Saturday, June 28, 2008

I need some MAJOR prayers, folks!!!

I shared a little while back about how my bio dad (whom I've not seen in 28 years but have been communicating with for the last 8) would be out of the pen soon.

Well, that day has come. He's out and he's in town. He called last night. I knew this was coming and I asked God to please prepare me and I know He is/will. But I don't "feel" prepared yet. A whole lot of things going on with this situation.

My biggest fear has to do with my mom. She is still extremely angry with him, understandably so and she doesn't understand why I'm not. I try and try to explain to her that I WAS angry for years and years and all that was accomplishing was making ME a hateful, terrible person. I don't want to ever be that person again. I'm bitchy enough (pardon the term but there really IS no other way of putting it!) when I'm "at peace". I don't need the turmoil of hanging onto hate for someone I barely know and I definitely don't want anything to do with vengeance.

I have tried to explain to her that I have no intention of letting him "be dad" again. He's just a friend who may or may not be a part of our lives. Only time will tell. I don't fault my mom for feeling the way she does. I just wish she didn't fault me for NOT feeling that way. And again, it's not like I'm "oh ga ga, my 'daddy' is back, let's go get glued to his side" or anything. I just don't hate him. God has healed that part of me and it's just not possible.

But I won't deny that I DO feel a bit awkward at the thought of "seeing" him again after so long. It was much easier when he was in Kentucky and only writing or calling.

Anyway, I didn't get to chat with him last night because he called while I was on the phone with her (making plans for today, taking Kayti to American Girl to get Ruthie) and I wasn't about to get off the phone with her to talk to him. I told him to call me back in a bit but he didn't. And I'll be out of town today and at church and the pool Sunday so.........

Just please pray for me. Pray that God will show me how to handle this delicate situation. That he will give me wisdom and the words when needed and the peace that comes from knowing He has everything under control.

Talk to you all soon!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

some catchup stuff...

I'll just go ahead and warn ya, I'm not in the best of moods tonight. I don't believe in using pms for an excuse (when they come up with a "syndrome" for men and their moodiness that coincides with football and hunting season, then I'll start buying into the pms crap. Till then, I'll be in any kind of a mood I want to be in whenever I want to be in it and everyone else will just have to deal with it or go away!)

Nonetheless, I feel if I don't get this done, it'll just bug me that I'm behind on yet ONE MORE THING!

First, the kids made it back from their Road Rulz Mission Trip. They had a FABULOUS time. Thank you, Chris and everyone for all the wonderful things you do for our church. Yes, I'm back to calling it "my" church again. And I'm asking where God would have me serve and in what capacity. It's been made quite clear to me that my help is neither wanted nor needed in the areas where God has gifted me. So I'm trusting God is going to get very creative! Thankfully, He allows me to use those gifts elsewhere so I'm very fulfilled. I would just love to give back to my home church for how blessed I am and how blessed my children are. Yes, I'm still getting some dirty looks once in a while and some people are still just downright rude. But God is so good at reminding me to turn my other cheek as I do not live for them, I live for Him. I'll go right on doing my thing, being as gracious as I can be under the circumstances. But my focus is totally on Him. Anyway....

I'm working on a slideshow of all the pictures Kayti took during their trip. I could tell a huge difference in their personalities when they came home. I think it made them a little more grateful for the blessings in their life. Sometimes our life doesn't feel like much. But all in all, God gives us what we need when we need it and even manages to throw in a few wants as well. I've a sneaking suspicion Dylan is considering the mission field??? I think he would be awesome at it. But then again, he'll be awesome at whatever path God has planned for him.

Okay, it's time to remember an answered prayer...

When Dylan was 18 months old, we decided it was a perfect time to grow our family. So we immediately began trying to conceive our second child. Well, it wasn't as easy as it was the first time. Puzzled, my doctor ordered some tests and I will never forget the day he called and said I need to come in so we could discuss some things. My mind immediately began to think the worst. I'm going to die and not only will I not get to have another baby, I won't even get to raise the precious son I already have. I was nearly hysterical when my mother told me not to worry about something until I knew I actually had something to worry about. So I scheduled the appointment for asap and prayed. Please God, just let me live long enough to raise my son. If he's all I'm meant to have, that's fine. He's MORE than enough. I just can't stand the thought of my son growing up without a mommy (maybe that's why I have a heart for orphans, too? )

Of course, my mother was right. There wasn't THAT much to worry about. The reason I could not conceive is because I had severe hypothyroidism and that was causing me not to ovulate. In fact, they weren't even sure how I'd ever gotten pregnant with Dylan in the first place and it probably explained the miscarriage I had prior to him. I immediately started synthroid therapy as well as fertility treatments. It still would take another miscarriage and a few more years before I was finally blessed with another pregnancy. Now, I know this will sound selfish but I actually had the audacity to ask God again to please give me a little girl, since this would probably be my last baby (we were only going to have two, right? Especially since we had to work so hard for the second!) I loved (and still do, of course) my son dearly. But I wanted a little girl so Maw Maw would have someone to sew dresses for and I could buy all those cute hairbows! My family is all girls and we were anxious for another to join the sisterhood!

Well, God proved to me that no request is too big AND that He will even go above and beyond our requests! Not only have I lived to see my son almost grown (sniffle sniffle--I can't believe my babies are growing up so fast! Do I REALLY have to let him drive? lol) but I got my little girl!


And she gets even more beautiful with each passing year! Yesterday, my little blessing turned 12! Okay, God, I didn't ask for you to make them grow up so fast..can you slow the pace a bit, please?


And then God saw fit to surprise us (I mean, bless us!) with Brooke just two years later! Does He go above and beyond sometimes or what?

Yesterday, we had a "preview" celebration of Kayti's birthday by sharing some ice cream cake with our friends at our weekly Tuesday Pool Parties. I LLLOOVVEE my Tuesday pool time! The kids swim with their friends and I get to chat it up with some wonderful ladies!

This weekend, we'll be driving back to the American Girl Store in Alpharetta to eat at the bistro and bring home the latest doll, Ruthie--Kit's friend. Kit is Kayti's absolute favorite American Girl and the movie comes out next week. We are so excited!

I will share our slideshow when I get it finished, as well as a few other tidbits when I'm in better spirits.


Thursday, June 19, 2008

Mission: Organization=Mission Accomplished

Well, almost...I still have to do Dylan's room--he left it a MESS and then I made it worse when I moved the tv's again. And I need to do a deep cleaning now that everything is in its proper place, labeled and neatly put away.

Mission: Organization is my new favorite show. It comes on FLN (Directv subsidiary channel of HGTV) and I've no idea when, I just happen to catch it on one day and fell in love so I tivo'd it. Now I watch in the evenings when I'm home. They have the COOLEST ideas. Of course, I have to add the redneck twist to everything and I'm too cheap to buy a lot of their little gadgets so I make my own or reuse & recycle! lol

I guess the biggest change is that we moved the "home office" OUT of our bedroom and Jeff and I have reclaimed our sanctuary! Now the kids have no excuse to be in there unless they are invited (which of course they will be from time to time). I also moved all of my scrapbooking stuff and photos/keepsakes, etc. from the bedroom closet and it got a new home of its own, too. Now my hours to be crafty are not limited by Jeff's bedtime.

All this made the kitchen a little more crowded. But that room was always crowded anyway, no matter what. I honestly don't feel like I've lost any "space" in here and it now doubles as an environment conducive to learning and lots of other things besides just gorging on junk.

The extra space in the bedroom made room for the rocker to be moved back in there and that left space in the living room for the "music area" to be reclaimed. My friend, Donna has a "music room" in her house and I'm so jealous! All I can fit in my little area is the piano and Kayti's violin and music stand. Dylan's drums (poor guy) must stay in the garage/playroom/laundry room/storage area/exercise room/woodworking room/gardening center! (Oh yeah, that room is DEFINITELY multi-use and it got a major overhaul as well!)

Okay, so you guys knew I was anal! And when your space is limited, you have to be even more so! Give me a break. It's actually been my saving grace this week. It was a challenging week for me at work! I don't know if it's me (probably is) or the kids in my class (maybe it's a little them?) but they've been super hyper this week! I got ANOTHER new student (that makes 17 on roll for me now! Thank you, LORD that they don't all come at once but most days I DO average about 12-13). He did fine the first day but Tuesday and yesterday, he had MAJOR adjustment issues. It started with him getting hurt on the playground first thing Tuesday morning. He fell from the monkey bars (which all my other three's know they are not to get on and they hate it, too!) He did two rungs and as I was getting up to go get him off, he fell! On his arm! Ugh! Bless him. Thank goodness, nothing was broken but after that, I guess he'd decided he'd had enough "school". He would not cooperate for anything. Fortunately, his older sister also stays there and she came up and spent the day with us helping him.

Then, later that day, as I was getting lunch ready, one of my other little ones (and one of my faves to boot) snuck up behind me. I backed up away from the counter to put some applesauce down in someone's spot and tripped over him, knocked him to the floor, fell on my laurels and cracked my head on the table! I didn't know what I'd tripped over and when I saw him lying there on the floor, I thought I'd killed him! I swear I did! I screamed, "Drew!" and that scared him and he burst out crying. Meanwhile my head is throbbing, I'm looking him over to find what was broken on him, applesauce is all over the place (including both of us). I hate to wish the days away since they are supposed to be blessings from God but I was surely glad when that one was over! I've never been more thankful to make it to Donna's pool party! The back of my head is a little sore and thankfully, Drew is okay as well. Okay, I try not to pick faves in my class and believe me when I say I really DO love them all and I try extra hard to love the ones that are just not easily lovable because they are that way because of so much turmoil going on in their little lives, which is so sad. But this kid reminds me of my precious son. Almost every day, he wears his cowboy boots! Dylan wore his (along with his hat, badge and gunbelt) for nearly a year when he was that age. So naturally, this kid has my heart. Sue me.

Kayti & Dylan are still on mission trip but I've talked to Kayti a lot. She is having the best time! Last night, Brooke went to spend the night at Deb's (grandmother) so Jeff and I got a very rare date night. We decided we had to try out Cajun Steamer and it was WONDERFUL!!! And not all that pricey either. At least not like I expected, especially for just the two of us. After filling up on stuffed shrimp, he decides he wants to try Cold Stone Creamery also. So we go but there is a line and looking at what all they had, I'm sorry, I was not that impressed. I would much rather have a Moolatte from DQ so that is what we did!

We're alone again tonight (Jeff is grilling me a steak as I type)--Brooke is spending the night with Lauren. But she'll have most of her friends over tomorrow night for her "slumber" party and then she and Hannah try out for dance team Saturday. Dylan and Kayti get back late Saturday night and my week of a semi-clean house will be over. At least I know now who makes most of the messes! And that will be my next mission!


Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day

to all the wonderful Father's out there!

Last night, Brooke was asking me what we were going to do today. She's thrilled at getting to be an "only" child for a bit! I said, 'well, ya know it's Father's Day tomorrow' and she said oh yes, she had already made something for Daddy. I told her that was great but I wanted to go see Pop sometime tomorrow after church. Then she asked, "What about your other daddy?"

For those of you who don't know, my biological father and mother were divorced when I was two. My mother married again to the man I know as "Dad" when I was 5 and my bio dad was in and out of my life for the next 8 years when he dropped out altogether. I did not see nor hear from him again for 20 years. Then, out of the blue, on my 30th birthday, I got a card from him. He was in Federal prison (he gets out June 26) and long story short, we've been corresponding for the past 8 years. He knows he will never be "Daddy" to me again. But because God is so gracious to forgive me of my sin, I have more or less come to terms with what he did and have forgiven him. A whole lot of issues goin' on there so I'll skip all that and cut to the chase.

I just reminded Brooke that he was still in jail and it'll be a few more weeks (at least) before we see him. She asked if I was going to send a card and I said, no, I hadn't really thought about it because in my mind, he really isn't "dad". I tried to explain to her without sounding bitter or judgmental that he missed 20 years of birthdays, Christmases and countless other holidays and special occasions that I don't think he's going to be all broken up if he doesn't get a card from me on Father's Day. I'm not quite sure she understands. I'm not quite sure I do.

At her insistence and pressuring, Jeff got up this morning and went to church with us. They were having donuts for dads today and she kept telling him he just HAD to come. Reluctantly, he did and wouldn't you know, some careless person made a remark to someone else, "I guess people will come to church for a donut!"


I'm sure the comment was made in jest, not intending to cause harm and probably not even directed at Jeff. But it was definitely thoughtless. To that person (whoever it was), I say, "Who cares?" If it gets people in the doors to hear the Word of God, then we should pass out donuts every week! And for your information, Jeff doesn't even like donuts! He came for his child. And that may not be the right reason to come to church either but I just hope this person realizes that all the work that went into a child getting her dad to come to church was wiped out in that ONE moment! So thanks for that!

Nonetheless, it IS Father's Day and I won't let that steal my joy. I'm glad to have spent some time with my Heavenly Father in worship this morning and now I'm about to go spend some time with my earthly father before I come back home to cook one of my husband's (who is an outstanding father himself) favorite meals.

Blessings for a great week! Remember to pray for Kayti & Dylan this week as they travel and

Happy Father's Day!!!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Vacation Bible School 2008

VBS was this past week and our church did something totally different, as usual. I am so proud of the ways that we stand out in the community. We are not a mega church and not even as big as we once were. But there is something special about it, which I think is why I was led back. And I hear our numbers were pretty good this year despite the fact that three other churches were having VBS the same week. But of course, like our Pastor says, it isn't the numbers that are important. If one child receives Christ because of that week, it is always worth it.

Because I am working this Summer, I didn't get to go. But Brooke did and Kayti was on the drama team as Mary Magdalene:

The theme was Jerusalem Marketplace and it was set up totally different than any other VBS ever done. Instead of dividing the kids by age/grade, they took all the kids and divided them up into the twelve tribes of Benjamin. The kids got to take turns going to the "marketplace" making pottery, weaving, and various other things that people did during Jesus' time on Earth. They all even wore costumes! It was the neatest thing I've ever seen in Children's Ministry. And Brooke, who I thought was getting a little too old for VBS, had an absolute blast. She has been saved now for 3 years but she really enjoyed the "synagogue school" and the animals. On the last day, they had a camel, donkey and other animals that most people owned during the time of Jesus.

And I am so thankful to my friend, Tina for helping me out with transportation this week! Had it not been for her, my kids would not have been able to participate.

This morning, I saw my older two children off on a mission trip! They'll be going to Mississippi, New Orleans, Florida and Georgia helping many people with various projects and spreading the Word of God. I am so proud of both of them and their willingness to go. I have always been very missions oriented and have wanted to "go" myself for a long time. After all, that's what Jesus said to do. "Go." I am proud to be part of not only a church that is very missions minded but a denomination that so values its missionaries and missions projects. I am so thankful that my children have this opportunity and I would really appreciate your prayers for them this week. Pray that the people they will be serving will be touched for eternity and that those serving in turn would be blessed. Pray also for their safety, for their wisdom and discernment and that they would have a great time of fellowship with their friends. I'm told there will be a blog journaling the trip at:

If you'd like to follow along on this adventure, please check it out!

So for the next 8 days, I have an "only" child! Jeff is working today so she and I will be doing major "mission organization" to this house! (Mission Organizaiton is my favorite show. It comes on FLN, a Directv channel but I've no idea what time. I tivo it and watch it when I get home from work!) I LOVE to organize things and detest clutter. But here lately, we are outgrowing our tiny little house so fast that there simply is no where to put everything. Nor do I have the funds for all the neat tools they use on the show so sometimes I have to improvise! And since I've been working, I'm doing good just to get the dishes washed and the laundry done! Stuff is starting to pile up in corners and it is driving me nuts! I know I must be getting old if I am passing up a day at the pool to declutter! Thank God, it's raining anyway--I don't have to feel guilty for feeding my addiction!


Monday, June 9, 2008

Spring Valley Beach and other news...

I don't even know how to start this blog...should I begin with how impressed I am with our new Children's Pastor and all the awesome events he plans for the kids and families? Or should I start out talking about how special SVB I grew up going there, how much it's changed and what a good time we STILL have.

Oh well. Yesterday, to kick off VBS week, all the children and their families were invited to spend Sunday afternoon after church at Spring Valley Beach. Lunch was provided, all we had to do was basically show up! Thank you so much, Pastor Craig! We had an awesome time and we're so glad you're here!

I love Spring Valley Beach. Like I said, I grew up going there. Of course, when I was a kid, it was nothing more than a hole in the ground! I don't know how my parents ever found out about it--we're not from Blount County. But I do know it's been around for years and years. It used to be called Burgess Lake. When I was I kid, we called it Alan's Lake. I think I was around 10 when the name changed to Spring Valley Beach. But although it was cemented, it was all lake water and had a sandy bottom with a few slides in the middle. There was red sand on the bank, a swingset stuck here and there, a few fishing ponds, a snackbar, picnic tables and grills. There were even fish in the swimming pool! People weren't so snooty and picky about where they swam back then, or what they swam in. It was mostly rednecks in cutoff shorts. I can remember even camping out there one night. Although camping wasn't advertised, we'd been there all day and planned to come back again the next day. So my dad and uncle asked the owner if we could just stay and he agreed. We slept in the back of the pickup truck!

I think I was about 12 when they added the first waterslides--the concrete ones. They were "dangerous" even back then but no one wore helmets. I remember riding doubles with my friend and coming out of the side and rolling down the hill. All the teenage boys used to make trains and use their mats to stop the flow of water so that it would be extremely slippery! They added the slide to the left of the concrete slides after I grew up sometime and only recently have they added the sidewinder and clorinated the main swimming pool, replacing all those slides. Then last year, they added a huge covered pavillion, more restrooms and yet another set of slides. All they need now is a lazy river and a wave pool and no one would ever need (or want) to go to Visionland! Especially since SVB lets you bring your own food!

Of course, with all the improvements that have been made over the years, the price has naturally increased. I can't get over that--$19 for a one-day pass. Hmmm....

Still, we had a great day:

In other "Quick" news....ha ha ha

I started my new job at Leeds First Baptist. I have the three's again. I have really missed being in a classroom and although there are SO many of them some days and some days, I could pull my hair out, they are all cute as buttons!

And the hours are great because I still get home in time to spend some time with my own doing some really fun things. We have been swimming at Mrs. Donna's, swimming at Zamora, going to the library, and last week we started our new Art Co-op.

It has also already developed into something for the Fall. I will be a resource teacher and have a "Discovery Room" a few days a week. All the kids in all the classes will come to my room and we'll do various activities--Science experiments, major Art projects, music & movement, etc. I am so excited!

As the Summer is slowly melting away, I seem to get busier and busier. I've got to get a handle on everything before it all gets away from me. It'll be time to start "school" again before we know it and it gets closer and closer to Mia's wedding every day! I still have a shower to plan, trips to pack for, things to make, things to pay for (that's the one that's stressing me out the most!) aye yi yi!

Guess I better get off this computer and get started, huh?


Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Libby Lu!!!

Brooke decided that instead of getting an expensive present this year, she REALLY wanted to have a Libby Lu party. So she invited three of her bff's and her sister and we went to get "made over". They had a blast!

This is them getting fixed up:

Here they are "shopping for their goodies":



Performing for the shoppers...


Goofing off in the store...


The little starlets...


Back home, enjoying cookie cake...


That Mommy customized just for Hannah Montana's number one, two, three, four and five fans (in no particular order!)...


Later on that evening, she came into my room with a gift for ME!!!


How is it that some days you want to wring their necks and then in just one unexpected moment, they melt your heart?
