Directv channel but I've no idea what time. I tivo it and watch it when I get home from work!) I LOVE to organize things and detest clutter. But here lately, we are outgrowing our tiny little house so fast that there simply is no where to put everything. Nor do I have the funds for all the neat tools they use on the show so sometimes I have to improvise! And since I've been working, I'm doing good just to get the dishes washed and the laundry done! Stuff is starting to pile up in corners and it is driving me nuts! I know I must be getting old if I am passing up a day at the pool to declutter! Thank God, it's raining anyway--I don't have to feel guilty for feeding my addiction!


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