Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day

to all the wonderful Father's out there!

Last night, Brooke was asking me what we were going to do today. She's thrilled at getting to be an "only" child for a bit! I said, 'well, ya know it's Father's Day tomorrow' and she said oh yes, she had already made something for Daddy. I told her that was great but I wanted to go see Pop sometime tomorrow after church. Then she asked, "What about your other daddy?"

For those of you who don't know, my biological father and mother were divorced when I was two. My mother married again to the man I know as "Dad" when I was 5 and my bio dad was in and out of my life for the next 8 years when he dropped out altogether. I did not see nor hear from him again for 20 years. Then, out of the blue, on my 30th birthday, I got a card from him. He was in Federal prison (he gets out June 26) and long story short, we've been corresponding for the past 8 years. He knows he will never be "Daddy" to me again. But because God is so gracious to forgive me of my sin, I have more or less come to terms with what he did and have forgiven him. A whole lot of issues goin' on there so I'll skip all that and cut to the chase.

I just reminded Brooke that he was still in jail and it'll be a few more weeks (at least) before we see him. She asked if I was going to send a card and I said, no, I hadn't really thought about it because in my mind, he really isn't "dad". I tried to explain to her without sounding bitter or judgmental that he missed 20 years of birthdays, Christmases and countless other holidays and special occasions that I don't think he's going to be all broken up if he doesn't get a card from me on Father's Day. I'm not quite sure she understands. I'm not quite sure I do.

At her insistence and pressuring, Jeff got up this morning and went to church with us. They were having donuts for dads today and she kept telling him he just HAD to come. Reluctantly, he did and wouldn't you know, some careless person made a remark to someone else, "I guess people will come to church for a donut!"


I'm sure the comment was made in jest, not intending to cause harm and probably not even directed at Jeff. But it was definitely thoughtless. To that person (whoever it was), I say, "Who cares?" If it gets people in the doors to hear the Word of God, then we should pass out donuts every week! And for your information, Jeff doesn't even like donuts! He came for his child. And that may not be the right reason to come to church either but I just hope this person realizes that all the work that went into a child getting her dad to come to church was wiped out in that ONE moment! So thanks for that!

Nonetheless, it IS Father's Day and I won't let that steal my joy. I'm glad to have spent some time with my Heavenly Father in worship this morning and now I'm about to go spend some time with my earthly father before I come back home to cook one of my husband's (who is an outstanding father himself) favorite meals.

Blessings for a great week! Remember to pray for Kayti & Dylan this week as they travel and

Happy Father's Day!!!

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