Monday, January 8, 2018

One minor miracle

Since surgery to remove my tumor June 18, 2015 (I'll never forget that day), I have been unable to hear in my left ear.

Originally I was told it was nerve endings struggling to find each other again and eventually it would work itself out. It didn't.

I went on and completed 33 rounds of radiation to my head and neck and that, my friends, was pure HELL. But I finished it and since all my scans have come back clean.

Yet, I have still been unable to hear for two years. Of course, I addressed the issues with all of my doctors who all had various bits of advice. Most agreed that it was probably ear wax and that I needed to use peroxide or debrox and the wax would eventually work itself out. I kept telling them if it was ear wax, that stuff has been cooked into my head and it's not going anywhere. Of course they laughed.

Once a few months ago, while at church, my ear popped. Suddenly I could hear EVERYTHING so loudly! But it didn't stay that way. That's when I knew there had to be something obstructing my hearing and that it wasn't actually nerve damage after all.

At my last scan, I finally got my oncologist to refer me to an ENT. Turns out, he is in the same office with the otolaryngologist that performed my originally surgery.

They didn't want to see me until I had an MRI and a hearing test first, which I thought was stupid since I pretty much knew what the problem was. But I went along with it. The hearing test revealed that I did have some hearing loss (duh).

Finally, I got to see the doctor and guess what he discovered--hardened, impacted, COOKED ear wax that was stuck up against my eardrum preventing me from hearing!

I know I had to have rolled my eyes at him--that's what I'd been telling everyone THE ENTIRE TIME!!! It may be "just ear wax" but it's been radiated and it will not come out.

I don't know why doctors don't believe what their patients are telling them. I kept getting told "that doesn't happen". Well, guess what? It DOES happen!

Fortunately, I did not have to have actual surgery. He was able to get in there with some tools and cut it out. That hurt!!! But once he was done--I cannot tell you what it felt like!

I can hear everything now! And everything seems so loud! I know I will get used to it and I am grateful. I have a whole new respect for the hearing impaired.

It amazes me how God uses things in my life that I go through to teach me so much! Two years of struggling with various cancer-related issues have taught me so much. But the most important thing it has taught me was that I am so much stronger than I ever thought I was. People and things keep trying to break me but they can't. I am fearfully and wonderfully made in my strong spirit and resilience. I always bounce. I am blessed and good things are always coming to me!

Praying good things are coming to you also!

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