Dear Mom and Dad,
I probably don't tell you enough, in fact I'm sure I don't. But I love you both SO much! I could not ask for better parents. You both always put us first and it always costed you so much. Not just in money but in emotions and mental stability. I know that now more than ever as my own kids have been born and grown up.
I know at times you were disappointed in me and that hurt my heart. But I always knew that you loved me. You are not religious people but through your unconditional love, I came to know and understand the love the our Heavenly Father has for His children because the way you raised us and continue to love us is a shining example of how He always loves us no matter what. Sometimes we face consequences for the decisions and choices we make but nothing can take away the love.
Thank you for giving us great memories and happy childhoods. Things weren't always perfect. We didn't always have the best of everything. But you made experiences and memories your priority over houses, cars, clothes and toys and that is something I will always treasure and tried to replicate with my own kids.
Thank you for being amazing grandparents. I'm so glad the bigs and the littles have such a close relationship with you. I remember when Dylan got his first cell phone at the age of 14 and the first person he called with it was you, Mom! I love how their eyes all light up whenever we mention "Deb" or "Pop".
Thank you for instilling in me determination. Determination to be a good parent even when I've messed up. Determination to finish college. Determination to turn my life around after I made a mess of it. Determination to have a strong faith and to always finish what I start.
Thank you for raising me to keep an open mind and always see the other side of things like politics. It used to bother me that I never feel strongly conservative or liberal (who came up with those labels anyway?) but to use common sense and to put myself in other peoples' shoes.
Thank you, Mom for giving me a strong sense of what a true feminist is--someone who wants the best for BOTH men and women and for helping me to see that other women are not my competition nor am I theirs.
Thank you, Dad for showing me that regardless of how old a person gets, he/she can change their mind and learn to love someone very different.
Thank you both for knowing that love is color blind and for rarely judging anyone at all but when we do, we judge not by a person's appearance but by their character.
Thank you for opening your home to so many and for making me want to do the same. And for giving me the courage to do it when the opportunity arises, even when everyone else thinks its asinine.
In short, thank you for being the center of our entire family. Thank you for being you and for being my mom and dad!
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